Betty Caldwell - Deseronto, Ontario, Canada - HMR2-06-49
"Adrian and Betty Caldwell"..A woman and man leaning against a veranda railing, possibly at the house which had been owned by Edward Wilkes Rathbun, on Main Street, Deseronto, Ontario. The man is likely to be A... More
Deseronto Archive Photos, Bay of Quinte railway, Edward Wilkes Rathbun
Reproduction of a photograph of a saddletank locomotive. This print is from one of a series of negatives recording the loading of this engine onto a flat car outside the car works of the Rathbun Company in Dese... More
Deseronto, Ontario, Canada - HMR2-09-21
"Party at Glenora, July 1/08"..Group of men and women at Glenora, Prince Edward County, Ontario. Taken 1 July 1908.
World War I - Deseronto Archive Photos
"Armour Heights: 'Daredevils": photograph of aircraft in steep climb above hangars...Page of the photograph album compiled by Sergeant C. P. Devos while the Royal Flying Corps were training in their winter quar... More
Deseronto Archive Photos, Ontario
Model 'Star car' constructed by (Edward) Roy Kitchen in Deseronto, Ontario, in the 1920s. Roy was born in Deseronto in 1908. Full-size Star cars were manufactured between 1922 and 1928...Image donated by John K... More
Canadian photographs from U.S. National archives, 1990s
"Mrs Gaylord on Mt. Holyoke"..Woman standing in front of flagpole with flag of United Stages, small shelter and woodland, presumably in the Holyoke Range, Massachusetts. Photograph taken in 1907.
Deseronto, Ontario, Canada - HMR2-06-04
"Skidding logs Napanee River Jan'y '08"..Teams of horses transporting sled-loads of logs in winter-time. Photograph taken in January 1908.
Canadian photographs from U.S. National archives, 1990s
"Moira logs running, paper mill dam"..Logs coming over the paper mill dam on the River Moira in Belleville, Ontario...Photograph taken in 1907. It was later published in Lost Horizons by Donald M. Wilson (1983)... More
A. D. Macintyre, Chief Ontario Canada
Photograph of Archibald D. Macintyre, one of a group of photos of the Deseronto branch of the Sons of Scotland. A notice in The Tribune of November 27, 1903, states that the group met on the second Thursday of ... More
Gowganda - Deseronto, Ontario, Canada - HMR2-06-55B
"Great Bear Lake views"..Two men and a canoe at the side of a lake...One of a set of photographs from a trip to "Gow Ganda", May 19 - June 28, 1909. The lake is presumably somewhere near Gowganda, Ontario.
World War I - Deseronto Archive Photos
Two men in a workshop or hangar, inside the shell of a cockpit of an aircraft, holding the control wheels. A tailplane with the number C-641 is on the ground to the right of the men.
Canadian photographs from U.S. National archives, 1990s
"Mill & Log Pond, Burriss"..Location uncertain, but may be Burriss, Ontario (north of the Canadian Northern Railway at La Vallée). Photograph taken in 1907.
Deseronto Archive Photos, Ontario
Photograph of two men in coats, hats and gloves, holting umbresllas, taken in Hart's Arcade Studio, Paddock's Arcade, Watertown, New York...The photograph was in an album with the words "Irve Smith" next to it ... More
Deseronto Archive Photos, Ontario
Reproduction of a photograph of the Deseronto Methodist Church Sunday School...Front row: Gladys Pearson, Beatrice Covert, Vera Detlor.Middle row: Grace Covert, Irene Hearnes, Mrs Jackson, Beatrice Seales (Joyc... More
Deseronto Archive Photos, Ontario
"Resting in Peace 1917"..Photo-postcard of aircraft which has crashed into a tree...Part of an album of Royal Flying Corps photographs which belonged to the Hobbs family...[Oshawa Community Museum & Archives re... More
Deseronto, Ontario, Canada - HMR2-09-65
"Aileen at Duck Lodge July '09"
World War I - Deseronto Archives
A Royal Flying Corps ambulance used in the pilot training camps around Deseronto, Ontario, 1917-1918. These ambulances were known as 'Hungry Lizzies'.
Canadian photographs from U.S. National archives, 1990s
"New Imperial Bank, Edmonton"..Photograph of the Imperial Bank in Edmonton, Alberta, under construction in 1907. A banner across the front of the building declares that "The Imperial Bank of Canada will occupy ... More
World War I - Deseronto Archive Photos
Group of airmen in uniform, sitting on a jetty.
