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Puck Magazine Covers

Puck was the first successful U.S. humor and colorful cartoons magazine, caricatures and political satire published from 1871 and 1918Created by: PICRYL - Public Domain Media Search EngineDated: 1872
Puck was founded by Austrian-born cartoonist Joseph Keppler and his partners as a German-language publication in 1876. Puck’s first English-language edition in 1877. The magazine name came from Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream: “What fools these mortals be!”
Puck used lithography instead of wood engraving and offered three cartoons vs. one of competitors. The cartoons were initially printed in black and white, but soon it changed into full, eye-catching color. Within a few years, Judge supplanted Puck as the leading humor magazine.
740 Media in collectionpage 1 of 8
She is getting too feeble to hold them / J.S. Pughe.

She is getting too feeble to hold them / J.S. Pughe.

Print shows an elderly woman labeled "Spain", possibly María Cristina, Queen Regent, struggling to maintain control of two diminutive figures, one labeled "Cuba", armed with a gun and sword, and the other label... More

The hoaxer hoaxed / J.A. Wales. - Public domain  engraving

The hoaxer hoaxed / J.A. Wales. - Public domain engraving

Print shows New York Herald editor James Gordon Bennett, holding a shotgun and carrying a bag labeled "Game Bag for Sensations J.G. Bennett", standing next to a scarecrow labeled "$500.00 Herald Cheque" and "Th... More

The only Democratic presidential candidate who stands a chance of election in 1884 / F. Opper.

The only Democratic presidential candidate who stands a chance of elec...

Illustration shows a man with hooks for hands and with labeles over his ears and mouth that state "Deaf" and "Dumb", hanging from one hook is a paper that states "Elected". Drowning in paper in the background a... More

The death-watch - the execution postponed / F. Opper.

The death-watch - the execution postponed / F. Opper.

Print shows a woman labeled "Republican Party" in the "Condemned Cell" labeled "To Be Executed Nov. 6th 1883" of a jail, with Charles A. Dana labeled "Jailor" and Henry Watterson labeled "Turnkey"; Watterson lo... More

Coming to the wrong shop / F. Opper.

Coming to the wrong shop / F. Opper.

Illustration shows the Rev. Dr. Howard Crosby holding a paper that states "Petition for the Reduction of the Grog Shops in New York --Dr. Crosby"; he is standing in the "Council-Chamber of the New York Board of... More

The Irish declaration of independence that we are all familiar with / F. Opper.

The Irish declaration of independence that we are all familiar with / ...

Illustration shows a scene in a kitchen with a petite woman imploring her muscular Irish cook to continue in her duties; the cook shakes her fist in defiance. Illus. from Puck, v. 13, no. 322, (1883 May 9), co... More

In his second childhood / F. Graetz.

In his second childhood / F. Graetz.

Illustration shows "Germania" and "Columbia" holding hands above and behind a child-like Otto von Bismarck who is tearing papers labeled "Lasker Resolution" while sitting on the floor among other torn papers la... More

The dynamiter's false friends / F. Opper.

The dynamiter's false friends / F. Opper.

Illustration shows newspaper editors Whitelaw Reid and Murat Halstead trying to distance themselves from Jeremiah O'Donovan Rossa holding newspaper headlines that indicate their earlier support. Caption: They ... More

Grand triumph of brains over "boodle"! / Gillam.

Grand triumph of brains over "boodle"! / Gillam.

Illustration shows gladiator William M. Evarts standing over fallen and wounded gladiator Levi P. Morton, coins spill from a gash in his left side, earning Evarts a wreath of "Popular Approval". Illus. from Pu... More

The issue / Gillam. - Public domain  engraving

The issue / Gillam. - Public domain engraving

Illustration shows John Kelly holding a shillelagh in one hand and a rope tied to an injured tiger labeled "Tammany" with bandages labeled "1880, 1882, [and] 1884" in the other, standing outside the "White Hous... More

Drowned in the flood / F. Opper.

Drowned in the flood / F. Opper.

Print shows Roswell P. Flower kneeling over the drowned body of a young girl labeled "Presidential Hopes"; in the background, a figure labeled "Maynard" appears to be half-buried and stuck in the mud in the aft... More

Puck xmas number 1894 / F.M. Hutchins.

