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Hanoi Taxi

Operation HomecomingCreated by: PICRYL - Public Domain Media Search EngineDated: 1973
On January 27, 1973, the United States agreed to a ceasefire with North Vietnam allowing withdrawal of American military forces from South Vietnam. The agreement also included the release of about 600 American prisoners of war.

On Feb. 12, 1973, three C-141 flew to Hanoi, North Vietnam, and one C-9A aircraft was sent to Saigon, South Vietnam to pick up released prisoners of war. The first flight of 40 U.S. prisoners of war left Hanoi in a C-141A, later known as the "Hanoi Taxi". From February 12 to April 4, there were 54 C-141 missions flying out of Hanoi, bringing the former POWs home, the total number of returned was 591.

The return of the nearly 600 POWs increased the polarization of the public and media. A majority of the POWs returned in Operation Homecoming were bomber pilots shot down while carrying out the campaign waged against civilian targets located in Vietnam and Laos. Many viewed the freed POWs as heroes, while others questioned if treating these men as heroes served to distort and obscure the truth about the war. Some felt these men deserved to be treated as war criminals or left in the North Vietnamese prison camps.

Many worried that Homecoming hid the fact that people were still fighting and dying on the battlefields of Vietnam and caused the public to forget about the over 50,000 American lives the war had already cost. Veterans of the war had similar thoughts concerning Operation Homecoming with many stating that the ceasefire and returning of prisoners brought zero sense of an ending or closure.

Operation Homecoming has been largely forgotten by the American public.
311 Media in collectionpage 1 of 4
From right to left: COL Heard, SPC 6 Bell and COL J.P. Dennett, part of the Gia Lam Airport returnee delegation, as they discuss release of the American prisoners of war

From right to left: COL Heard, SPC 6 Bell and COL J.P. Dennett, part o...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Hanoi Country: Viet Nam (VNM) Scene Camera Operator: Unknown Release Status: Released to Public Combined Military Service Digital Photographic Files

LT. COL. Robert L. Stirm, a recently released prisoner of war, greets his family upon his arrival at Travis Air Force Base

LT. COL. Robert L. Stirm, a recently released prisoner of war, greets ...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: State: California (CA) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator: Unknown Release Status: Released to Public Combined Military Serv... More

A view of the crowd gathered to welcome recently released prisoners of war home from Vietnam

A view of the crowd gathered to welcome recently released prisoners of...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Travis Air Force Base State: California (CA) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator: Unknown Release Status: Released to ... More

LT. CMDR. Edward d. Estes, a recently released prisoner of war, greets his family upon his arrival at Travis Air Force Base

LT. CMDR. Edward d. Estes, a recently released prisoner of war, greets...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: State: California (CA) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator: Unknown Release Status: Released to Public Combined Military Serv... More

CAPT. John Parsels is greeted by the Gia Lam Airport returnee delegation upon his release from a prisoner of war camp

CAPT. John Parsels is greeted by the Gia Lam Airport returnee delegati...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Hanoi Country: Viet Nam (VNM) Scene Camera Operator: Unknown Release Status: Released to Public Combined Military Service Digital Photographic Files

Released Prisoner of War, U.S.Air Force LT COL Lewis Wiley Shattuck, (Captured 11 Jul 66) salutes MGEN John Gonge, 22nd Air Force Commander and MGEN Daniel "Chappie" James upon his arrival at Travis Air Force Base. LT COL Shattuck was in the third group released by the North Vietnamese on Feb 12, 1973 in Hanoi

Released Prisoner of War, U.S.Air Force LT COL Lewis Wiley Shattuck, (...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Travis Air Force Base State: California (CA) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator:... More

Former POW and U.S.Navy LMDR Everett Alvarez (Captured 5 Aug 64) talks at the microphones to the public and press there to greet the plane load of former POWs flown in from Clark Air Base. LCMDR Alvarez was released by the North Vietnamese in Hanoi on 12 Feb 73

Former POW and U.S.Navy LMDR Everett Alvarez (Captured 5 Aug 64) talks...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Travis Air Force Base State: California (CA) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator:... More

Former POW and U.S. Navy CPT James Bond Stockdale (Captured 9 Sep 65) at the microphones, talks to the crowd of well wishers upon his arrival on the C-141 Starlifter from Clark Air Base, Philippines. CPT Stockdale was in the first group of POWs released on 12 Feb 73 by the North Vietnamese government in Hanoi

Former POW and U.S. Navy CPT James Bond Stockdale (Captured 9 Sep 65) ...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Travis Air Force Base State: California (CA) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator:... More

Former POW and U.S. Air ForceMAJ Robert Norland Daughtrey in the passenger lounge after his arrival from Clark Air Base, Philippines. MAJ Daughtrey was captured on 2 Aug 65 and released by the North Vietnamese in Hanoi on 12 Feb 73

Former POW and U.S. Air ForceMAJ Robert Norland Daughtrey in the passe...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Travis Air Force Base State: California (CA) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator:... More

Former POW and U.S. Army CWO-2 Daniel F. Maslowski (Captured 2 May 70) waves to the public and press who were there to greet the plane load of former POWs flown in from Clark Air Base. In the background MGEN John Gonge, Commander 22nd Air Force and BGEN William Deitrich, 22nd AF Vice Commander greet former POW and U.S. Air Force SMSGT Arthur Cormier (Captured 6 Nov 65). CWO-2 Maslowski and SMSGT Cormier were released by the North Vietnamese in Hanoi on 12 Feb 73

Former POW and U.S. Army CWO-2 Daniel F. Maslowski (Captured 2 May 70)...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Travis Air Force Base State: California (CA) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator:... More

U.S. Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker arrives at Tan Son Nhut Air Base in his automobile to observe the departure of Viet Cong POWs for Loc Ninh prisoner exchange between the United States/South Vietnam and North Vietnam/Viet Cong militaries