Deseronto, Ontario, Canada - HMR2-09-19
"Eagle Hill - afternoon tea, July"..Photograph of six women underneath a tree, taken July 1908. Slightly water-damaged.
Canadian photographs from U.S. National archives, 1990s
"Pansy & Barbara on shoulder"..The photographer's younger sister, Bunella 'Pansy' Jones (born Bunella Rathbun on 26 August 1880), with her daughter, Barbara, taken in 1907.
Deseronto Archive Photos, Ontario
Marjorie R. Cat, Aug. '08..Marjorie Rathbun (1891-1966), the photographer's younger sister, sitting on the bench that is also visible in HMR2-09-38b ( deserontoarchives/3859156123/ ) . The photograph was taken ... More
Deseronto, Ontario, Canada - HMR2-09-51b
"Mattiwapika River views"..One of four views of the Mattawapika River, taken on a trip to the Gowgonda area of Ontario, May-June 1909.
R. Newton, Marshall, Ontario Ontario Canada
Photograph of R. Newton, one of a group of photos of the Deseronto branch of the Sons of Scotland. A notice in The Tribune of November 27, 1903, states that the group met on the second Thursday of each month in... More
World War I - Deseronto Archive Photos
NaN Public domain photograph of aircraft, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Gowganda - Deseronto, Ontario, Canada - HMR2-06-54
"Lowering canoe down rapids"..Two men manoeuvering a canoe down a set of rapids, possibly on the Lady Evelyn River, Ontario...One of a set of photographs from a trip to "Gow Ganda", May 19 - June 28, 1909.
Deseronto, Ontario, Canada - HMR2-09-03
"Part of Ungars Island"..Unger Island, near Deseronto, Ontario, taken from the lake, c.1908.
Deseronto Archive Photos, Ontario
Crew members of the Rapids King, a steamship operated by the Richelieu and Ontario Navigation Company (Canada Steamship Lines after 1913). The middle decks of the ship are visible in the background. The photogr... More
Deseronto, Ontario, Canada - HMR2-09-26
"Sand hills at Lake Shore House - July"..Photograph taken on a trip to the Sandbanks in Prince Edward County in July 1908.
Deseronto, Ontario, Canada - HMR1-06-83
"Looking E. from Ship Yard"..A view of the car works and cedar mill in Deseronto, Ontario, looking east. The refuse burners and chemical works can be seen in the far distance on the right. Photograph taken in 1907.
Deseronto, Ontario, Canada - HMR1-09-72
"Pansy and Guy Rogers playing Badminton"..The photographer's younger sister, Bunella 'Pansy' Jones (born Bunella Rathbun on 26 August 1880). Photograph taken c.1907, possibly in the garden of the Rathun house o... More
Railways Deseronto Archive Photos
Group of three men and two women standing outside Deseronto Junction station, Ontario, in the early part of the twentieth century.
World War I - Deseronto Archive Photos
Aircraft nose-down in the Bay of Quinte, with Foresters' island in the distance. Three men are in a boat in front of the aircraft.
Deseronto, Ontario, Canada - HMR2-09-31
"Sand Banks Shore line looking South, July '08"..Photograph taken at the Sandbanks in Prince Edward County, Ontario, in July 1908.
Deseronto, Ontario, Canada - HMR2-10-84
"Group on shore Thomspon's Point Picnic"..One of a series of photographs taken of a picnic at Thompson's Point [possibly on Howe Island, Ontario], c.1909.