Puck xmas number 1894 / F.M. Hutchins.

Print shows two young women ice skating and towing a sleigh in which Puck is riding, holding a Christmas tree. Illus. from Puck, v. 36, no. 926, (1894 December 5), cover. Copyright 1894 by Keppler & Schwarzmann.

Puck magazine cover - John Bull's dilemma / Dalrymple.

Puck magazine cover - John Bull's dilemma / Dalrymple.

Print shows John Bull sitting on a rock facing a dilemma; across a narrow body of water is a man holding a sword labeled "Kurd Atrocities" and a handgun, about to strike a kneeling woman labeled "Armenia". John... More

Uncle Sam's summer girl for '95 / Dalrymple.

Uncle Sam's summer girl for '95 / Dalrymple.

Print shows Uncle Sam flirting with a young woman labeled "The New Tariff"; she is holding a bouquet of flowers tied with ribbons labeled "Prosperity and Good Times" and "Increased Wages". An elderly woman labe... More

A result of the system / J.S. Pughe.

A result of the system / J.S. Pughe.

Print shows a devil wearing a business suit, holding a fire brand labeled "Arson" in one hand and hanging from the other is a large knife labeled "Murder"; he is accepting a payment for $10,000 from a hand labe... More

Make a complete job of it, this time! / C.J. Taylor.

Make a complete job of it, this time! / C.J. Taylor.

Print shows three men labeled "Dr. Schurz" holding a large carving knife and sharpening tool, "Dr. Grace", and "Dr. Parkhurst" holding a saw, examining a sick tiger labeled "Tammany"; a medicine case in the for... More

Bryan is the ablest worker for sound money / F. Opper.

Bryan is the ablest worker for sound money / F. Opper.

Print shows William Jennings Bryan standing on one side of a scale, cranking out speeches labeled "Wind, Weak Speech, Cheap Oratory, Boy Talk, Silly Speech, Free Silver Sophistry, Dangerous Propositions, Mercen... More

Three happy old friends - hurrah for the thousandth number! / Keppler.

Three happy old friends - hurrah for the thousandth number! / Keppler.

Print shows Puck dancing with two elderly women labeled "Republican Party" and "Democratic Party". Illus. from Puck, v. 39, no. 1000, (1896 May 6), cover. Copyright 1896 by Keppler & Schwarzmann.

The true agent of prosperity / Dalrymple.

The true agent of prosperity / Dalrymple.

Print shows a farmer holding a large sheaf of wheat labeled "Enormous Wheat Crop of 1897", representing the bounty of Nature, with other farmers harvesting grains in the background. Illus. from Puck, v. 41, no... More

Puck magazine cover - Better than Klondike! / Dalrymple.

Puck magazine cover - Better than Klondike! / Dalrymple.

Print shows a bloated man labeled "Trusts" holding a gold mining pan with large gold nuggets, sitting by a stream labeled "Dingley Tariff" that flows from the U.S. Capitol building. Illus. from Puck, v. 42, no... More

Caricature, Another delay / C.J. Taylor., public domain cartoon image

Caricature, Another delay / C.J. Taylor., public domain cartoon image

Print shows President McKinley addressing an audience from a stage in a theater; behind the curtain, an overturned hat labeled "Aldrich" lies on the stage next to a man holding papers labeled "Committee on Fina... More

Unpleasant plight of the "advance agent of prosperity" / Dalrymple.

Unpleasant plight of the "advance agent of prosperity" / Dalrymple.

Print shows President McKinley riding on the back of a large tortise labeled "Congress", its body bound with ribbons labeled "Demands of Populists", "Concessions", "Demands, East, West, North, and South", "Dema... More

Puck magazine cover - Puck to Victoria, R. / Dalrymple.

Puck magazine cover - Puck to Victoria, R. / Dalrymple.

Print shows Puck bowing and handing a bouquet of flowers labeled "1837 1897" to Queen Victoria, who is sitting on a throne, holding a scepter, and leaning forward to accept the flowers. Includes a few lines of ... More

Singed paws / Dalrymple. - Drawing. Public domain image.

