Jane Austen from "[Emma. New edition.]"
This image has been taken from scan 000318 from "[Emma. New edition.]". The title and subject terms of this image have been generated from tags, created by users of the British Library's flickr photostream.
Emma title page 1909 - An old book with a picture of a man and woman o...
http://static1.squarespace.com/static/53934c14e4b092ca1fefa261/t/5395fac3e4b0bb296303d22b/1457450736280/?format=1000w Source: Linked from Molland's Circulating Library Image URL: http://static1.squarespace.com... More
Mansfield Park Title Page - An old book with a title on it
Title page from the first edition of Jane Austen's Mansfield Park
Emma CE Brock 1909 Vol III Chapter III
Colour illustration of a 1909 edition of Emma (Jane Austen's novel), by C. E. Brock (died 1938) Français : Illustration en couleurs d'une édition de 1909 de Emma (de Jane Austen), par C. E. Brock (mort en 1938).
"To enquire after Marianne was at first his excuse" - Willoughby comments on his visits to the Dashwood cottage. Austen, Jane. Sense and Sensibility. London: George Allen, 1899, page 50.
Persuasion, ch 20: Anne and Captain Wentworth are speaking to each other in spite of the formidable father and sister in the background. Français : Persuasion, ch 20 : La réprobation de Sir Walter et de Miss... More
portrait from "The Novels of Jane Austen. (Winchester edition.)"
This image has been taken from scan 000010 from volume 01 of "The Novels of Jane Austen. (Winchester edition.)". The title and subject terms of this image have been generated from tags, created by users of the ... More
Jane Austen, Her Home and Friends
Cover and spine of Jane Austen, Her Home and Friends by Constance Hill, 1902. Miniature by William Bennett of the Royal Miniature Society.
Emma-ch32 (II,14) - A drawing of a man standing next to a woman
Français : Illustration pour l'édition d'"Emma" de Jane Austen chez Macmillan. Tome 2, chapitre 14. « C'est à l'église que l'on vit Mrs Elton, pour la première fois, mais si la vue d'une nouvelle mariée sur u... More
Emma-ch34 (II,16) - Drawing. Public domain image.
Français : Illustration pour l'édition d'"Emma" de Jane Austen chez Macmillan. Tome 2, chapitre 16. Mr. Woodhouse, ayant appris que Jane est allée à la poste sous la pluie, s'inquiète pour sa santé, mais Mrs ... More
Emma CE Brock 1898 Vol II Chapter VIII
Colour illustration of a 1909 edition of Emma (Jane Austen's novel), by C. E. Brock (died 1938 Français : Illustration en couleurs d'une édition de 1909 de Emma (de Jane Austen), par C. E. Brock (mort en 1938).
Emma-ch38 (III-2) - Public domain illustration drawing
Français : Seconde illustration pour le chapitre 2 du tome 3 : au cours du bal organisé à la demande de Franck Churchill à l'auberge de « La Couronne », Emma admire la prestance de Mr Knighley, se désolant qu'... More
Emma-ch42(III,6) - Public domain portrait drawing
Français : Illustration pour l'édition d'"Emma" de Jane Austen chez Macmillan. Tome 3, chapitre 6. Mr Knightley a invité tous ses amis à Donwell. Mr Woodhouse est tout heureux de montrer à sa fille les livres... More
Edward Austen Presentation
Rev. George Austen presenting his son Edward to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Knight of Godmersham
Hammond-Emma05 - Public domain portrait print
"Soon made her quick eye sufficiently acquainted with Mr Robert Martin" - Emma sizes up Robert Martin, Harriet Smith's beau. Austen, Jane. Emma. London: George Allen, 1898.
Pers-brock-11 - A picture of a woman sitting under a tree
Persuasion, ch 10: Here is a nut, said he, to exemplify. Français : Persuasion, ch 10 : Anne entend Wentworth préciser à Louise les qualités qu'il attend d'une femme.
Thomson-MP-Ch-41 - Drawing. Public domain image.
Français : Mansfield Park (Jane Austen), ch 41 : A Portsmouth, Fanny est obligée de présenter Mr Crawford à son père
Emma-frontispice (ch04) - Drawing. Public domain image.
Français : Frontispice de l'édition d"Emma" de Jane Austen parue chez Macmillan. Il illustre un épisode du chapitre 4, quand Emma a l'occasion de voir à quoi ressemble Robert Martin, le jeune fermier amoureux... More
Emma CE Brock 1909 Vol III Chapter VII
Colour illustration of a 1909 edition of Emma (Jane Austen's novel), by C. E. Brock (died 1938) Français : Illustration en couleurs d'une édition de 1909 de Emma (de Jane Austen), par C. E. Brock (mort en 1938).