Gowganda - Deseronto Archive Photos
“Moose horns found near Stillwater Lake.”..Man holding a moose skull with horns attached and another moose horn behind it...One of a set of photographs from a trip to "Gow Ganda", May 19 - June 28, 1909. The la... More
Deseronto Archive Photos, Ontario
Photographic portrait of a woman, taken in the studio of I. S. Hawke, Hubbard Block, Watertown, New York...This is one of a set of photographs found in a photograph album donated to the Archives by Aaron Baptis... More
World War I - Deseronto Archive Photos
Photograph of John Robert (Bob) Almey (1895-1989) in his flying uniform, standing in front of a Curtiss JN-4 aircraft at Camp Mohawk in 1918. Almey joined the Royal Air Force in 1918 and was in the last cohort ... More
World War I - Deseronto Archive Photos
Aircraft C636, crashed upside down between two trees with three men standing in front of it. The aircraft bears the skull-and-crossbones insignia of 90 C.T.S., based at Camp Rathbun, one of the Royal Flying Cor... More
Deseronto, Ontario, Canada - HMR1-06-84
"East yard tracks from Top of Office"..Photograph taken in 1907 from the top of the Rathbun Company's office building on the east side of Mill Street, Deseronto, Ontario. The photographer was looking east over ... More
Deseronto, Ontario, Canada - HMR1-06-86
"Looking up Mill St. from Top of Office"..Mill Street in Deseronto, Ontario, looking north from the Rathbun Company's office building at the junction of Mill and Water Streets. The sash and door factory is on t... More
Deseronto Archive Photos, Ontario
Photograph of Helena Purvis in front of a 1932 Oldsmobile on Thomas Street, Deseronto, Ontario. The car's licence plate is 623N8...Photograph loaned for scanning by Helena's daughter, Cathie Vick.
World War I - Deseronto Archive Photos
"Curtiss J.N. 4 a." Photograph of Curtiss JN4a in flight...Page of the photograph album compiled by Sergeant C. P. Devos while the Royal Flying Corps were training in their winter quarters near Fort Worth, Texa... More
First car in Brooksville, Florida
: 138210 ( http://138210 ) ..Local call number: N028531..Title: First car in Brooksville, Florida..Date: 1909..Physical descrip: 1 photonegative - b&w - 4 x 5 in...Series Title: General Collection ( http://flor... More
Canadian photographs from U.S. National archives, 1990s
"Northern Nav. Co. Steamer Huronic"..Photograph taken in 1907...Thanks to commenters who have identified this ship as the Anchor Line's Tionesta ( ) .
Deseronto, Ontario, Canada - HMR1-06-93
"Cedar Mill. Front view"..The Rathbun Company's cedar mill on the waterfront in Deseronto, Ontario, looking southeast. Photograph taken in 1907.
Deseronto, Ontario, Canada - HMR2-06-42A
"Mitchell, Callaghan & Kennedy - Lake St. Peter Sept '08"..Three men standing in front of a misty Lake St. Peter, Ontario. Photograph taken September 1908.
Deseronto, Ontario, Canada - HMR2-09-35b
"Napanee River bet. S'cona & Napanee, July '08"..View of a stretch of the Napanee River between Strathcona and Napanee, taken in July 1908.
Canadian photographs from U.S. National archives, 1990s
"Lumber with McCool's House in distance"..Location uncertain, but may be Burriss, Ontario (north of the Canadian Northern Railway at La Vallée). Photograph taken in 1907.
Deseronto, Ontario, Canada - HMR2-06-41.2
"Iron Works fire"..The ruins of the iron works in Deseronto, Ontario, after the fire which destroyed the building in September 1908. The blast furnace is clearly visible in the centre of the picture.
Canadian photographs from U.S. National archives, 1990s
"T. Callaghan at Moira Camps"..Man standing outside a tent. Photograph taken 1907. There was a Thomas Callaghan living in Campbellford, Northumberland, Ontario in 1901, who was born on 16 June 1844 and was list... More
Deseronto Archive Photos, Ontario
Photograph of horse and cart outside a house. The cart bears the words B. L. Detlor, Baker Confectioner, Home-Made Bread. Bismark Leroy Detlor owned a bake shop in St. George Street, Deseronto, Ontario. ..Donat... More
World War I - Deseronto Archive Photos
A NOSE DIVE;: photograph of an aircraft which has landed on its nose, with a man at the right hand side of the shot, holding the wing...Part of an album of Royal Flying Corps photographs which belonged to the H... More
Public school - Deseronto Archive Photos
Photograph of Deseronto Public School students with their teacher, Dorothy McCullough, taken by Henry Klaver in 1961 or 1962 in Deseronto, Ontario...The children are named as: David Blewett, Thomas Douglas, Bra... More
Deseronto Archive Photos, Ontario
"Harry & Mrs. Jones on Str. Alberta"..Passengers on the upper deck of the steamship Alberta, taken 1907.
Deseronto Archive Photos, Ontario
Photographic portrait of a young woman, taken at the Gray studio in Watertown, New York...This is one of a set of photographs found in a photograph album donated to the Archives by Aaron Baptiste in 2010.