U.S. Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker arrives at Tan Son Nhut Air Base in h...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Saigon Country: South Vietnam Scene Camera Operator: SSGT Herman Kokojan Release Status: Released to Public... More

Former POW Mr. James U. Rollilns, U.S. civilian gives his identification information to a member of the U.S. military. Mr Rollins is one of the twenty eight American POWs released by the Viet Cong on February 12, 1973

Former POW Mr. James U. Rollilns, U.S. civilian gives his identificati...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Loc Ninh Country: South Vietnam Scene Camera Operator: SSGT Herman Kokojan Release Status: Released to Publ... More

The Huey H-1 helicopters, carrying the members of the United Nation's International Commission of Control and Supervision who will observe the exchange American and South Vietnamese prisoners for Viet Cong (VC) and North Vietnamese (NVA) prisoners, approach the exchange location

The Huey H-1 helicopters, carrying the members of the United Nation's ...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Loc Ninh Country: South Vietnam Scene Camera Operator: SSGT Herman Kokojan Release Status: Released to Publ... More

U.S. Air Force LT COL Alan Leslie Brunstrom, (Captured 22 Apr 66) former Prisoners of War, is greeted by MGEN John Gonge, 22nd Air Force Commander and MGEN Daniel "Chappie" James as he exits the C-141 Starlifter. LT COL Brunstron was released in Hanoi by the North Vietnamese on February 12, 1973 and then flown to Clark Air Base, Philippines for a medical check-up and then to Travis

U.S. Air Force LT COL Alan Leslie Brunstrom, (Captured 22 Apr 66) form...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Travis Air Force Base State: California (CA) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator:... More

At Gia Lan Airport, surrounded by North Vietnamese and American officials, the press and public, just released, ex-POW U.S. Air Force CPT John H. Nasmyth Jr. (Captured 4 Sep 66), salute COL Emil J. Wengel, a member of the American delegation

At Gia Lan Airport, surrounded by North Vietnamese and American offici...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Hanoi Country: Republic Of Vietnam (RVN) Scene Camera Operator: TSGT Eddie P. Boaz Release Status: Released... More

Ex-POW and U.S. Navy CPT Ernest Milvin Moore Jr., (Captured 11 Mar 67) gets a kiss and a gift from young Robert Ballentine, son of SSGT Michael G. Ballentine assigned to the 6922nd Security Squadron. Robert was one of the many well wishers who came say goodbye to CPT Moore prior to his departure for the United States. CPT Moore was released in Hanoi by North Vietnam on 4 Mar 73

Ex-POW and U.S. Navy CPT Ernest Milvin Moore Jr., (Captured 11 Mar 67)...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Clark Air Base State: Luzon Country: Philippines (PHL) Scene Camera Operator: SSGT Deal Toney Release Stat... More

Overrall view as BGEN Stan McClellan, CHIEF of STAFF Military Assistance Command-Vietnam (MACV), U.S. Army, conducts a press conference, to discuss the details of release of the prisoners of war, for members of the civilian press in a Military Assistance Command-Vietnam (MACV) briefing room at Tan Son Nhut Airbase

Overrall view as BGEN Stan McClellan, CHIEF of STAFF Military Assistan...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Saigon Country: South Vietnam Scene Camera Operator: SSGT Urias, USAF Release Status: Released to Public Co... More

Mr. James Rollins, a recently released prisoner of war, enjoys a cake celebrating his arrival at Travis Air Force Base

Mr. James Rollins, a recently released prisoner of war, enjoys a cake ...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: State: California (CA) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator: Unknown Release Status: Released to Public Combined Military Serv... More

CDR Ross Terry looks at shoes at the base exchange shortly after being released from a prisoner of war camp in Vietnam

CDR Ross Terry looks at shoes at the base exchange shortly after being...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Clark Air Base State: Luzon Country: Philippines (PHL) Scene Camera Operator: Wright Release Status: Released to Public Combined Military Servic... More

LT. CMDR. Michael Cronin listens to a stereo tape shortly after being released from a prisoner of war camp in Vietnam

LT. CMDR. Michael Cronin listens to a stereo tape shortly after being ...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Clark Air Base State: Luzon Country: Philippines (PHL) Scene Camera Operator: Unknown Release Status: Released to Public Combined Military Servi... More

Former POW and U.S. Air Force LCOL George Robert Hall salutes and is welcomed to the states by MGEN John Gonge, 22nd Air Force Commander and BGEN Ralph Saunders upon his arrival on the C-141 Starlifter. LCOL Hall was captured by the North Vietnamese on 27 Sep 65 and was released in Hanoi on 12 Feb 73

Former POW and U.S. Air Force LCOL George Robert Hall salutes and is w...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Travis Air Force Base State: California (CA) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator:... More

Former POW and U.S. Air Force SMSGT Arthur Cormier (Captured 6 Nov 65) is hugged at planeside by some fellow Pararescuemen who came out to greet the returning former POWs on their nighttime arrival at Scott. SMSGT Cormier was released by the North Vietnamese in Hanoi on 12 Feb 73

Former POW and U.S. Air Force SMSGT Arthur Cormier (Captured 6 Nov 65)...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Scott Air Force Base State: Illinois (IL) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator: SG... More

Former POW and U.S. Navy CPT Harry Tarleton Jenkins waves as he deplanes on his arrival. CPT Jenkins was captured on 13 Nov 65 and released by the North Vietnamese in Hanoi 12 Feb 73

Former POW and U.S. Navy CPT Harry Tarleton Jenkins waves as he deplan...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Naval Air Station, Alameda State: California (CA) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Oper... More

Former POW and U.S. Air Force COL Fred Vann Cherry (Captured 22 Oct 65) waves to the public and press there to greet the plane load of former POWs flown in from Clark Air Base. COL Cherry was released by the North Vietnamese in Hanoi on12 Feb 73