Hammond-Emma01 - A book with a drawing of a man and a woman
"He did not omit being sometimes directly before Miss Smith or speaking to those close to her. - Page 337." - Frontispiece to Emma. London: George Allen, 1898.
Hammond-Emma14 - Public domain dedication image
"The sight of Harriet's tears" - Emma tells Harriet and Mr. Elton is not interested in marrying her. Austen, Jane. Emma. London: George Allen, 1898, page 144.
Hammond-Emma23 - A drawing of two men sitting at a table
"He was clerk to my poor father twenty-seven years" - Miss Bates speaking of John Abdy. Austen, Jane. Emma. London: George Allen, 1898, page 392.
Hammond-SS07 - Drawing. Public domain image.
"I saw him cut it off" - Margaret tells Elinor that she saw Willoughby cut a lock of Marianne's hair off. Austen, Jane. Sense and Sensibility. London: George Allen, 1899.
Title Page of Mansfield Park, in the Series of English Idylls, published by J.M Dent & Co. (London) and E.P. Dutton & Co. (New York) Français : Page de titre d'une édition de 1908 de Mansfield Park, avec de 2... More
The novels and letters of Jane Austen (1906) (14777001832)
Identifier: novelslettersofj06aust (find matches) Title: The novels and letters of Jane Austen Year: 1906 (1900s) Authors: Austen, Jane, 1775-1817 Johnson, R. Brimley (Reginald Brimley), 1867-1932 Subjects: ... More
Thomson-MP-Ch-22 - A drawing of a woman sitting in a chair
Français : Mansfield Park (Jane Austen), ch 22 : Henry Crawford annonce à sa soeur Mary, qu'il veut séduire Fanny Price
Emma Title Page title page
Title page from Jane Austen's first edition of Emma
Emma-ch38A (III,2) - Drawing. Public domain image.
Français : Première illustration du chapitre 2 du tome 3, dans l'édition d'"Emma" de Jane Austen chez Macmillan . Miss Bates et Miss Fairfax entrent dans la salle de bal, accompagnées de Mr Weston et de son f... More
Hammond-Emma17 - An open book with a drawing of a woman at a piano
"As soon as she entered the room, had been struck by the sight of a pianoforte" - Emma is struck by the gift of a piano to Jane Fairfax, delivered to Miss Bates' residence. Austen, Jane. Emma. London: George A... More
Hammond-Emma20 - A drawing of a court scene with a judge and two women
"Mrs Elton was first seen at church" - Austen, Jane. Emma. London: George Allen, 1898, page 278.
Hammond-Emma18 - An open book with a drawing of a man and a woman
"'My regard for Hartfield is most warm--'. He stopped again, rose again, and seemed quite embarrassed." - Emma misinterprets Frank Churchill. Austen, Jane. Emma. London: George Allen, 1898.
Jane Austen 1870 Cropped - Public domain portrait engraving
Detail of a portrait of Jane Austen, from the memoir by J. E. Austen-Leigh.
Persuasion, ch 5: Mary fells very ill, and waits impatiently for Anne Français : Persuasion, ch 5 : Mary se croit malade et délaissée, et trouve que Anne a mis bien du temps à venir écouter ses doléances
Thomson-PP07 - A drawing of a man and a woman in front of a fireplace
"Piling up the fire" - Bingley attending to the fire when Jane comes down from her sick room at Netherfield. Austen, Jane. Pride and Prejudice. London: George Allen, 1894.
Jane Austen by Cassandra Austen
Portrait of Jane Austen in watercolor and pencil
Cassandra Leigh Austen
Silhouette of Cassandra (nee Leigh) Austen, mother of Jane Austen and wife of Rev. George Austen
Edward Austen Knight - Public domain portrait
Portrait of Edward Austen (1767-1852), brother of Jane Austen Public domain photograph of portrait painting, 18th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Emma-ch06 (I,6) - Public domain portrait painting
Français : Illustration pour l'édition d'"Emma" de Jane Austen chez Macmillan. Tome 1, chapitre 6. Mr Elton, semble grandement admirer le portrait qu'Emma fait de son amie Harriet... ou peut-être est-ce la por... More
Emma-ch11 (I,11) - Drawing. Public domain image.