Singed paws / Dalrymple. - Drawing. Public domain image.

Print shows Benjamin F. Tracy as a cat who got his paws burned on a hot stove labeled "Mayoralty Campaign 1897" on which food labeled "Budget of Greater New York 70,000,000 Dollars" is cooking. Thomas C. Platt ... More

The three "grand old men" / Dalrymple.

The three "grand old men" / Dalrymple.

Print shows Pope Leo XIII sitting between bust sculptures of William E. Gladstone labeled "Gladstone, the Great Commoner, 1809-1898" and Otto von Bismarck labeled "Bismarck, The Man of Blood and Iron, 1815-1898... More

The song of freedom / Keppler. - Drawing. Public domain image.

The song of freedom / Keppler. - Drawing. Public domain image.

Print shows Cuban General Máximo Gómez sitting on a horse, listening to an eagle perched on the U.S. Capitol building singing "the song of freedom". Caption: "I think I hear a little bird, who sings 'The peopl... More

A hint to the fifty-sixth Congress / Keppler.

A hint to the fifty-sixth Congress / Keppler.

Print shows a gladiator labeled "Sound Money", holding a sword labeled "Currency Reform", standing over a fallen gladiator labeled "Free Silver" who appeals to the crowd for mercy, but instead receives the thum... More

A poor marksman and a poor gun / J.S. Pughe.

A poor marksman and a poor gun / J.S. Pughe.

Print shows a man labeled "Dingley" holding a smoking blunderbuss labeled "High Protective Tariff", standing over a dead sheep labeled "Wool Industries"; he was aiming at a wolf labeled "Foreign Products" that ... More

A crying need - a law to suppress the shyster / Dalrymple.

A crying need - a law to suppress the shyster / Dalrymple.

Print shows a lawyer taking papers that state "Fake Lawsuit for Damages" from a bag labeled "A Shyster" in a courtroom; as he turns toward the bench, he sees the judge point to a paper hanging from the bench th... More

Puck magazine cover - Puck pays his compliments / Keppler.

Puck magazine cover - Puck pays his compliments / Keppler.

Print shows Puck bowing to Theodore Roosevelt who is sitting in a chair at a desk with a bust of George Washington on it, as well as papers labeled "Canal Investigation, Civil Service Reform, National Guard, [a... More

Puck magazine cover - The lynching problem / Dalrymple.

Puck magazine cover - The lynching problem / Dalrymple.

Print shows a southern vigilante holding a rope with a noose and a "Sheriff" holding a paper that states "2000 dollars must be paid by the county, for each lynching. Law of South Carolina". An African American ... More

Puck magazine cover - The modern King Canute / Dalrymple.

Puck magazine cover - The modern King Canute / Dalrymple.

Print shows South African President Paul Kruger labeled "Dom Paul" sitting in a throne labeled "Transvaal Republic" on the seashore and is about to be swamped by a large wave labeled "Industrial Progress"; he a... More

Caricature, A good beginning / Keppler., public domain cartoon image

Caricature, A good beginning / Keppler., public domain cartoon image

Print shows Justice sitting, blindfolded and holding her scales at her side, with the Eiffel Tower in the background; standing at her feet is Puck holding a list of names that includes "Esterhazy, Paty de Clam,... More

In Georgia / O'Neill Latham. - Drawing. Public domain image.

In Georgia / O'Neill Latham. - Drawing. Public domain image.

Illustration showing an African American family on a small farm, in the background, a group of men, carrying rifles and a length of rope, are heading into a wooded area. Caption: Pete Am dis much bettah dan d... More

A first-class lie / Frank A. Nankivell '99.

A first-class lie / Frank A. Nankivell '99.

Illustration shows two upper class men talking in the street in London, a coach labeled "Picadilly Circus" is waiting in the background. Caption: Englishman You have some pretty high buildings in Chicago, hav... More

Ready! / Louis Dalrymple. - Public domain  engraving

Ready! / Louis Dalrymple. - Public domain engraving

Illustration shows Uncle Sam standing with a chip on his shoulder labeled "Championship" and clutching to his chest the "America's Cup"; a small yacht is at his feet, in the foreground, with a list of the years... More

Puck magazine cover - The distracted hen / J.S. Pughe.