Former POW and U.S. Air Force COL Fred Vann Cherry (Captured 22 Oct 65...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Travis Air Force Base State: California (CA) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator:... More

Returned POW U.S. Air Force MAJ Wesley Duane Schierman (Captured 28 Aug 65) talks with Navy artist, Mr. Benton, in his hospital room. MAJ Schierman was released by the North Vietnamese in Hanoi on 12 Feb 73 in Hanoi

Returned POW U.S. Air Force MAJ Wesley Duane Schierman (Captured 28 Au...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Clark Air Base State: Luzon Country: Philippines (PHL) Scene Camera Operator: TSGT Eddie P. Boaz Release S... More

Former POW and U.S. Air Force MAJ Donald Lester Heiliger talks with a lady in the lounge. MAJ Heiliger was captured on 15 May 67 and released by the North Vietnamese in Hanoi on 18 Feb 73

Former POW and U.S. Air Force MAJ Donald Lester Heiliger talks with a ...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Travis Air Force Base State: California (CA) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator:... More

Former POW and U.S.Navy LCMDR William Michael Tschudy (Captured 18 Jul 65) at the microphone talks to the people who came to greet his return. MGEN Cole, Military Airlift Command staff stands to the left. LCMDR Tschudy was released by the North Vietnamese in Hanoi on 12 Feb 73

Former POW and U.S.Navy LCMDR William Michael Tschudy (Captured 18 Jul...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Scott Air Force Base State: Illinois (IL) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator: SG... More

Released Prisoner of War, U.S. Air Force TSGT Arthur Neil Black, (Captured 20 Sep 65)) salutes MGEN John Gonge, 22nd Air Force Commander and MGEN Daniel "Chappie" James upon his arrival at Travis Air Force Base. TSGT Black was in the second group released by the North Vietnamese on Feb 12, 1973 in Hanoi

Released Prisoner of War, U.S. Air Force TSGT Arthur Neil Black, (Capt...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Travis Air Force Base State: California (CA) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator:... More

Former POW and U.S. Air Force CPT Darrel Edwin Pyle is greeted by MGEN John Gonge, Commander 22nd Air Force and BGEN Ralph Saunders after his arrival from Clark Air Base, Philippines. CPT Pyle was captured on 13 Jun 66 and released by the North Vietnamese in Hanoi on 12 Feb 73

Former POW and U.S. Air Force CPT Darrel Edwin Pyle is greeted by MGEN...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Travis Air Force Base State: California (CA) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator:... More

Former POW and U.S. Air Force MAJ Richard Eugene Bolstad (Captured 6 Nov 65) at the microphone salutes the people who came to greet his return. GEN Paul Carlton, Commander, Military Airlift Command stands to the left and the Honor Guard to the right. MAJ Bolstad and LCOL Doughty were released by the North Vietnamese in Hanoi on 12 Feb 73

Former POW and U.S. Air Force MAJ Richard Eugene Bolstad (Captured 6 N...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Scott Air Force Base State: Illinois (IL) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator: SS... More

Ex-POW is greeted upon arriving by LGEN William G. Moore Jr., Commander 13th Air Force. On right, Admiral Noel Gaylor, Commander Pacific Command greets another returnee

Ex-POW is greeted upon arriving by LGEN William G. Moore Jr., Commande...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Clark Air Base State: Luzon Country: Philippines (PHL) Scene Camera Operator: TSGT Eddie P. Boaz Release S... More

Ex-POW U.S. Army SGT Kenneth Wallingford (Captured 7 Apr 72) in a group of Viet Cong and North Vietnamese Army personnel after his released by the Viet Cong to the American Military. He is one of the twenty eight American POWs released by Viet Cong on February 12, 1973

Ex-POW U.S. Army SGT Kenneth Wallingford (Captured 7 Apr 72) in a grou...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Loc Ninh Country: South Vietnam Scene Camera Operator: SSGT Herman Kokojan Release Status: Released to Publ... More

(On left) CPT Mark A. Smith, U.S. Army (Captured 7 Apr 72) and (Left of center) CPT George K. Wanat Jr., U.S. Army, (Captured 30 Apr 72) are two of the twenty eight American POWs who were release by the Viet Cong on February 12, 1973. They are in group of Viet Cong and North Vietnamese military personnel prior to their being turned over to the U.S. military

(On left) CPT Mark A. Smith, U.S. Army (Captured 7 Apr 72) and (Left o...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Loc Ninh Country: South Vietnam Scene Camera Operator: SSGT Herman Kokojan Release Status: Released to Publ... More

Ex-POWs and U.S. Army Captains, Mark A. Smith (Captured 7 Apr 72) and George K. Wanat Jr. (Captured 30 Apr 72), after their release by the Viet Cong to the American military. They are two of the twenty eight American POWs released by the Viet Cong on February 12, 1973

Ex-POWs and U.S. Army Captains, Mark A. Smith (Captured 7 Apr 72) and ...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Loc Ninh Country: South Vietnam Scene Camera Operator: SSGT Herman Kokojan Release Status: Released to Publ... More

Ex-POW and U.S.Navy CMDR James Glenn Pirie (Captured 22 Jun 67), at the flight line microphone, thanks the crowd of well wishers and press before departing for the United States on the C-141 Starlifter in the background. 13th Air Force Commander, LGEN William G. Moore Jr., stands in background near the ambulance bus that brought the ex-POWs to the flight line. CMDR Pirie was released in Hanoi by North Vietnam on 18 Feb 73

Ex-POW and U.S.Navy CMDR James Glenn Pirie (Captured 22 Jun 67), at th...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Clark Air Base State: Luzon Country: Philippines (PHL) Scene Camera Operator: SGT William L. Lee Release S... More