Français : Illustration pour l'édition d'"Emma" de Jane Austen chez Macmillan. Tome 1, chapitre 11. Isabella, la sœur d'Emma, parle avec chaleur de « l'excellent Mr Weston », qui, lors de leur précédent séjour... More
Austen La Famille Elliot Frontispice
Français : Frontispice du livre : La Famille Elliot de Jane Austen 1821 - Paris - Arthus Bertrand
Hammond-Emma25 - A drawing of a man standing next to a woman
"I met her walking home by herself, and wanted to walk with her, but she would not suffer it." - A description by Frank Churchill of the vagaries of his relationship with Jane Fairfax, relayed in a letter to M... More
Hammond-Emma24 - An open book with a drawing of a man and a woman
"'Say "No," if it is to be said.'—She could really say nothing". - Emma and Knightley become assured of each other's mutual love. Austen, Jane. Emma. London: George Allen, 1898.
Hammond-Emma19 - A drawing of a man and a woman holding hands
"Mr Elton and his bride". Austen, Jane. Emma. London: George Allen, 1898, page 272.
Mp-Brock-01 - A painting of a woman riding a horse next to a man
Frontispeace of Mansfield Park, in the Series of English Idylls, published by J.M Dent & Co. (London) and E.P. Dutton & Co. (New York). (I told a man mending an herge that it was Thornton Lacey. Français : Fr... More
Mp-Brock-10 - A drawing of a woman and a child sitting at a table
Illustration for ch.18 of Mansfield Park, in the Series of English Idylls, published by J.M Dent & Co. (London) and E.P. Dutton & Co. (New York) : She worked very diligently under her aunt's directions. França... More
Pers-brock-13 - Drawing. Public domain image.
Persuasion, ch 12: Politely drew back and stopped to give them way. Français : Persuasion, ch 12 : A Lyme Regis, un inconnu, qui s'avèrera être son cousin, Mr Elliot, jette un regard admiratif à Anne.
Thomson-MP-ch18 - A woman sitting on a chair next to a man
Illustration for Mansfield Park, ch. 48: "My father is come!" Français : Mansfield Park, ch. 48 : Maria Bertram et Henry Crawford répètent avec chaleur Lovers' Vows
Jane Austen from "[Mansfield Park: a novel.]"
This image has been taken from scan 000430 from "[Mansfield Park: a novel.]". The title and subject terms of this image have been generated from tags, created by users of the British Library's flickr photostream.
H M Brock MP 07 - Public domain drawing
Tinted Line Drawing, frontipiece of Mansfield Park (Jane Austen Novel), vol 2. (Fanny) returning to her seat to finish a note. (ch 30) Français : Dessin aquarellé, frontispice du tome 2 de Mansfield Park, il... More
Cassandra Austen Jane Austen Back View 1804
Back View of Jane Austen, Watercolor
Emma-ch24 (II,6) - Drawing. Public domain image.
Français : Illustration pour l'édition d'"Emma" de Jane Austen chez Macmillan. Tome 2, chapitre 6. Frank Churchill, se promenant dans Highbury avec Mrs Weston et Emma, remarquant l'ancienne salle de bal de l'a... More
Emma-ch33 (II,15) - Drawing. Public domain image.
Français : Illustration pour l'édition d'"Emma" de Jane Austen chez Macmillan. Tome 2, chapitre 15. S'étant entichée de Jane Fairfax, Mrs Elton veut à tout prix forcer sa timidité et sa réserve pour lui prodi... More
Emma-ch49 (III-13) - Drawing. Public domain image.
Français : Illustration pour le chapitre 13 du tome 3 : déclaration de Mr KnighleyEnglish: Illustration of 1896 for Macmillan's edition of Emma (Jane Austen's novel) : "He stopped in earnestness to look the q... More
Emma-ch53B(III,17) - Drawing. Public domain image.
Français : Illustration pour l'édition d'"Emma" de Jane Austen chez Macmillan. Tome 3, chapitre 17. Lorsque Mr Weston apprit les fiançailles de Mr Knighley et d'Emma, il se hâta d'aller en informer Jane Fairfa... More
Hammond-Emma04 - Drawing. Public domain image.
"She was so busy admiring those soft blue eyes" - Emma commenting on Harriet Smith. Austen, Jane. Emma. London:George Allen, 1898.
Hammond-Emma10 (recadrée) - Drawing. Public domain image.
Emma (Jane Austen Novel) ch 12 : Mr Knightley has taken the little girl out of Emma's arms, and Emma felt they were friends again. Français : Emma (Jane Austen) ch 12 : Mr Knightley a pris dans ses bras la ni... More
Hammond-Emma27 - A book with a drawing of a man and a woman
"The wedding was very much like other weddings" - the wedding of Emma Woodhouse and John Knightley. Austen, Jane. Emma. London: George Allen, 1898.
Hammond-Emma24 (recadrée) - Drawing. Public domain image.