Puck magazine cover - The distracted hen / J.S. Pughe.

Illustration showing Thomas C. Platt as a chicken labeled "Republican Party" cackling at a duck labeled "Expansion" swimming in a pond labeled "Free Trade." Caption: No use cackling - ducks will swim. Illus. i... More

His first war-hero / Keppler. - Public domain photograph

His first war-hero / Keppler. - Public domain photograph

Illustration shows the German Emperor Wilhelm II holding the strings to a wooden jumping toy identified as "v. Waldersee," field marshal in China, who is wearing a military uniform, decorated with many medals, ... More

Caricature, A late version / Dalrymple., public domain cartoon image

Caricature, A late version / Dalrymple., public domain cartoon image

Illustration shows William Jennings Bryan playing a drum labeled "Populism" while standing on a hatch labeled "Chicago Platform" on a ship that is going up in flames and billowing clouds of dark smoke labeled "... More

Caricature, The canal situation / K., public domain cartoon image

Caricature, The canal situation / K., public domain cartoon image

Illustration shows Uncle Sam with paint brush and John Bull, holding a bucket of "Mutual Interest Paint", are posting a notice that states: "Nicaragua Canal Treaty 'Supersedes Clayton-Bulwer' 'Neutrality Guaran... More

In re Sampson vs. Morgan / Keppler.

In re Sampson vs. Morgan / Keppler.

Illustration shows an oversized Abraham Lincoln, holding an ax, addressing a diminutive Rear Admiral William T. Sampson regarding the case of Gunner Charles Morgan's efforts toward advancement in rank in the U.... More

Going through the rapids / Frank A. Nankivell 1901.

Going through the rapids / Frank A. Nankivell 1901.

Illustration shows a young man asking his girlfriend's father for her hand in marriage. Caption: Cholly Mr. Jones, I want your daughter; - our mutual love is as strong and tumultuous as the rapids of Niagara.... More

Labor's idea of elevating itself / J.S. Pughe.

Labor's idea of elevating itself / J.S. Pughe.

Illustration shows a man labeled "Labor" sitting on a huge firecracker labeled "Capital" which he is igniting with a torch labeled "Strikes" giving off fumes labeled "Discontent" as he puts the flame to a fuse ... More

Caricature, Beyond his reach / J.S. Pughe., public domain cartoon image

Caricature, Beyond his reach / J.S. Pughe., public domain cartoon imag...

Illustration shows Timothy L. Woodruff chained from behind to rocks labeled "Petty Ward Politics, Dadyism, [and] Guden Job" making it impossible for him to reach a bunch of grapes on a vine labeled "United Stat... More

Caricature, Viewed from Elysium / Keppler., public domain cartoon image

Caricature, Viewed from Elysium / Keppler., public domain cartoon imag...

Illustration shows Thomas Jefferson, laughing, sitting on a bench, holding papers that state "Dem. Doctrine, 1901 'We oppose, with Jefferson, the conspiracy of National Expansion'" and "New York State platform ... More

Caricature, Shifting their camp / Ehrhart., public domain cartoon image

Caricature, Shifting their camp / Ehrhart., public domain cartoon imag...

Illustration shows a young woman accompanied by an elderly matron as they depart the summer resort for the return trip to the city for the winter social season. Includes brief verse by A.H.F. describing the sce... More

Caricature, "Sacre bleu!" / J.S. Pughe., public domain cartoon image

Caricature, "Sacre bleu!" / J.S. Pughe., public domain cartoon image

Illustration shows a Frenchman standing outside the U.S. Treasury building, he is holding in one hand a newspaper that states "Colombia Rejects Canal Treaty" and in the other hand a paper labeled "40,000,000 fo... More

Caricature, Well guarded / Keppler., public domain cartoon image

Caricature, Well guarded / Keppler., public domain cartoon image

Illustration shows a bulldog wearing black tie and formal naval dress sitting on the shore with the America's Cup behind him; a yacht labeled "Shamrock III" sails just offshore. Illus. in: Puck, v. 53, no. 136... More

Bubbles / Kep. - Public domain  engraving

Bubbles / Kep. - Public domain engraving

Illustration shows the Russian bear blowing soap bubbles labeled "Promises" through a meerschaum pipe with a Chinese face, using liquid from a bowl labeled "Manchurian soft soap". Illus. in: Puck, v. 54, no. 1... More

The modern sword of Damocles / Keppler.