Deseronto Archive Photos, Ontario
Loading Reliance ..Men and boys loading lumber onto the steam freighter Reliance at the waterfront in Deseronto, Ontario. This vessel was built by the Rathbun Company in 1881. It is also visible in the postcard... More
World War I - Deseronto Archive Photos
Aircraft with "City of Toronto" painted on fuselage. Public domain photograph of 19th-century painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Betty Caldwell - Deseronto, Ontario, Canada - HMR2-09-72
"Marjorie & Betty Caldwell"..Photograph of two women in the garden of the Rathbun family's house on Main Street, Deseronto, Ontario. Marjorie was Marjorie Rathbun (1891-1966), the sister of the photographer, Ha... More
Deseronto, Ontario, Canada - HMR2-06-41.1
"Iron Works fire"..Photograph of the shell of the iron works in Deseronto, Ontario, after the fire of September 1908.
Deseronto, Ontario, Canada - HMR2-06-02
"Lower Hay Bay Ferry"..Photograph taken c.1908 near Hay Bay, Ontario. It shows a ferry powered by two horses on raised treadwheels.
Deseronto, Ontario, Canada - HMR1-06-95
"Refuse burners and Chemical works from the Bay"..Image of the Rathbun Company's industrial sites at the east end of the waterfront in Deseronto, Ontario, looking north from the Bay of Quinte. In the centre are... More
Deseronto, Ontario, Canada - HMR2-09-51c
"Mattiwapika River views"..One of four views of the Mattawapika River, taken on a trip to the Gowgonda area of Ontario, May-June 1909.
Betty Caldwell - Deseronto, Ontario, Canada - HMR2-06-73
"Marjorie, Betty, Adrian & John Gzowski"..The people are Harold's sister, Marjorie Rathbun (1891-1966); his brother Adrian Rathbun; Betty Caldwell and John Gzowski. Gzowski's father was a broker in Toronto in 1... More
Deseronto, Ontario, Canada - HMR2-07-74
"Small group in garden"..Photograph taken in 1909.
World War I - Deseronto Archive Photos
Three men walking around a crashed aircraft with skull-and-crossbones insignia, the symbol used by 90 C.T.S., based at Camp Rathbun, one of the Royal Flying Corps' pilot training camps near Deseronto. The aircr... More
World War I - Deseronto Archive Photos
Airman standing in front of one of the barracks buildings at Camp Rathbun, one of the Royal Flying Corps' pilot training camps at Deseronto. ..One of a set of photographs taken in Deseronto, Ontario, during th... More
Canadian photographs from U.S. National archives, 1990s
"Pansy & Barbara in arms"..The photographer's younger sister, Bunella 'Pansy' Jones (born Bunella Rathbun on 26 August 1880), with her daughter, Barbara, taken in 1907.
Canadian photographs from U.S. National archives, 1990s
"Pansy, Mother & Barbara"..The photographer's younger sister, Bunella 'Pansy' Jones (born Bunella Rathbun on 26 August 1880), with her daughter, Barbara, and her mother, Bunella Rathbun (née McMurrich) taken in 1907.
T. D. Galt, Deseronto Town Council
One of the members of Deseronto's Town Council in 1898.
Deseronto, Ontario, Canada - HMR1-06-79
"Looking N.E. from top of Cedar Mill"..Photograph taken in 1907 from the top of the Rathbun Company's cedar mill on the waterfront of Deseronto, Ontario. The photographer was looking northeast. Railway tracks a... More
Canadian photographs from U.S. National archives, 1990s
"Barbara"..Child sitting on a rug. Photograph taken in 1907. Barbara was the eldest child of Bunella (Pansy) Rathbun and her husband Henry Victor Franklin Jones (a banker).
Model Car Deseronto Archive Photos
Model car constructed by (Edward) Roy Kitchen in Deseronto, Ontario, in the 1920s...Donated by John Kitchen, Roy's son, in April 2012.
Guy Burton and Marjorie Braithwaite
Guy Burton and Marjorie Braithwaite at Des..Marjorie Braithwaite was born in the Northwest Territories in 1889, daughter of Arthur Douglas Braithwaite (who worked for the Bank of Montreal) and his wife Marjorie... More
Deseronto Archive Photos, Edward Wilkes Rathbun
Copy of photograph of Edward Wilkes Rathbun (1842-1903) ( ) , mayor of Deseronto, Ontario and driving force of the Rathbun Company.
