Nightview of the fair postcard
Nightview of the National fair in Bergen 1928. Artist: Atelier K.K. (Knud Knudsen)
The King arrives postcard
Norwegian King Haakon VII arrives at the National fair in Bergen 1928. Artist: Atelier K.K. (Knud Knudsen)
Overview of the fair - before the opening
Overview of the main entrance before opening Artist: Atelier K.K. (Knud Knudsen)
Fun at the amusement park postcard
Detail of the amusement park at the National fair in Bergen 1828. Artist: Atelier K.K. (Knud Knudsen)
The main entrance - under construction
The fair´s entrance under contruction April 1928 Artist: Atelier K.K. (Knud Knudsen)
View of the National fair in Bergen 1928
Overview picture of the National fair in Bergen 1928. The artificial lake, Lille Lungegårdsvann, in the center. Bergen Public Library seen in the far back to the left. Artist: Atelier K.K. (Knud Knudsen)
National fair - reverse view postcard
Reverse view of the main entrance of the National fair, still under contruction Artist: Atelier K.K. (Knud Knudsen)
Nightview of the fair postcard
National fair - reverse view night time. Artist: Atelier K.K. (Knud Knudsen)
Sami village in Kanadaskogen postcard
In connection to the National fair in Bergen the city made arrangements for a small Sami village in the nearby Kanadaskogen (lit. Canadian forest) so that locals and turists could get an authentic feeling of th... More
Amusement park under contruction
View of the contruction site of the amusement park for the National fair in Bergen 1928. Bergen Public Library building seen in the back (right). Artist: Atelier K.K. (Knud Knudsen)
Fun at the amusement park postcard
The amusement park at the National fair in Bergen 1928 Artist: Atelier K.K. (Knud Knudsen)
Lach Salon postcard. A black and white photo of an old building Norway
Part of the amusement park of the National fair in Bergen 1928. Artist: Atelier K.K. (Knud Knudsen)
The Hansa bottle postcard
The Hansa brewery pavillion Artist: Atelier K.K. (Knud Knudsen) Public domain scan of Bergen Norway postcard, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
The main entrance - under construction
The main entrance under contruction. Bergen Public Library building seen in the back. Artist: Atelier K.K. (Knud Knudsen)
Boats on the lake postcard
Exotic boats on the lake Lille Lungegårdsvann in the center of the National fair in Bergen 1928. Artist: Atelier K.K. (Knud Knudsen)
Building the amusement park postcard
Builders contructing parts of the amusement park for the Narional fair in Bergen 1928 Artist: Atelier K.K. (Knud Knudsen)
Tobacco tower postcard. A black and white photo of a lighthouse on a p...
A tower erected by a tobacco company in the middle of the park´s artificial lake (known today as Lille Lungegårdsvann). Artist: Atelier K.K. (Knud Knudsen)
Winter before the fair postcard
Contruction site of the National fair. Artist: Atelier K.K. (Knud Knudsen)