The modern sword of Damocles / Keppler.

Illustration shows Damocles, frightened, wearing a crown labeled "Industry", standing beneath a large sword labeled "Coal Strikes" hanging by a single thread. The cartoonist suggests that the modern day "Sword ... More

Puck magazine cover - Puck Christmas 1903 / L.M. Glackens.

Puck magazine cover - Puck Christmas 1903 / L.M. Glackens.

Illustration shows a scene in a dining room where a man is sitting at a table eating, a woman has opened a door and three men stand in the doorway, singing Christmas carols. Illus. in: Puck, v. 54, no. 1396 (1... More

Caricature, Out of reach / J.S.P., public domain cartoon image

Caricature, Out of reach / J.S.P., public domain cartoon image

Illustration shows William Jennings Bryan sitting on a donkey on the "Democratic Merry-Go-Round"; he is holding up a yellow, diminutive William Randolph Hearst who has a small sword labeled with dollar signs ($... More

The fair trade minute men / Keppler.

The fair trade minute men / Keppler.

Illustration shows Sereno E. Payne in the role of British Major John Pitcairn, commander of an occupying troop of British soldiers in Massachusetts in 1775, standing before a group of Patriots under the banner ... More

The curtain is up! / Willard Van O ; painted by W.A. Van Ornum.

The curtain is up! / Willard Van O ; painted by W.A. Van Ornum.

Illustration shows a busy street scene in a city with numerous electric signs advertising cafes, theaters, restaurants, and cigarettes; also shows pedestrians on the sidewalks and automobiles on the street. Il... More

New York's St. Patrick / F. Opper.

New York's St. Patrick / F. Opper.

Print shows Mayor William L. Strong as St. Patrick standing outside "N.Y. City Hall", holding a long crosier labeled "Power to Remove", driving away snakes and frogs labeled "Tammany Office-Holder, Tammany Heel... More

Boxer Rebellion. The first duty / Keppler., China

Boxer Rebellion. The first duty / Keppler., China

Illustration shows a female figure as "Civilization" wearing a breastplate and helmet, and holding a spear, standing before a benign Chinese emperor, while in the background, a dragon labeled "Boxer" with billo... More

The next candidate for statehood / O'Neill.

The next candidate for statehood / O'Neill.

Illustration shows Columbia handing a dress labeled "Statehood" to a young woman labeled "New Mexico." Illus. in: Puck, v. 50, no. 1294 (1901 December 18), cover. Copyright 1901 by Keppler & Schwarzmann.

The feuds of the dudes / F. Opper.

The feuds of the dudes / F. Opper.

Illustration shows two dandies walking with their bodyguards who are large, muscular men carrying boxing gloves, one wears a "Champion Belt". Caption: Let them hire "sluggers" to protect them. Illus. from Puck... More

Caricature, The same old boom / F. Graetz., public domain cartoon image

Caricature, The same old boom / F. Graetz., public domain cartoon imag...

Illustration shows Charles A. Dana blowing a large bubble that shows the face of Samuel J. Tilden; Dana is using "Sun Soap", "Iroquois Club Suds", and a pipe labeled with a "$"; in the background, the sun is vi... More

A tail they can't twist / Gillam.

A tail they can't twist / Gillam.

Print shows Samuel S. Cox, Abram S. Hewitt, and William E. Robinson (waving a paper that states "The demands of 20,000,000 Irish-Americans") pulling on the tail of the British Lion who is resting its front paws... More

Blaine's letter of acceptance / F. Opper.

Blaine's letter of acceptance / F. Opper.

Illustration shows James G. Blaine, startled, looking out a window in a building labeled "Star-Routers' Head-Quarters", watching as Puck, standing on a ladder labeled "Public Approval", nails a letter labeled "... More

How do they like it themselves? / Gillam.

How do they like it themselves? / Gillam.

