Lady Bird Johnson and President Lyndon B. Johnson at the Pedernales Ri...
Original caption: Location: LBJ Ranch, near Stonewall, Texas. Depicted: Lady Bird Johnson, President Lyndon B. Johnson, and Yuki sitting near the Pedernales River. Johnson White House Photographs
President Lyndon B. Johnson and Lady Bird Johnson en Route to Ramey Ai...
Original caption: Location: Air Force One. Depicted: President Lyndon Baines Johnson holds grandson Patrick Lyndon Nugent who plays with the telephone as Lady Bird and Luci Johnson look on. Johnson White House... More
President Lyndon B. Johnson and Family Watch the Democratic National C...
Original caption: Watching the convention (L-R) Luci Johnson Nugent, Tom Johnson, unidentified, Lynda Johnson Robb; in bed: Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson, Lady Bird Johnson. President's bedroom, Texas White House, LB... More
Reception held at Biltmore Hotel by Sen. and Mrs. Lyndon Johnson / [WK...
Photograph shows Lyndon B. Johnson at podium speaking to a crowd while campaigning for the nomination for president at the Democratic Convention in Los Angeles, California; Mrs. Johnson stands next to him with ... More
Photograph of the Swearing in of Lyndon B. Johnson as President
Original caption: L-R: Mac Kilduff, Judge Sarah T. Hughes, Jack Valenti, Albert Thomas, Marie Fehmer (behind Thomas), Lady Bird Johnson, Chief Curry, President Lyndon B. Johnson, Evelyn Lincoln (eyeglasses only... More
Photograph of the Swearing in of Lyndon B. Johnson as President
Original caption: L-R: Judge Sarah T. Hughes, Gen. Clifton (behind LBJ), Lady Bird Johnson (barely visible behind LBJ), President Lyndon B. Johnson, Chief Curry (obscured by LBJ), Evelyn Lincoln (in eyeglasses)... More
President Lyndon B. Johnson and Others Swimming in White House Pool
Original caption: L-R: Lloyd Hand, Jack Valenti, President Lyndon B. Johnson Johnson White House Photographs
Lyndon Baines Johnson signing Civil Rights Bill, April 11, 1968
U.S. News & World Report Magazine Photograph Collection. Reference copy in PRES FILE - Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908-1973.
Dinner to raise funds for the National Cultural Center National Guard ...
Photograph shows President John F. Kennedy speaking at a podium as Jacqueline Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, and others look on. Title from contact sheet folder caption. U.S. News & World Report Magazine Photograp... More
President John F. Kennedy Speaks during the Dinner in Honor of the Vic...
Robert Knudsen White House Photographs Public domain photograph of wedding party, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Photograph of the Swearing in of Lyndon B. Johnson as President
Original caption: L-R: Jack Valenti, Judge Sarah T. Hughes, Cong. Albert Thomas, Lady Bird Johnson, Chief Curry (behind LBJ's hand), President Lyndon B. Johnson, Cong. Homer Thornberry (background, grey hair), ... More
[Aerial view of delegates and the stage with large pictures of John F....
U.S. News & World Report Magazine Photograph Collection. Contact sheet available for reference purposes: USN&WR COLL - Job no. 12470-Q, frame 9A/10. Contact sheet folder caption: "Demo Nat'l Conv. Atlantic Cit... More
President Lyndon B. Johnson and Party Boarding Helicopter for a Trip t...
Original caption: Location: South Lawn, White House, Washington, DC. Depicted: Lyn Nugent climbing the steps up to the helilcopter as a Marine salutes and the pilot looks on. Johnson White House Photographs
President Lyndon B. Johnson Attends the First Baseball Game of the 196...
Original caption: Location: DC Stadium, Washington, DC. Depicted: President Lyndon B. Johnson (far right, eating popcorn), at his right are John McCormack, Hale Boggs. Johnson White House Photographs
President Johnson go to Selma now! / World Telegram & Sun photo by Sta...
Photograph shows an African American man carrying a child on his shoulders with a placard telling President Johnson to go to Selma, Alabama. NYWT&S staff photograph. Date stamped on verso: Mar 15 1965. Forms p... More
[President and Mrs. Lyndon Johnson and President and Mrs. Ferdinand Ma...
Frame 10A of contact sheet. U.S. News & World Report Magazine Photograph Collection. Original negative not available for frames 10-14A of LC-U9-16404.