Ex-POW and U.S. Navy CPT Ernest Milvin Moore Jr., (Captured 11 Mar 67) shakes the hand of Mrs. B. H. Russell, a Red Cross volunteer. She was one of the many well wishers who came say goodbye to CPT Moore as he leaves for the United States. CPT Moore was released in Hanoi by North Vietnam on 4 Mar 73

Ex-POW and U.S. Navy CPT Ernest Milvin Moore Jr., (Captured 11 Mar 67)...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Clark Air Base State: Luzon Country: Philippines (PHL) Scene Camera Operator: SSGT Deal Toney Release Stat... More

Unidentified ex-POW, U.S. Navy LT holds a small girl as he says farewell to a crowd of well wishers who came to the flight line to say goodbye as he leaves for the United States

Unidentified ex-POW, U.S. Navy LT holds a small girl as he says farewe...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Clark Air Base State: Luzon Country: Philippines (PHL) Scene Camera Operator: SSGT Deal Toney Release Stat... More

Ex-POW, U.S. Navy CMDR Charles E. Southwick (Captured 14 May 67) gets a kiss from a young girl as he prepares to board the C-141 Starlifter for the flight to the United States. CMRD Southwick was released in Hanoi by North Vietnam on 4 Mar 73

Ex-POW, U.S. Navy CMDR Charles E. Southwick (Captured 14 May 67) gets ...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Clark Air Base State: Luzon Country: Philippines (PHL) Scene Camera Operator: CPT Frank J. Adinolfi Releas... More

Ex-POW and U.S. Navy CPT Ernest Milvin Moore Jr., (Captured 11 Mar 67) gets a gift from young Robert Ballentine, son of SSGT Michael G. Ballentine assigned to the 6922nd Security Squadron. He was one of the many well wishers who came to say goodbye to CPT Moore as he leaves for United States. CPT Moore was released in Hanoi by North Vietnam on 4 Mar 73

Ex-POW and U.S. Navy CPT Ernest Milvin Moore Jr., (Captured 11 Mar 67)...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Clark Air Base State: Luzon Country: Philippines (PHL) Scene Camera Operator: SSGT Deal Toney Release Stat... More

Overrall view as BGEN Stan McClellan, CHIEF of STAFF Military Assistance Command-Vietnam (MACV), U.S. Army, conducts a press conference, to discuss the details of release of the prisoners of war, for members of the civilian press in a Military Assistance Command-Vietnam (MACV) briefing room at Tan Son Nhut Airbase

Overrall view as BGEN Stan McClellan, CHIEF of STAFF Military Assistan...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Saigon Country: South Vietnam Scene Camera Operator: SSGT Urias Release Status: Released to Public Combined... More

Former POW and U.S. Air Force COL Robinson Risner, (Captured 16 Sep 65) and U.S. Marine LCOL John H. Dunn (Captured 7 Dec 65) answer questions at a press conference. COL Risner and LCOL Dunn was released by the North Vietnamese in Hanoi on 12 Feb 73

Former POW and U.S. Air Force COL Robinson Risner, (Captured 16 Sep 65...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Clark Air Base State: Luzon Country: Philippines (PHL) Scene Camera Operator: COL Cox Release Status: Rele... More

Recently released U.S. prisoner of war Knutson is greeted by the Gia Lam Airport returnee delegation

Recently released U.S. prisoner of war Knutson is greeted by the Gia L...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Hanoi Country: Viet Nam (VNM) Scene Camera Operator: Unknown Release Status: Released to Public Combined Military Service Digital Photographic Files

Exterior view of the prisoner of war camp ("Hanoi Hilton")

Exterior view of the prisoner of war camp ("Hanoi Hilton")

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Hanoi Country: Viet Nam (VNM) Scene Camera Operator: Unknown Release Status: Released to Public Combined Military Service Digital Photographic Files

MAJ. Edward W. Leonard, a recently released prisoner of war, greets members of his family upon his arrival at Travis Air Force Base

MAJ. Edward W. Leonard, a recently released prisoner of war, greets me...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: State: California (CA) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator: Unknown Release Status: Released to Public Combined Military Serv... More

LT. Wayne Gordermute is welcomed to Clark Air Base upon his arrival aboard a C-141 Starlifter aircraft. LT. Gordermute was recently released from a prisoner of war camp in Vietnam

LT. Wayne Gordermute is welcomed to Clark Air Base upon his arrival ab...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Country: Philippines (PHL) Scene Camera Operator: Chambers Release Status: Released to Public Combined Military Service Digital Photographic Files

MAJ. Wesley Schierman, a recently released prisoner of war, goes through the cafeteria line upon his arrival at Travis Air Force Base

MAJ. Wesley Schierman, a recently released prisoner of war, goes throu...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: State: California (CA) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator: Unknown Release Status: Released to Public Combined Military Serv... More

Former POW and U.S. Air Force CPT Darrel Edwin Pyle, wife Karen, son and an escort look over the giant C-5 Galaxy aircraft on the flight line. CPT Pyle was captured on 13 Jun 66 and released by the North Vietnamese in Hanoi on 12 Feb 73

Former POW and U.S. Air Force CPT Darrel Edwin Pyle, wife Karen, son a...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Travis Air Force Base State: California (CA) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator:... More

Former POW and U.S. Air Force COL Robinson Risner, at the microphone, waves his thanks to the crowd and press upon arriving on a flight from Clark Air Base. 22nd Air Force Commander, MGEN John Gonge stands behind COL Risner. COL Risner was captured on 16 Sep 65 and released by North Vietnamese in Hanoi on 12 Feb 73

Former POW and U.S. Air Force COL Robinson Risner, at the microphone, ...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Travis Air Force Base State: California (CA) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator:... More

Former POW and U.S. Air Force LCOL Alan Leslie Brunstrom. LCOL Brunstrom was captured on 22 Apr 66 and released by the North Vietnamese in Hanoi on 12 Feb 73

