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Jomon pottery

Type of ancient earthenware pottery which was made during the Jōmon period in Japan.Created by: PICRYL - Public Domain Media Search EngineDated: 0001
Pottery was made from clay fired in special pits at temperatures of 600-800 degrees Celsius. At the beginning of the Jomon period, vertical patterns were applied to the pottery using strands of plant fibre applied to the raw clay. Then the fibres were applied horizontally in a herringbone pattern, in the middle Jomon period in a diagonal pattern, and in the late Jomon period in a geometric pattern with a multi-directional arrangement of rope prints. The pattern was applied either by rotating the rope around the vessel or by using a bamboo stick or finger.

Jōmon period pottery was used for cooking food and storing food and water.
17 Media in collectionpage 1 of 1
Jar with cord marks, Japan, Hokkaido, final Jomon period, c. 1000 BC, earthenware, iron-red pigment - Peabody Essex Museum - DSC07529

Jar with cord marks, Japan, Hokkaido, final Jomon period, c. 1000 BC, ...

Exhibit in the Peabody Essex Museum - Salem, Massachusetts, USA.

Pot with Spout, 1000-300 BC, Japan, earthenware, excavated at Nagawa, Aomori - Art Institute of Chicago - DSC00127

Pot with Spout, 1000-300 BC, Japan, earthenware, excavated at Nagawa, ...

Exhibit in the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA. This artwork is in the public domain because the artist died more than 70 years ago. Photography was permitted in the museum without restriction.

房谷戸遺跡出土 深鉢

房谷戸遺跡出土 深鉢

日本語: 房谷戸遺跡出土 深鉢

Jar with cord marks, Japan, Hokkaido, final Jomon period, c. 1000 BC, earthenware, iron-red pigment - Peabody Essex Museum - DSC07531

Jar with cord marks, Japan, Hokkaido, final Jomon period, c. 1000 BC, ...

Exhibit in the Peabody Essex Museum - Salem, Massachusetts, USA.

Vessel LACMA M.81.62.1 - A brown vase sitting on top of a table

Vessel LACMA M.81.62.1 - A brown vase sitting on top of a table

Furnishings; Serviceware Coil-built earthenware with incised, modeled, and applied decoration Height: 22 1/8 in. (56.1975 cm) The William T. Sesnon, Jr. Bequest (M.81.62.1) Japanese Art Currently on public view... More

Urn, Japan, Jomon period, c. 2600 BC, pottery - Dallas Museum of Art - DSC05110

Urn, Japan, Jomon period, c. 2600 BC, pottery - Dallas Museum of Art -...

Exhibit in the Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas, Texas, USA. Public domain photograph of ceramic vase, jug, pottery, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Beaker, Japan, c. 2500 BC, earthenware - Middlebury College Museum of Art - Middlebury, VT - DSC08199

Beaker, Japan, c. 2500 BC, earthenware - Middlebury College Museum of ...

Exhibit in the Middlebury College Museum of Art - Middlebury, Vermont, USA.

Spouted vessel with cord marks, Japan, Hokkaido, final Jomon period, c. 1000 BC, earthenware - Peabody Essex Museum - DSC07533

Spouted vessel with cord marks, Japan, Hokkaido, final Jomon period, c...

Exhibit in the Peabody Essex Museum - Salem, Massachusetts, USA.

Kofun Era Pottery (30062577385)

Kofun Era Pottery (30062577385)

Shibayama Haniwa Museum, Chiba, Japan. Complete indexed photo collection at

武蔵台東遺跡出土 コウモリ形釣り手土器

武蔵台東遺跡出土 コウモリ形釣り手土器

日本語: 武蔵台東遺跡出土 コウモリ形釣り手土器

花見山遺跡出土 隆線文土器

花見山遺跡出土 隆線文土器

日本語: 花見山遺跡出土 隆線文土器

Jar with Handles, c. 2000 BC, Japan, earthenware, Ubayama (Kasori E) type from neolithic shell mounds of Ichikawa, Chiba - Art Institute of Chicago - DSC00117

Jar with Handles, c. 2000 BC, Japan, earthenware, Ubayama (Kasori E) t...

Exhibit in the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA. This artwork is in the public domain because the artist died more than 70 years ago. Photography was permitted in the museum without restriction.

Spouted vessel with cord marks, Japan, Hokkaido, final Jomon period, c. 1000 BC, earthenware - Peabody Essex Museum - DSC07535

Spouted vessel with cord marks, Japan, Hokkaido, final Jomon period, c...

Exhibit in the Peabody Essex Museum - Salem, Massachusetts, USA.

Handle in the Form of an Animal Head, 1000-300 BC, Japan, earthenware - Art Institute of Chicago - DSC00123

Handle in the Form of an Animal Head, 1000-300 BC, Japan, earthenware ...

Exhibit in the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA. This artwork is in the public domain because the artist died more than 70 years ago. Photography was permitted in the museum without restriction.

Deep Pot, 2000-1000 BC, Japan, earthenware, probably from Horinouchi site near Funabashi, Chiba - Art Institute of Chicago - DSC00121

Deep Pot, 2000-1000 BC, Japan, earthenware, probably from Horinouchi s...

Exhibit in the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA. This artwork is in the public domain because the artist died more than 70 years ago. Photography was permitted in the museum without restriction.

是川中居遺跡出土 縄文土器 (香炉形)

是川中居遺跡出土 縄文土器 (香炉形)

日本語: 是川中居遺跡出土 縄文土器 (香炉形)

An earthen mask from the Jomon period

An earthen mask from the Jomon period

日本語: 縄文時代後期の土面 北海道千歳市ママチ遺跡第310号土壙墓出土(複製品)。北海道博物館所蔵 2023年撮影 English: Earthen surface from the late Jomon period, excavated from Tomb No. 310, Mamachi Ruins, Chitose City, Hokkaido (replica) Hokkaido Museum coll... More

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