President Lyndon B. Johnson and His Puppies
Original caption: President Lyndon B. Johnson shows puppies (sired by Him) to Courtney Valenti. White House. Johnson White House Photographs
President Lyndon B. Johnson and Lady Bird Johnson Walking in a Field o...
Original caption: Location: LBJ Ranch, near Stonewall, Texas. Depicted: President Lyndon B. Johnson and Lady Bird Johnson walk through a field of wildflowers. Johnson White House Photographs
[Vice-President Lyndon B. Johnson standing among group of Vietnamese s...
Public domain photograph related to administration of President Lyndon Johnson, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Photograph of the Swearing in of Lyndon B. Johnson as President
Original caption: L-R: Mac Kilduff, Judge Sarah T. Hughes, Gen. Clifton, Jack Valenti, Chief Curry, Lady Bird Johnson (behind LBJ), President Lyndon B. Johnson, Evelyn Lincoln (top of head visible behind LBJ), ... More
Photograph of the Swearing in of Lyndon B. Johnson as President
Original caption: Waiting for the Oath of Office. L-R: Mac Kilduff (lower left corner), Judge Sarah T. Hughes, Gen. Clifton, Jack Valenti, Chief Curry, Lady Bird Johnson, President Lyndon B. Johnson, Mary Galla... More
Photograph of the Swearing in of Lyndon B. Johnson as President
L-R: Jack Valenti, Judge Sarah T. Hughes, Cong. Albert Thomas, Lady Bird Johnson, Chief Curry (behind LBJ's hand), President Lyndon B. Johnson, Cong. Homer Thornberry (grey hair, partly obscured), Jacqueline Ke... More
President Lyndon B. Johnson Celebrates his Birthday
Original caption: Location: Luci Johnson Nugent residence, Austin, Texas. Depicted: Seated on couch (L-R) Luci Johnson Nugent, Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson, Lyn Nugent, Lady Bird Johnson. Johnson White House Photographs
LBJ funeral ceremonies inside the Capitol / [MST].
Photograph shows President Nixon offering condolences to Lady Bird Johnson with casket in the foreground. Title from contact sheet folder caption. U.S. News & World Report Magazine Photograph Collection. Contac... More
The ranch house on the "LBJ Ranch" near Stonewall, Texas, where Presid...
Title, date, and keywords based on information provided by the photographer. Credit line: The Lyda Hill Texas Collection of Photographs in Carol M. Highsmith's America Project, Library of Congress, Prints and P... More
[Mrs. Lyndon Baines Johnson, bust portrait, facing front]
White House photograph. Public domain photograph related to President Lyndon Johnson, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Photograph of the Swearing in of Lyndon B. Johnson as President
Original caption: L-R: Cong. Albert Thomas, Lady Bird Johnson, President Lyndon B. Johnson, Jacqueline Kennedy, Lem Johns (back), Cong. Jack Brooks, Bill Moyers (back, wearing eyeglasses). Johnson White House Photographs
President Lyndon B. Johnson Awards the Medal of Freedom to A. Philip R...
Location: East Room, White House, Washington, DC . Depicted: L-R: Gen. Chester Clifton, A. Philip Randolph, President Lyndon B. Johnson, George Ball (far right, partly out of frame). Johnson White House Photographs
President Lyndon B. Johnson and His Puppies
Original caption: Location: White House, Washington, DC. Depicted: President Lyndon B. Johnson shows puppies (sired by Him) to Courtney Valenti. Johnson White House Photographs
Pres. L.B. Johnson signs the 1968 Civil Rights Bill / [WKL].
Photograph shows President Johnson signing the bill while seated at a table surrounded by members of Congress.
President Lyndon B. Johnson Singing with Yuki
Original caption: Location: LBJ Ranch, near Stonewall, Texas. Depicted: President Lyndon B. Johnson sings with Yuki while his grandson, Patrick Lyndon Nugent, looks on. Johnson White House Photographs
A statue of President Lyndon B. Johnson on the Texas State Parks' port...
Picryl description: Public domain image of a statue, monument, sculpture, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Photograph of the Swearing in of Lyndon B. Johnson as President
Original caption: L-R: Larry O'Brien, Judge Sarah T. Hughes, Gen. Clifton, Lady Bird Johnson, President Lyndon B. Johnson, Evelyn Lincoln (wearing eyeglasses), Cong. Homer Thornberry, Cong. Jack Brooks (far rig... More
Photograph of the Swearing in of Lyndon B. Johnson as President
Original caption: L-R: Mac Kilduff, Judge Sarah T. Hughes, Jack Valenti, Albert Thomas, Marie Fehmer (behind Thomas), Lady Bird Johnson, Chief Curry, President Lyndon B. Johnson, Evelyn Lincoln (eyeglasses only... More
Photograph of the Swearing in of Lyndon B. Johnson as President
Original caption: L-R: Jack Valenti, Judge Sarah T. Hughes, Cong. Albert Thomas, Lady Bird Johnson, Chief Curry (behind LBJ's hand), President Lyndon B. Johnson, Cong. Homer Thornberry (grey hair, mostly obscur... More
President Lyndon B. Johnson Signs Bill Establishing the National Techn...