Former POW and U.S. Air Force LCOL Alan Leslie Brunstrom. LCOL Brunstr...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Travis Air Force Base State: California (CA) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator:... More

Released Prisoner of War, U.S. Navy CPT Jeremiah Andrew Denton (Captured 18 Jul 65) stands behind microphones on the flight line and faces a phalanx of well wisher and media on his arrival. CPT Denton was in the first group released by the North Vietnamese on Feb 12, 1973 in Hanoi

Released Prisoner of War, U.S. Navy CPT Jeremiah Andrew Denton (Captur...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Travis Air Force Base State: California (CA) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator:... More

An unidentified U.S. Air Force Major and former Prisoner of War walks the red carpet, past the honor guard, to the plane that will return him to the United States

An unidentified U.S. Air Force Major and former Prisoner of War walks ...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Clark Air Base State: Luzon Country: Philippines (PHL) Scene Camera Operator: Sp-5 Logan L. Mcminn Release... More

(On right) Former POW, CPT John Owen Davies, U.S. Air Force, (Captured 4 Feb 67) shows his escort a camera that he bought before leaving Clark Air Base. CPT Davies was shot down on 4 Feb 67 and was released in Hanoi on 18 Feb 73

(On right) Former POW, CPT John Owen Davies, U.S. Air Force, (Captured...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Enroute To Tafb State: California (CA) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator: TSGT ... More

Former POW and U.S. Air Force LCOL George Grigsby McKnight has his teeth checked by a dentist at the Grant Medical Center. LCOL McKnight was captured on 6 Nov 65 and released by the North Vietnamese in Hanoi on 12 Feb 73

Former POW and U.S. Air Force LCOL George Grigsby McKnight has his tee...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Travis Air Force Base State: California (CA) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator:... More

Former POW and U.S. Air Force COL Raymond James Merritt at the microphone, thanks the crowd and press upon arriving on a flight from Clark Air Base. COL Merritt was captured on 16 Sep 65 and released by the North Vietnamese in Hanoi on 12 Feb 73

Former POW and U.S. Air Force COL Raymond James Merritt at the microph...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Travis Air Force Base State: California (CA) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator:... More

(On left) Mr. Richard George Waldhaus, U.S. civilian and fellow POW U.S. Army SP-4 Richard H. Springman, (Captured 25 May 70) are two of the twenty eight American POWs released by the Viet Cong on February 12, 1973

(On left) Mr. Richard George Waldhaus, U.S. civilian and fellow POW U....

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Loc Ninh Country: South Vietnam Scene Camera Operator: SSGT Herman Kokojan Release Status: Released to Publ... More

View from inside the C-141 as two Ex-POWs are greeted upon arriving, after the flight from Hanoi, North Vietnam, by (Left to Right) LGEN William G. Moore Jr., Commander 13th Air Force and Admiral Noel Gaylor, Commander Pacific Command

View from inside the C-141 as two Ex-POWs are greeted upon arriving, a...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Clark Air Base State: Luzon Country: Philippines (PHL) Scene Camera Operator: TSGT Eddie P. Boaz Release S... More

Viet Cong soldiers carry a litter with injured American POW, CPT David Earle Baker, (Captured 27 June 72) from the hospital tent to the release point. American and South Vietnamese prisoners were exchanged for Viet Cong (VC) and North Vietnamese (NVA) prisoners

Viet Cong soldiers carry a litter with injured American POW, CPT David...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Loc Ninh Country: South Vietnam Scene Camera Operator: SSGT Herman Kokojan Release Status: Released to Publ... More

Ex-POW and U.S. Air Force MAJ Jay R. Jensen (Captured 18 Feb 67) salutes the Honor Guard colors after arriving on the bus, in the background, and prior to boarding a C-141 Starlifter for the flight to the United States. MAJ Jensen was released in Hanoi by North Vietnam on 18 Feb 73

Ex-POW and U.S. Air Force MAJ Jay R. Jensen (Captured 18 Feb 67) salut...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Clark Air Base State: Luzon Country: Philippines (PHL) Scene Camera Operator: SGT William L. Lee Release S... More

Ex-POW and U.S.Navy CMDR James Glenn Pirie (Captured 22 Jun 67), at the flight line microphone, thanks the crowd of well wishers and press before departing for the United States on the C-141 Starlifter in the background. 13th Air Force Commander, LGEN William G. Moore Jr., stands in background near the ambulance bus that brought the ex-POWs to the flight line. CMDR Pirie was released in Hanoi by North Vietnam on 18 Feb 73

Ex-POW and U.S.Navy CMDR James Glenn Pirie (Captured 22 Jun 67), at th...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Clark Air Base State: Luzon Country: Philippines (PHL) Scene Camera Operator: SGT William L. Lee Release S... More

Ex-POW and U.S. Air Force CPT Robert Archie Abbott (Captured 30 Apr 67) says farewell to a group of well wishers and friends who came to the flight line to say goodbye as he leaves for United States. CPT Abbott was released in Hanoi by North Vietnam on 4 Mar 73

Ex-POW and U.S. Air Force CPT Robert Archie Abbott (Captured 30 Apr 67...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Clark Air Base State: Luzon Country: Philippines (PHL) Scene Camera Operator: SSGT Deal Toney Release Stat... More

Ex-POW, U.S. Navy LCMDR Richard D. Mullins (Captured 6 Jan 67), shakes hands with 13th Air Force Commander LGEN William G. Moore Jr. prior to boarding the C-141 Starlifter for the flight to the United States. CMRD Mullins was released in Hanoi by North Vietnam on 4 Mar 73

Ex-POW, U.S. Navy LCMDR Richard D. Mullins (Captured 6 Jan 67), shakes...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Clark Air Base State: Luzon Country: Philippines (PHL) Scene Camera Operator: CPT Frank J. Adinolfi Releas... More