Illustration shows Jeremiah O'Donovan Rossa and Johann J. Most shocked by sudden attempts of violence against them. At their feet are headlines from the "United Irishmen" and "Freiheit" that state "Sacrifice Wo... More

The old fox nailed up at last / F. Opper.

The old fox nailed up at last / F. Opper.

Illustration shows former Confederate general Fitzhugh Lee standing next to the fox hide labeled "The Old Virginia Fox, Mahone" that he has nailed to a door; behind the door is a saddle labeled "The Treason-Sta... More

Good men on a bad platform / Zimmerman.

Good men on a bad platform / Zimmerman.

Illustration shows three men labeled "Wadsworth, Davenport, [and] Genl. Carr" hanging onto each other, standing on "The One Solid Plank" labeled "Financial & Civil-Service-Reform Resolutions" of a shaky platfor... More

Caricature, United in misery / F. Opper., public domain cartoon image

Caricature, United in misery / F. Opper., public domain cartoon image

Illustration shows a minister and a "theater manager" crying because of poor attendance at sermons and theater closures due to "poor business"; a young boy on roller skates is nearby with a sandwich board that ... More

The patriot and the politician / Gillam.

The patriot and the politician / Gillam.

Illustration shows John Sherman pasting a portion of his Mt. Gilead speech that states "The Solid South held together in political fellowship by crimes, violence and fraud" onto a Ulysses S. Grant monument that... More

Puck magazine cover - "Her resolute opposition" / G.E. Ciani.

Puck magazine cover - "Her resolute opposition" / G.E. Ciani.

Illustration shows Queen Victoria standing on her throne labeled "England" at the edge of the sea, holding a broom labeled "My Prerogative", and sweeping against ocean waves labeled "Home Rule" and "Democracy" ... More

No rioters need apply! / C.J. Taylor.

No rioters need apply! / C.J. Taylor.

Print shows an "Honest Laborer", with a "Savings Book" in his coat pocket, and his family sitting around a table at dinner and an agitator who is trying to incite him to adopt the violent practices of anarchy. ... More

The greatest race of the yachting season / Dalrymple.

The greatest race of the yachting season / Dalrymple.

Print shows President Cleveland at the helm labeled "Congress" of a yacht labeled "Repeal" in a race against British Prime Minister William E. Gladstone who is holding an oar labeled "House of Commons Majority"... More

In his second childhood / C.J. Taylor.

In his second childhood / C.J. Taylor.

Print shows George F. Hoar in the "Senatorial Nursery" as an oversized infant strapped into a chair, watching a young boy, a Senate "Page", manipulate a jumping jack toy that is labeled "Queen Lil", the deposed... More

Caricature, No income tax! / C.J.T., public domain cartoon image

Caricature, No income tax! / C.J.T., public domain cartoon image

Print shows a scene at the "Income Tax Office" with a crowd clamoring at the door where a notice states "One at a Time"; inside, a wealthy man is standing by a desk, on the floor at his feet, in his hat, are pa... More

Caricature, Cupid's candidate / F. Opper., public domain cartoon image

Caricature, Cupid's candidate / F. Opper., public domain cartoon image

Print shows former Benjamin Harrison holding a bouquet of flowers and with a floral garland around his neck, with which Cupid has lassoed him. Illus. from Puck, v. 38, no. 988, (1896 February 12), cover. Copyr... More

Puck magazine cover - The free silver jabberwock / Keppler.

Puck magazine cover - The free silver jabberwock / Keppler.

Print shows a gigantic man labeled "Free Silverite" with the wings of a bat and the tail of a dragon, emerging from a dark forest carrying papers that state "Free Silver and Repudiation" and bearing down on a k... More

It's no use kicking, he must obey his boss / C.J. Taylor.

It's no use kicking, he must obey his boss / C.J. Taylor.

Print shows Thomas C. Platt waving his top hat while riding on the back of a bucking donkey labeled "Tribune" and with the face of Whitelaw Reid, in the ring at the "G.O.P. Circus"; among those in the audience ... More

Puck magazine cover - He'll never catch it / Keppler.

Puck magazine cover - He'll never catch it / Keppler.