Original Caption: Photo includes Sen. Lister Hill, Sec. Anthony Celebrezze, Sen. Ralph Yarborough and Sen. Robert F. Kennedy. 6/08/1965. Location: Flower Garden, White House, Washington, DC. Johnson White Hous... More
Vehicles given to and driven by President Lyndon Johnson, on display a...
Digital image produced by Carol M. Highsmith to represent her original film transparency; some details may differ between the film and the digital images. Title, date, and keywords provided by the photographer.... More
Barbara Dane, James Johnson (Ft. Hood 3), Dr. Howard Levy, Peter Yarro...
Public domain photograph of Vietnam War, the 1960s, 1970s, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson, Senate majority leader / [TOH].
Photograph shows Lyndon B. Johnson, half-length portrait, left profile, looking out a window.
[Rear Admiral Hyman G. Rickover (third from left), standing behind a g...
Contact sheet folder caption: "Admiral Hyman G. Rickover at Senate Preparedness Subcommittee hearings, with Ralph Flanders of Vermont, Chairman Lyndon B. Johnson, Senator Leverett Saltonstall, 1/58. TOH" U.S. ... More
V.P. Johnson in Saigon, Vietnam. Arriving at textile mill and taking i...
Photograph shows Vice President Lyndon Johnson in textile mill with Vietnamese men standing in front of a large quantity of textiles with a "Texas Cotton U.S.A." banner. Title from contact sheet folder caption.... More
Photograph of the Swearing in of Lyndon B. Johnson as President
Original caption: L-R: (front) Mac Kilduff, Judge Sarah T. Hughes, President Lyndon B. Johnson, Jacqueline Kennedy. (back) Jack Valenti, Cong. Albert Thomas, Lady Bird Johnson, Cong. Jack Brooks (far right). Jo... More
Photograph of the Swearing in of Lyndon B. Johnson as President
Original caption: L-R: Judge Sarah T. Hughes, Ken O'Donnell (back to camera), Gen. Clifton, President Lyndon B. Johnson, Chief Curry (obscured by LBJ), Evelyn Lincoln (in eyeglasses), Cong. Homer Thornberry, Co... More
[Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson reaches hand out to greet crowd of supporters...
NYWT&S staff photo. New York World-Telegram and the Sun Newspaper Photograph Collection (Library of Congress).
Luis Alvarez (right) receives the 1963 National Medal of Science from ...
Photographs Documenting Scientists, Special Events, and Nuclear Research Facilities, Instruments, and Projects at the Berkeley Lab
President Johnson working on his Inaugural address on his Texas ranch
UPI telephoto. No. WAP011812. Forms part of: New York World-Telegram and the Sun Newspaper Photograph Collection (Library of Congress).
[President Lyndon B. Johnson, seated with Anwar Sadat, the President o...
Contact sheet folder caption: "White House congressional leaders after breakfast w/ Pres/ LB Johnson, #23-36: LBJ w/Pres. of the Nat'l Assembly of the United Arab Republic, MST, 2/2/66." U.S. News & World Repo... More
Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson and Mrs. Tom C. Clark at the Submarine Launch
Original caption: Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson, sponsor, and Mrs. Tom C. Clark, matron of honor for USS Tench, launched at Navy Yard, Portsmouth, N.H. July 7, 1944. Correspondence Concerning Ships
[Martin Luther King, Jr., head-and-shoulders portrait, facing right, a...