Emma (Jane Austen Novel) ch 49. Mr Knightley's proposal : "'Say "No," if it is to be said.'—She could really say nothing". Français : Emma (Jane Austen Novel) ch 49. "Dites-moi 'non', s'il le faut". Elle étai... More
Memoir Jane Austen
Title page from the second edition of A Memoir of Jane Austen
Pers-brock-14 - Drawing. Public domain image.
Persuasion ch 12: The horror of that moment to all who stood around (Louisa Musgrove, on the Cobb, Lyme Regis) Français : Persuasion ch 12: La chute de Louisa Musgrove, sur la jetée de Lyme Regis plongea l'a... More
Austen Sanditon and other miscellanea - The whole-length portrait of a...
The whole-length portrait of a stately gentleman
Jane Austen, from A Memoir of Jane Austen (1870)
Portrait of Jane Austen, from the memoir by J. E. Austen-Leigh (1798-1874). All other portraits of Austen are generally based on this, which is itself based on a sketch by Cassandra Austen
Emma-ch01 (I,1) - Drawing. Public domain image.
Français : Illustration pour l'édition d'"Emma" de Jane Austen chez Macmillan. Tome 1, chapitre 1. Emma se souvient que, quatre ans plus tôt, lorsque Mr Weston a galamment apporté deux parapluies pour elle et ... More
Jane Austen by Cassandra Austen 1870 reduit
Français : Extrait de la gravure du portrait de Jane Austen par sa soeur Cassandra 1870
Hammond-Emma02 - An open book with a picture of flowers on it
Title page from Austen, Jane. Emma. London: George Allen, 1898.
Hammond-Emma06 - Public domain dedication image
"If he would be so good as to read to them" - Mr. Elton reads to Emma and Harriet. London: George Allen, 1898, page 41.
Hammond-Emma15 - A book with a drawing of a man and a woman sitting at...
"Emma was obliged to play." - Emma plays for Miss Bates, trying to learn information about Jane Fairfax. Austen, Jane, Emma. London: George Allen, 1898.
Hammond-SS11 - A drawing of a woman sitting in front of a mirror
"She came hallooing to the window, 'How do you do, my dear?'" - Mrs. Jennings talking to Elinor. Austen, Jane. Sense and Sensibility. London: George Allen, 1899, page 109.
Mp-Brock-03 - Drawing. Public domain image.
Illustration for ch 2 of Mansfield Park, published as part of the Series of English Idylls, by J.M Dent & Co. (London) and E.P. Dutton & Co. (New York). Français : Illustration du chapitre 2 de Mansfield Park... More
Mp-Brock-14 - A drawing of a family sitting in a living room
Illustration for ch.24 of Mansfield Park', in the Series of English Idylls, published by J.M Dent & Co. (London) and E.P. Dutton & Co. (New York). " William was often called on by his uncle to be the talker ".... More
Mp-Brock-16 - Drawing. Public domain image.
Illustration for ch.28 of Mansfield Park, in the Series of English Idylls, published by J.M Dent & Co. (London) and E.P. Dutton & Co. (New York). Conducted by Mr. Crawford to the top of the room. Français : I... More
Pers-brock-17 - Drawing. Public domain image.
Persuasion, ch. 18. Admiral Croft is in earnest contemplation of some print, and doesn't see Anne Elliot. Français : Persuasion, ch. 18. L'amiral Croft, perdu dans la contemplation d'une vitrine de libraire n... More
Thomson-PP17 - A drawing of a group of men and women
"Tenderly flirting" - Lydia imagining her trip to Brighton. Austen, Jane. Pride and Prejudice. London: George Allen, 1894, page 290.
Jane Austen (1810) restored & remastered by Amano1
Portrait of Jane Austen in watercolor and pencil, restored and remastered by Amano1
Emma-ch08 (I,8) - Public domain portrait painting
Français : Illustration pour l'édition d'"Emma" de Jane Austen chez Macmillan. Tome 1, chapitre 8. Mr Perry a vu Mr Elton chevauchant allègrement ur la route de Londres, se disant chargé d'une commission très ... More
Emma-ch21B (II,3) - A drawing of a man and a woman standing in front o...
Français : Autre illustration pour l'édition d'"Emma" de Jane Austen chez Macmillan. Tome 2, chapitre 3. Harriet raconte à Emma avec beaucoup d'émotion, qu'elle a eu la surprise, et l'embarras, de rencontrer... More
Emma CE Brock 1909 Vol I Chapter VI
Colour illustration of a 1909 edition of Emma (Jane Austen's novel), by C. E. Brock (died 1938) Français : Illustration en couleurs d'une édition de 1909 de Emma (de Jane Austen), par C. E. Brock (mort en 1938).