A US Navy (USN) PETTY Officer Third Class (PO3) Aviation Structural Mechanic (AM) hold his child for the first time after returning from a six-month deployment aboard the USN Nimitz Class Aircraft Carrier USS CARL VINSON (CVN 70) [not shown] in support of the global war on terrorism (GWOT)

A US Navy (USN) PETTY Officer Third Class (PO3) Aviation Structural Me...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: homecoming Base: Naval Station, Norfolk State: Virginia (VA) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Major Command Sho... More

BGEN Stan McClellan, U.S. Army, CHIEF of STAFF, Military Assistance Command-Vietnam (MACV), conducts a press conference, to discuss the details of release of the prisoners of war, for members of the civilian press in a Military Assistance Command-Vietnam (MACV) briefing room at Tan Son Nhut Airbase

BGEN Stan McClellan, U.S. Army, CHIEF of STAFF, Military Assistance Co...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Saigon Country: South Vietnam Scene Camera Operator: SSGT Urias Release Status: Released to Public Combined... More

Former POW and U.S. Air Force LCOL Lewis Wiley Shattuck (Captured 11 Jul 66) salutes the American Flag upon his arrival on the C-141 Starlifter from Clark Air Base, Philippines. In the background MGEN John Gonge, 22nd Air Force Commander and MGEN Daniel "Chappie" James await the next returnee to deplane. LCOL Shattuck was in the first group of POWs released on 12 Feb 73 by the North Vietnamese government in Hanoi

Former POW and U.S. Air Force LCOL Lewis Wiley Shattuck (Captured 11 J...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Travis Air Force Base State: California (CA) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator:... More

Former POW and U.S. LCOL George Grigsby McKnight at the microphone, thanks the crowd and press upon arriving on a flight from Clark Air Base. LCOL McKnight was captured on 6 Nov 65 and released by the North Vietnamese in Hanoi 12 Feb 73

Former POW and U.S. LCOL George Grigsby McKnight at the microphone, th...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Travis Air Force Base State: California (CA) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator:... More

(On left) Mr. Michael Kjome, U.S. civilian and fellow POW, CPT Mark A. Smith, U.S. Army (Captured 7 Apr 72) are two of the twenty eight American POWs who were release by the Viet Cong on February 12, 1973. They are in group of Viet Cong and North Vietnamese military personnel prior to their being turned over to the U.S. military

(On left) Mr. Michael Kjome, U.S. civilian and fellow POW, CPT Mark A....

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Loc Ninh Country: South Vietnam Scene Camera Operator: SSGT Herman Kokojan Release Status: Released to Publ... More

Former POW and U.S. Air Force MAJ Robert D. Peel (Captured 6 Nov 65) at the microphone talks to the people who came to greet his return. MGEN Cole, Military Airlift Command staff stands to the left. MAJ Peel was released by the North Vietnamese in Hanoi on 12 Feb 73

Former POW and U.S. Air Force MAJ Robert D. Peel (Captured 6 Nov 65) a...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Scott Air Force Base State: Illinois (IL) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator: SG... More

COL. Lynn is greeted by the Gia Lam Airport returnee delegation upon his release from a prisoner of war camp

COL. Lynn is greeted by the Gia Lam Airport returnee delegation upon h...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Hanoi Country: Viet Nam (VNM) Scene Camera Operator: Unknown Release Status: Released to Public Combined Military Service Digital Photographic Files

A returnee from a Vietnamese prisoner of war camp is debriefed upon his arrival at Travis Air Force Base

A returnee from a Vietnamese prisoner of war camp is debriefed upon hi...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: State: California (CA) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator: Unknown Release Status: Released to Public Combined Military Serv... More

A returnee shows his happiness as he prepares to board a bus at Clark Air Base shortly after being released from a prisoner of war camp in Vietnam

A returnee shows his happiness as he prepares to board a bus at Clark ...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Country: Philippines (PHL) Scene Camera Operator: Wright Release Status: Released to Public Combined Military Service Digital Photographic Files

MAJ. Norman A. McDaniel is greeted by the Gia Lam Airport returnee delegation upon his release from a prisoner of war camp

MAJ. Norman A. McDaniel is greeted by the Gia Lam Airport returnee del...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Hanoi Country: Viet Nam (VNM) Scene Camera Operator: Unknown Release Status: Released to Public Combined Military Service Digital Photographic Files

Captain William W. Butler, a recently released prisoner of war, greets a member of his family upon his arrival at Travis Air Force Base

Captain William W. Butler, a recently released prisoner of war, greets...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Travis Air Force Base State: California (CA) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator: Unknown Release Status: Released to ... More

A view of the welcome home sign prepared to greet recently released from a prisoner of war home from Vietnam

A view of the welcome home sign prepared to greet recently released fr...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Travis Air Force Base State: California (CA) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator: Wright Release Status: Released to P... More

Former POW and U.S.Air Force COL Ronald E. Byrne Jr. (Captured 29 Aug 65) at microphones talks to press and public who were there to greet the returning POWs. On left GEN Robbins, HQ Military Airlift Command, listens. Flanking COL Byrne are unidentified former POW (left) and U.S. Air Force CPT Thomas Joseph Barrett (Captured 5 Oct 65). COL Byrne and CPT Barrett were released by the North Vietnamese in Hanoi on 12 Feb 73

Former POW and U.S.Air Force COL Ronald E. Byrne Jr. (Captured 29 Aug ...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Scott Air Force Base State: Illinois (IL) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator: SG... More

As MGEN Daniel "Chappie" James looks on, former POW and U.S. Air Force 1ST LT William Youl Arcorui (Captured 22 Dec 72) greets his wife after his arrival on the C-141 Starlifter from Clark Air Base. LT Arcorui was in the first group of POWs released by the North Vietnamese government in Hanoi

As MGEN Daniel "Chappie" James looks on, former POW and U.S. Air Force...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Travis Air Force Base State: California (CA) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator:... More