Contact sheet folder caption: "Martin Luther King meets with Pres. Johnson at the White House, WKL, 12/3/63." U.S. News & World Report Magazine Photograph Collection. Contact sheet available for reference purp... More
Mercury Astronauts Receiving the Collier Trophy
Dsecription NASA Administrator James E. Webb (center) cites the space achievements of the Project Mercury Astronauts who received the 1963 Collier Trophy Award in a ceremony held at the White House on October 1... More
Photograph of the Swearing in of Lyndon B. Johnson as President
Original caption: L-R: Mac Kilduff, Judge Sarah T. Hughes, Gen. Clifton, Chief Curry, Lady Bird Johnson, President Lyndon B. Johnson, Evelyn Lincoln (behind LBJ), Cong. Homer Thornberry, Chuck Roberts, Cong. Ja... More
Photograph of the Swearing in of Lyndon B. Johnson as President
Original caption: Foreground L-R: Mac Kilduff (lower left corner), Judge Sarah T. Hughes, Lady Bird Johnson, President Lyndon B. Johnson, Jacqueline Kennedy. Visible in background behind them are Jack Valenti (... More
Photograph of the Swearing in of Lyndon B. Johnson as President
Original caption: Foreground L-R: Judge Sarah Hughes, Jack Valenti, Cong. Albert Thomas (behind Mrs. Johnson), Lady Bird Johnson, President Lyndon B. Johnson, Jacqueline Kennedy, Lem Johns, Cong. Jack Brooks, B... More
[ Sargent Shriver shakes hands with Lyndon Johnson in the Oval Office....
Picryl description: Public domain vintage artistic photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image. Photograph related to American actor Danny Kaye. Danny Kaye was an American actor, singer, dancer, a... More
Washington, DC, Astronaut John Glenn and Mrs. Glenn with their Childre...
Photographs of Pennsylvania Ave. Development Corp. Sites and Activities Public domain photograph - NASA, space exploration, work of US government, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[President Lyndon B. Johnson marking an absentee ballot in his White H...
Public domain photograph related to administration of President Lyndon Johnson, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Photograph of the Swearing in of Lyndon B. Johnson as President
Original caption: L-R: Judge Sarah T. Hughes, Gen. Clifton, Jack Valenti, Chief Curry, Lady Bird Johnson, President Lyndon B. Johnson, Cong. Albert Thomas, Cong. Homer Thornberry, Chuck Roberts, Cong. Jack Broo... More
Photograph of the Swearing in of Lyndon B. Johnson as President
Original caption: L-R: Judge Sarah T. Hughes, Gen. Clifton (behind LBJ), Lady Bird Johnson (barely visible behind LBJ), President Lyndon B. Johnson, Chief Curry (obscured by LBJ), Evelyn Lincoln (in eyeglasses)... More
Photograph of the Swearing in of Lyndon B. Johnson as President
Original caption: L-R: Jack Valenti, Jacqueline Kennedy, Cong. Albert Thomas (moving to hug Mrs. Kennedy), Merriman Smith, Chief Curry (in glasses), Lady Bird Johnson, Mary Gallagher (behind Mrs. Johnson), Evel... More
Photograph of the Swearing in of Lyndon B. Johnson as President
Original caption: L-R: (front) Mac Kilduff, Judge Sarah T. Hughes, President Lyndon B. Johnson, Jacqueline Kennedy. (back) Jack Valenti, Cong. Albert Thomas, Lady Bird Johnson, Cong. Jack Brooks, Dr. Burkley (f... More
"Stick 'em up!" / Ed Valtman '64.
Editorial cartoon drawing shows a Viet Cong labeled "Guerrilla Warfare" standing at the edge of tall grass, pointing a handgun labeled "Conventional Arms" at a startled President Lyndon Johnson who is carrying ... More
Photograph of the Warren Commission Presenting the Final Report to Pre...
This photograph depicts Chief Justice Earl Warren presenting the final report of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy (Warren Commission) to President Lyndon B. Johnson. They are... More
President Lyndon B. Johnson Speaks at the Commencement Exercise for th...
Original caption: Southwest Teachers College Graduation, Evans Field, Southwest Texas State College, San Marcos, Texas. Johnson White House Photographs
[Fred Friendly, talking with then Vice President Lyndon Johnson, as fe...
NYWT&S staff photograph. Forms part of: New York World-Telegram and the Sun Newspaper Photograph Collection (Library of Congress).
Photograph of the Swearing in of Lyndon B. Johnson as President
Original caption: L-R: Mac Kilduff, Judge Sarah T. Hughes, Jack Valenti, Albert Thomas, Marie Fehmer (behind Thomas), Lady Bird Johnson, Chief Curry, President Lyndon B. Johnson, Evelyn Lincoln (eyeglasses only... More
Photograph of the Swearing in of Lyndon B. Johnson as President
Original caption: L-R: Jack Valenti, Judge Sarah T. Hughes, Cong. Albert Thomas, Lady Bird Johnson, Chief Curry (behind LBJ's hand), President Lyndon B. Johnson, Cong. Homer Thornberry (grey hair, partly obscur... More
President Lyndon B. Johnson's Poverty Tour
Original caption: Location: Knoxville, Tennessee. Depicked: President Lyndon B. Johnson and his daughter Luci stand on the back of limousine to address the crowd. Johnson White House Photographs
Senator Robert F. Kennedy, President Lyndon B. Johnson Meeting in the ...