Print shows David B. Hill as an arctic seal hunter anxiously sitting on a block of ice next to a hole, holding a harpoon labeled "Peanut Politics", waiting for a seal; behind him a seal labeled "Dem. Presidenti... More

Puck magazine cover - Puck Christmas 1896 / C.J. Taylor.

Puck magazine cover - Puck Christmas 1896 / C.J. Taylor.

Print shows Santa Claus holding a tankard and sitting on a large chair with Puck, holding the "Christmas Number", sitting next to him; their feet rest on a sack of toys. Illus. from Puck, v. 40, no. 1031, (189... More

No rest for the wicked / J.S. Pughe.

No rest for the wicked / J.S. Pughe.

Print shows a man beating a large drum labeled "Salvation Army" and a woman playing the cymbals in a street in the middle of the night, disturbing the sleep of everyone in the neighborhood. Illus. from Puck, v... More

Wrapped up in his pet idea / Dalrymple.

Wrapped up in his pet idea / Dalrymple.

Print shows President McKinley wearing a long cape labeled "Protection Monomania", sitting at a desk working on his "Tariff Plans", while ignoring a businessman who offers "Suggestions for Financial Reform"; in... More

One of the causes / Keppler. - Public domain print

One of the causes / Keppler. - Public domain print

Print shows Uncle Sam and John Bull ice skating with a young woman labeled "American Girl" skating between them. Caption: The American girl is drawing them closer together. Illus. from Puck, v. 44, no. 1138, (... More

The sphinx of the period / Keppler.

The sphinx of the period / Keppler.

Print shows Puck standing on wooden scaffolding in front of the bow of a huge new battleship in drydock with a large sphinx on the deck between the big guns. Illus. from Puck, v. 43, no. 1103, (1898 April 27),... More

In the path of the privateer / K.

In the path of the privateer / K.

Print shows a female figure labeled "Spirit of the 19th Century" rising out of the water to halt a small gunboat flying a Spanish flag labeled "Privateer" with a Spanish buccaneer aboard. Illus. from Puck, v. ... More

A puzzle for the Populists / Keppler.

A puzzle for the Populists / Keppler.

Print shows John Jacob Astor wearing a military uniform and carrying a flag that states "On to Manila. Astor's Mountain Battery" and a sword, and holding the reins to many mules carrying cannon barrels, as he l... More

Puck magazine cover - A tempting opportunity / Keppler.

Puck magazine cover - A tempting opportunity / Keppler.

Print shows the British Lion attempting to put out the flames of a campfire labeled "South African War"; in the background are two figures labeled "Russia" and "France", holding large pincers, who are pondering... More

Puck magazine cover - Heeding history's warning / Dalrymple.

Puck magazine cover - Heeding history's warning / Dalrymple.

Print shows Admiral George Dewey sitting on a chair amid newspaper headlines proclaiming "Dewey is the Man", "Daily Press. Dewey for President", and "For President George Dewey suggested by Yellow Journals"; th... More

Caricature, Our Don Quixote / Dalrymple., public domain cartoon image

Caricature, Our Don Quixote / Dalrymple., public domain cartoon image

Print shows William Jennings Bryan as Don Quixote, riding the democratic donkey and carrying a broom labeled "Anti-Trust Guff" through a landscape of windmills labeled "Trust". Illus. from Puck, v. 46, no. 118... More

A lesson of the last strikes / J.S. Pughe.

A lesson of the last strikes / J.S. Pughe.

Print shows a man labeled "Organized Labor" climbing the steps to a building labeled "Law, Prosperity, [and] Order", when a bomb labeled "Dynamite Argument" that explodes in his face. Illus. from Puck, v. 46, ... More

A young head on old shoulders / Keppler.

A young head on old shoulders / Keppler.

Print shows Puck tugging on the coattails of Theodore Roosevelt's coat, telling him to think before he speaks; Roosevelt is delivering a campaign speech from a platform. Caption: Puck Governor, don't forget t... More

Puck magazine cover - The struggle for life / Dalrymple.

Puck magazine cover - The struggle for life / Dalrymple.