Former POW and U.S. Air Force LCOL Alan Leslie Brunstrom with his wife, Helen and daughter Kathy. LCOL Brunstrom was captured on 22 Apr 66 and released by the North Vietnamese in Hanoi on 12 Feb 73

Former POW and U.S. Air Force LCOL Alan Leslie Brunstrom with his wife...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Travis Air Force Base State: California (CA) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator:... More

Returned POW U.S. Navy LCMDR Everett Alvarez (Captured 5 Aug 64) looks at a letter in his room at the base hospital. LCMDR Alvarez was held longer by the North Vietnamese than any other American POW. He was released on 12 Feb 73 in Hanoi

Returned POW U.S. Navy LCMDR Everett Alvarez (Captured 5 Aug 64) looks...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Clark Air Base State: Luzon Country: Philippines (PHL) Scene Camera Operator: TSGT Eddie P. Boaz Release S... More

LCOL Daniel James Doughty (Captured 2 Apr 67) at the microphones talks to people who came out to greet the returning POWs on their nighttime arrival at Scott. LCOL Doughty was released by the North Vietnamese in Hanoi on 12 Feb 73

LCOL Daniel James Doughty (Captured 2 Apr 67) at the microphones talks...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Scott Air Force Base State: Illinois (IL) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator: SG... More

Former POW and U.S. Air Force LCOL James Quincy Collins Jr. talks with escorts and other POWs in the passenger lounge after his arrival from Clark Air Base, Philippines. LCOL Collins was captured on 2 Sep 65 and released by the North Vietnamese in Hanoi on 12 Feb 73

Former POW and U.S. Air Force LCOL James Quincy Collins Jr. talks with...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Travis Air Force Base State: California (CA) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator:... More

BGEN Stan McClellan, U.S. Army, CHIEF of STAFF Military Assistance Command-Vietnam (MACV) and co-chair of the Operation Homecoming debriefing, in a Military Assistance Command-Vietnam (MACV) conference room at Tan Son Nhut Airbase

BGEN Stan McClellan, U.S. Army, CHIEF of STAFF Military Assistance Com...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Saigon Country: South Vietnam Scene Camera Operator: SGT Paul D. Boyer, USAF Release Status: Released to Public Combined Military Service Digital... More

Viet Cong POWs, one with a Viet Cong flag, stand and sit at the exchange location. They were flown in on USAF C-130 aircraft from Bien Hoa Air Base. They will be exchanged for American and South Vietnamese POWs held by the Viet Cong forces

Viet Cong POWs, one with a Viet Cong flag, stand and sit at the exchan...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Loc Ninh Country: South Vietnam Scene Camera Operator: SSGT Herman Kokojan Release Status: Released to Publ... More

A returned POW steps off the bus and waves to the crowd as he walks to the waiting C-141 Starlifter for the flight to the states. Returned POWs from Hanoi and Loc Ninh were flown to Clark for medical checkups prior to returning home

A returned POW steps off the bus and waves to the crowd as he walks to...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Clark Air Base State: Luzon Country: Philippines (PHL) Scene Camera Operator: Sp-5 Logan L. Mcminn Release... More

POW and U.S. Army CPT George K. Wanat Jr. (Captured 30 Apr 72), has identification attached to his shirt, after his release by the Viet Cong to the American military. CPT Wanat is one of the twenty eight American POWs released by the Viet Cong on February 12, 1973

POW and U.S. Army CPT George K. Wanat Jr. (Captured 30 Apr 72), has id...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Loc Ninh Country: South Vietnam Scene Camera Operator: SSGT Herman Kokojan Release Status: Released to Publ... More

SPC-4 Richard Springman, U.S. Army, Captured 25 May 70) talks with a North Vietnamese Army officer who is looking at his peace symbol. He is one of the twenty eight American POWs who were released by the Viet Cong on February 12, 1973

SPC-4 Richard Springman, U.S. Army, Captured 25 May 70) talks with a N...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Loc Ninh Country: South Vietnam Scene Camera Operator: SSGT Herman Kokojan Release Status: Released to Publ... More

American POWs lined up at Gia Lan Airport, surrounded by North Vietnamese military, public and press, prior to being turned over to the U.S. delegation. (Left to Right) U.S. Air Force CPT Michael Christopher Lane (Captured 2 Dec 66), partially hidden behind CPT Lane, USAF CPT John Walter Clark (Captured 12 Mar 67), USAF CPT John Owen Davies (Captured 4 Feb 67), USAF MAJ Hubert Kelly Flesher (Captured 2 Dec 66) and USAF CPT Herbert Benjamin Ringsdorf (Captured 11 Nov 66)

American POWs lined up at Gia Lan Airport, surrounded by North Vietnam...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Hanoi Country: Republic Of Vietnam (RVN) Scene Camera Operator: TSGT Eddie P. Boaz Release Status: Released... More

At Gia Lan Airport, surrounded by North Vietnamese and American officials, the press and public, just released, ex-POW U.S. Navy LCMDR Joseph C. Plumb Jr., (Captured 19 May 67) walks to meet his escort officer for the trip to Clark Air Base

At Gia Lan Airport, surrounded by North Vietnamese and American offici...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Hanoi Country: Democratic Republic Of Vietnam Scene Camera Operator: TSGT Eddie P. Boaz Release Status: Rel... More

Ex-POW and U.S. Air Force MAJ Hubert K. Flesher (Captured 2 Dec 66) shakes hands with 13th Air Force Commander, LGEN William G. Moore Jr., after arriving on bus, in background, and prior to his flight to the United States. COL John W. Ord, Commander, Clark Hospital and COL Raymond G. Lawry, Deputy Site Commander, Joint Homecoming Reception Center are in the background. MAJ Flesher was released in Hanoi by North Vietnam on 18 Feb 73