Original caption: Location: Oval Office, White House, Washington, DC. Depicted: In conversation (L-R:) Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, President Lyndon B. Johnson. Johnson White House Photographs
President Johnson at a Barbecue for the Latin American Ambassadors
President Lyndon B. Johnson helps himself to barbecue. Next to him in line are Mrs. Guillermo Sevilla-Sacasa and Nellie Connally. The event took place during Latin American Ambassadors Weekend at the LBJ Ranch... More
President Lyndon B. Johnson Delivers the Commencement Address at South...
Original caption: Southwest Teachers College Graduation, Evans Field, Southwest Texas State College, San Marcos, Texas. Johnson White House Photographs
The homestead of Sam Ealy Johnson, grandfather of future U.S. presiden...
Title, date, and keywords based on information provided by the photographer. Credit line: The Lyda Hill Texas Collection of Photographs in Carol M. Highsmith's America Project, Library of Congress, Prints and P... More
[President Dwight D. Eisenhower standing with Lyndon B. Johnson (cente...
Caption list with names of other attendees found in contact sheet folder. Contact sheet folder caption: "Pres. Eisenhower hosting bipartisan luncheon, guests inc. Lyndon B. Johnson & J.F. Dulles , 3/31/55, TOH... More
William G. Stroud of NASA, project manager of the TIROS I, displaying ...
Public domain photograph related to administration of President Lyndon Johnson, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
President John F. Kennedy and Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson Walk to...
In this photograph President John F. Kennedy and Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson (behind President Kennedy) walk to greet the winners of the 20th Annual Westinghouse Science Talent Search. Four photographers s... More
President Lyndon B. Johnson Walks with the Press
Original caption: Location: White House grounds, Washington, DC. Depicted: President Lyndon B. Johnson walks his two beagles as a large group of press members follow. Johnson White House Photographs
Cabinet meeting with U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson (center of photo...
Photographs Documenting Scientists, Special Events, and Nuclear Research Facilities, Instruments, and Projects at the Berkeley Lab
Photograph of President Lyndon B. Johnson with the Trumans
Caption: President Lyndon B. Johnson (left), shakes hands with former President Harry S. Truman (center) while Mrs. Bess Wallace Truman looks on in one of the offices of the Truman Library. Photographs Relating... More
President Lyndon B. Johnson in Swimming Pool
Original caption: Location: LBJ Ranch, near Stonewall, Texas. Depicted: President Lyndon B. Johnson and two guests play with a ball in the swimming pool. Johnson White House Photographs
President Lyndon B. Johnson on his Birthday in Swimming Pool with his ...
Original caption: Location: LBJ Ranch, near Stonewall, Texas. Depicted: L-R: President Lyndon B. Johnson (holding Yuki), Patrick Lyndon Nugent. Johnson White House Photographs
President Lyndon B. Johnson Signing H.R. 18763, the Bill to Authorize ...
Original Caption: Standing (l-r): Cong. Hugh L. Carey, Cong. Dominick V. Daniels, Cong. Carl D. Perkins, Cong. Albert H. Quie, Sen. Winston L. Prouty, and Sec. Wilbur Cohen. 9/30/1968. Location: Cabinet Roo... More
[Lyndon B. Johnson, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing left]
Photograph from the White House. Public domain photograph related to President Lyndon Johnson, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[ Danny Kaye, Lyndon Johnson, and unknown man stand outside of the Whi...
Public domain photograph related to administration of President Lyndon Johnson, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description Photograph related to American actor Danny Kaye. Danny Kaye was an American ... More
[President's Ranch Trail marker at the old "Hye" store and post office...
Title, date and keywords from related, adjacent image. The store is named for Hiram "Hye" Brown, who opened a store on this site in 1880. The present structure, replete with Bavarian metalwork, was constructed ... More
The reconstructed birth home of President Lyndon B. Johnson, now locat...
Title, date, and keywords based on information provided by the photographer. Credit line: The Lyda Hill Texas Collection of Photographs in Carol M. Highsmith's America Project, Library of Congress, Prints and P... More