Illustration showing "Teddy" Roosevelt, in his rough-rider uniform, being drawn to "Vice Presidential Waters" by four women labeled "North," "East," "South," [and] "West." Illus. in: Puck, v. 47, no. 1210 (190... More

Caricature, The "fake" beggar / Keppler., public domain cartoon image

Caricature, The "fake" beggar / Keppler., public domain cartoon image

Illustration shows William Jennings Bryan with a prosthesis labeled "Anti-Expansion" attached to the knee on his right leg, which is labeled "16 to 1" and walking with the aid of a wooden cane labeled "Populism... More

Caricature, He can't see them / Dalrymple., public domain cartoon image

Caricature, He can't see them / Dalrymple., public domain cartoon imag...

Illustration shows William Jennings Bryan carrying a banner that states "16 to 1 will help you" and Adlai E. Stevenson carrying a banner that states "I ran with Cleveland, vote for me", standing in front of a g... More

Another of our exports; - the American fortune / Ehrhart.

Another of our exports; - the American fortune / Ehrhart.

Illustration shows an "Absentee Millionaire" standing on land labeled "Europe" spraying money from a hose connected to an "American Hydrant source of income"; suggesting that wealthy Americans spend more money ... More

The summer version of "Pay! Pay!! Pay!!!" / Dalrymple.

The summer version of "Pay! Pay!! Pay!!!" / Dalrymple.

Illustration shows a larger-than-life-sized African American man labeled "Head Waiter," standing at the entrance to the "Dining Room," receiving a tip from a well-to-do man standing at the head of a long line o... More

Caricature, Investors beware! / Dalrymple., public domain cartoon image

Caricature, Investors beware! / Dalrymple., public domain cartoon imag...

Illustration shows investors drowning in rough seas labeled "Wall Street," and "Speculation," and a tophat labeled "Ingenuous Investor" caught in a whirlpool labeled "Iron and Steel Trust." Illus. in: Puck, v.... More

Speculative / Gallaway.. Book illustration from Library of Congress

Speculative / Gallaway.. Book illustration from Library of Congress

Illustration shows two young Irish women talking at a stand selling "Soda Water" next to a busy city street. Caption: Maggie He's going ter buy me an autermobile - dat's wat! / Katie An autermobile, eh? An' ... More

Puck magazine cover - The age of prosperity / Gallaway.

Puck magazine cover - The age of prosperity / Gallaway.

Illustration shows two old farmers talking on the platform at a train station; they are concerned about farm boys leaving the farms for the city, as well as mortgages being held by banks outside the local commu... More

Caricature, Flirtation / Keppler., public domain cartoon image

Caricature, Flirtation / Keppler., public domain cartoon image

Illustration shows William Jennings Bryan escorting an old woman labeled "Dem. Party" on his right arm; coming up behind them is "A.B. Parker", well-dressed, wearing a top hat and overcoat. Illus. in: Puck, v.... More

Puck magazine cover - A revelation in revolutions / Kep.

Puck magazine cover - A revelation in revolutions / Kep.

Illustration shows Uncle Sam with a bundle of papers labeled "Canal Plans" patting a diminutive man, wearing a hat labeled "Panama", on the shoulder. The man smiles broadly and is leaning on a large sword. Cana... More

"Mon Dieu! Are there any more at home like you?" / J.S. Pughe.

"Mon Dieu! Are there any more at home like you?" / J.S. Pughe.

Illustration shows rats Richard A. "McCurdy" and his son-in-law Louis A. "Thebaud" swimming ashore, rat James H. "Hyde" has already made it to shore labeled "France" where another rat, Judge "Andy Hamilton" is ... More

Puck magazine cover - The large-ical candidate / Zim.

Puck magazine cover - The large-ical candidate / Zim.

William Howard Taft standing at door of "the Presidency," holding paper from Justice Brewer recommending him for the Presidency, and saying, "I wonder if Justice Brewer was joking?" Illus. in: Judge, v. 51, 190... More

Rough on cats / Frank A. Nankivell.

Rough on cats / Frank A. Nankivell.

Illustration shows Theodore Roosevelt delivering a jolt of electric current through wires spelling "Presidential Message" to two cats labeled "House" and "Senate" asleep on a wall. Caption: Before and after th... More


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