Ex-POW and U.S. Air Force MAJ Hubert K. Flesher (Captured 2 Dec 66) sh...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Clark Air Base State: Luzon Country: Philippines (PHL) Scene Camera Operator: SGT William L. Lee Release S... More

Major David E. Ford, a recently released prisoner of war, greets his wife upon his arrival at Travis Air Force Base

Major David E. Ford, a recently released prisoner of war, greets his w...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Travis Air Force Base State: California (CA) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator: Unknown Release Status: Released to ... More

A returnee from a Vietnamese prisoner of war camp catches up on events upon his arrival at Travis Air Force Base

A returnee from a Vietnamese prisoner of war camp catches up on events...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: State: California (CA) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator: Unknown Release Status: Released to Public Combined Military Serv... More

A returnee looks through the window aboard a C-141 Starlifter aircraft. The aircraft is being used to evacuate prisoners of war to Clark Air Base, Republic of the Philippines

A returnee looks through the window aboard a C-141 Starlifter aircraft...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Country: Viet Nam (VNM) Scene Camera Operator: Unknown Release Status: Released to Public Combined Military Service Digital Photographic Files

LT. COL. Lewis W. Shattuck is greeted by the Gia Lam Airport returnee delegation upon his release from a prisoner of war camp

LT. COL. Lewis W. Shattuck is greeted by the Gia Lam Airport returnee ...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Hanoi Country: Viet Nam (VNM) Scene Camera Operator: Wright Release Status: Released to Public Combined Military Service Digital Photographic Files

Former POW and U.S. Navy LCMDR Everett Alvarez (Captured 5 Aug 64) talks at the microphones to the public and press there to greet the plane load of former POWs flown in from Clark Air Base. LCMDR Alvarez was released by the North Vietnamese in Hanoi on12 Feb 73

Former POW and U.S. Navy LCMDR Everett Alvarez (Captured 5 Aug 64) tal...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Travis Air Force Base State: California (CA) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator:... More

Former POW and U.S.Air Force MAJ Norman Alexander McDaniel (Captured 20 Jul 66) express delight at the reception he received from the public and the press on his arrival from Clark Air Base. MAJ McDaniel was released by the North Vietnamese in Hanoi on12 Feb 73

Former POW and U.S.Air Force MAJ Norman Alexander McDaniel (Captured 2...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Travis Air Force Base State: California (CA) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator:... More

Former POW and U.S. Navy CPT Harry Tarleton Jenkins Jr. salutes the colors as he walks, accompanied by an unidentified Naval officer, from the C-141 Starlifter to the waiting microphones. CPT Jenkins was captured on 13 Nov 65 and released by the North Vietnamese in Hanoi 12 Feb 73

Former POW and U.S. Navy CPT Harry Tarleton Jenkins Jr. salutes the co...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Naval Air Station, Alameda State: California (CA) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Oper... More

Former POW and U.S. Air Force COL Robinson Risner, at the microphone, express his thanks to the crowd and press upon arriving on a flight from Clark Air Base. COL Risner was captured on 16 Sep 65 and released by North Vietnamese in Hanoi on 12 Feb 73

Former POW and U.S. Air Force COL Robinson Risner, at the microphone, ...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Travis Air Force Base State: California (CA) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator:... More

Former POW and U.S. Army SSG Bobby Louis Johnson (Captured 25 Aug 68), is greeted by MGEN John Gonge, 22nd Air Force Commander and BGEN William Deitrich, Vice Commander, 22nd AF upon his arrival on the C-141 Starlifter from Clark Air Base, Philippines. SSG Johnson was in the group of POWs captured in South Vietnam and released on 12 Feb 73 by the Viet Cong at Loc Ninh, South Vietnam

Former POW and U.S. Army SSG Bobby Louis Johnson (Captured 25 Aug 68),...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Travis Air Force Base State: California (CA) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator:... More

Former POW and U.S. Air Force CPT Larry James Chesley is greeted by 22nd Air Force Vice Commander, BGEN William Deitrich and BGEN Ralph Saunders upon arriving on a flight from Clark Air Base. CPT Chesley was captured on 6 Nov 65 and released by the North Vietnamese in Hanoi 12 Feb 73

Former POW and U.S. Air Force CPT Larry James Chesley is greeted by 22...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Travis Air Force Base State: California (CA) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator:... More

Former Prisoner of War, U.S. Navy LT CMDR Edward Anthony Davis, (CAptured 26 Aug 65) carrying his puppy, MACO, talks to the press prior to his departure for the states. The puppy was given toim by a North Vietnamese guard prior to his release in the second group of POWS from Hanoi on February 12, 1973

Former Prisoner of War, U.S. Navy LT CMDR Edward Anthony Davis, (CAptu...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Clark Air Base State: Luzon Country: Philippines (PHL) Scene Camera Operator: TSGT Eddie P. Boaz Release S... More

Ex-POW and unidentified U.S. Navy LT waves to the crowd of well wishers prior to boarding the C-141 Starlifter for the flight to the United States. Standing to the right is 13th Air Force Commander, LGEN William G. Moore Jr., COL John W. Ord, Commander, Clark Hospital and COL Raymond G. Lawry, Deputy Site Commander, Joint Homecoming Reception Center

Ex-POW and unidentified U.S. Navy LT waves to the crowd of well wisher...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Clark Air Base State: Luzon Country: Philippines (PHL) Scene Camera Operator: Unknown Release Status: Rele... More

Former POW and U.S. Air Force SSGT Roy Madden Jr. has a blood sample taken by a medical technician in his hospital bed at the Grant Medical Center. SSGT Madden was captured on 22 Dec 72 and released by the North Vietnamese in Hanoi 12 Feb 73

Former POW and U.S. Air Force SSGT Roy Madden Jr. has a blood sample t...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: HOMECOMING Base: Travis Air Force Base State: California (CA) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator:... More


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