Hammond-Emma11 - A drawing of a horse drawn carriage in front of a hou...
"Christmas weather". Austen, Jane. Emma. London: George Allen, 1898, page 112.
Hammond-Emma10 - A drawing of a man and a woman standing next to each ...
"Little Emma, grow up into a better woman than your aunt" - Emma to her niece, who is held by Mr. Knightley. Austen, Jane. Emma. London: George Allen, 1898.
Mp-Brock-06 - Drawing. Public domain image.
Illustration for ch.7 of Mansfield Park, in the Series of English Idylls, published by J.M Dent & Co. (London) and E.P. Dutton & Co. (New York). " While Fanny cut the roses ". Français : Illustration pour le ... More
Mp-Brock-20 - Victorian era public domain image
Illustration for ch.36 of Mansfield Park, in the Series of English Idylls, published by J.M Dent & Co. (London) and E.P. Dutton & Co. (New York). “Good, gentle Fanny!” Français : Illustration pour le ch. 36 d... More
Pers-brock-02 - A book with a picture of a woman and a man on it
Title Page od Persuasion by Jane Austen, with 24 coloured illustrations by C. E. Brock Français : Page de titre d'une édition de Persuasion de 1909, illustrée par C. E. Brock
Persuasion ch 8: Anne Elliott and Frederick Wentworth were divided only by Mrs Musgrove Français : Persuasion ch 8 : Anne Elliott n'était séparée de Frederick que par Mrs Musgrove
Image at the beginning of Chapter 40 (or Volume 3, Chapter 19). Austen, Jane. Emma. London: George Allen, 1898, page 499. Cupid presiding over the three couples to be married at the end of the novel -- Emma W... More
by Cassandra Austen,drawing,circa 1810 Public domain photograph of portrait painting, 18th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Austen Sanditon and other miscellanea - A young whitby running off wit...
A young whitby running off with five volumes under his arm
Austen Sanditon and other miscellanea - She is very pretty, though not...
'She is very pretty, though not so handsome as her mother'
The New Monthly Magazine, issue for February 1, 1816 (volume V, issue No. 25), page 66 – two lines about Jane Austen's Emma
Emma-ch28 (II-10) - A drawing of a man riding a horse down a street
Français : Deuxième illustration pour le chapitre 10 du tome 2 : Mr Knightley, à cheval, demande à Miss Bates, qui a ouvert une fenêtre en le voyant passer (en fait pour lui demander de monter, car elle a des ... More
Emma-ch25 (II,7) - Drawing. Public domain image.
Français : Illustration pour l'édition d'"Emma" de Jane Austen chez Macmillan. Tome 2, chapitre 7. Frank Churchill a surprit tout le monde en allant précipitamment à Londres se faire couper les cheveux (en réa... More
Hammond-Emma08 - A drawing of a woman and a child playing with a kite
"There does seem to be a something in the air of Hartfield which gives love exactly the right direction" - Emma to Harriet. Austen, Jane. Emma. London: George Allen, 1898, page 73.
Hammond-Emma07 - A book with a drawing of a man and a woman
"But there was no doing anything with Mr Elton fidgeting behind her" - Mr. Elton watching Emma painting Harriet. Austen, Jane. Emma. London: George Allen, 1898.
Hammond-SS12 - Public domain dedication image
"Marianne, wrapped up in her own music" - Austen, Jane. Sense and Sensibility. London: George Allen, 1899, page 145.
Pers-brock-23 - Public domain dedication image
Persuasion, ch 23. Frederick come back to place his letter before Anne. Français : Persuasion, ch 23. Frederick, sous prétexte de chercher ses gants oubliés,revient pour montrer à Anne la lettre qu'il vient d... More
Mr. and Mrs. Bennet. Austen, Jane. Pride and Prejudice. London: George Allen, 1894, page 5.
Thomson-PP16 - Drawing. Public domain image.
"when Colonel Miller's regiment went away" - Mrs. Bennet reminiscing about her youthful days. Austen, Jane. Pride and Prejudice. London: George Allen, 1894.
The novels and letters of Jane Austen (1906) (14779678491)
Français : Illustration de H. M. Brock, initialement parue en 1898, pour le chapitre 10 du roman de Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice, rééditée en 1906 : À Netherfield Charles Bingley est aux petits soins pour J... More
Jane Austen from "Sense and sensibility"
This image has been taken from scan 000131 from "Sense and sensibility". The title and subject terms of this image have been generated from tags, created by users of the British Library's flickr photostream.
Austen Sanditon and other miscellanea - He was obliged ... to sit down...
He was obliged ... to sit down on the bank, unable to stand