Canadian photographs from U.S. National archives, 1990s
"Mill at Burriss"..Piles of logs and lumber and four men outside a sawmill. Location uncertain, but may be Burriss, Ontario (north of the Canadian Northern Railway at La Vallée). Photograph taken in 1907.
Gowganda - Deseronto Archive Photos
Lowering canoe down rapids..Two men manoeuvering a canoe down a set of rapids, possibly on the Lady Evelyn River, Ontario...One of a set of photographs from a trip to "Gow Ganda", May 19 - June 28, 1909.
Canadian photographs from U.S. National archives, 1990s
"Country near Carmel"..Photographs of fields and Canadian Northern Railway track near Carmel, Saskatchewan, taken in 1907.
Deseronto, Ontario, Canada - HMR-09-17
"Gladys and Jeanette at Northampton"..Photograph taken in 1907. Jeanette may be Jeanette McMurrich Rathbun, the photographer's cousin (daughter of Frederick Sherwood Rathbun and Jean McMurrich, born 1888).
Deseronto, Ontario, Canada - HMR2-09-41c
"Iron Works fire - Sept 1st '08"..Photograph of the ruins of the iron works in Deseronto after the fire of September 1, 1908. The blast furnace is visible on the right of the image.
Deseronto, Ontario, Canada - HMR2-06-69
"S. S. Picnic, Massassauga"..A group of boys eating at a Sunday School picnic at Massassauga Point in Prince Edward County. They may be part of an outing from the Church of the Redeemer Presbyterian Church in D... More
Deseronto Archive Photos, Ontario
Photograph of the interior of St. Mark's Anglican Church, Deseronto, Ontario, taken by photographer A. V. Richardson of Deseronto. The photographer was standing at the west end of the church, looking east towar... More
Deseronto Archive Photos, Ontario
Nightingale T. Lawson .Two men sitting on the front steps of the house in HMR1-09-49 ( deserontoarchives/3805310037/in/set-72157621912654660/ ) .
Locomotive HMR2-09-14a, Edward Wilkes Rathbun
"Loading E motor on car for shipment, Apl '08"..Photograph taken in April 1908, probably outside the Rathbun Company's car works in Deseronto, Ontario. The negative has been subject to water damage. A reproduct... More
Public school - Deseronto Archive Photos
Family portrait of Manly Ostrander (1874-1943), his wife Mary Ann (née Gill, 1879-1928) and two of their children, possibly Rosa (1899-1916) and Myrtle (1903-1925)...Manly was the Principal of Deseronto Public ... More
Foresters Island - Deseronto, Ontario, Canada - HMR2-09-39a
"Yacht Races, Forrester's Island, Aug '08"..Over-exposed view of yachts in the Bay of Quinte, taken August 1908.
Canadian photographs from U.S. National archives, 1990s
"Unloading coal"..Four men and a boy unloading coal from a sailing ship into flat cars with wooden walls, using a portable steam engine. Photograph taken in 1907. Very similar to HMR1-06-82 ( deserontoarchives/... More
World War I - Deseronto Archive Photos
Aircraft inside a hangar building.
Deseronto Archive Photos, John M. Brigham studios
Photographic portrait of a baby, taken at the J. M. Brigham studio in Plainwell, Michigan. The image is slightly scratched...This is one of a set of photographs found in a photograph album donated to the Archiv... More
Deseronto, Ontario, Canada - HMR2-09-43a
"Dog 'June' - March '09"..Photograph of two dogs taken in March 1909.
Deseronto, Ontario, Canada - HMR2-07-66
"Aileen & Mr Freer at Duck Lodge, July 09"..Man and woman at the side of a lake. Photograph taken in July 1909. Aileen may be Aileen Rathbun, born 1875, wife of the photographer's elder half-brother, Edward Wal... More
Deseronto Archive Photos, Ontario
Photograph of the Circle Six Orchestra, a band based in Deseronto, Ontario. Band members include: Roy Kitchen, Leo McVicker (the original drummer for the band, who later moved to Kingston) Marshall Woodcock, R... More
Deseronto, Ontario, Canada - BQR-06-03, Bay of Quinte railway
Reproduction of a photograph of a saddletank industrial locomotive being loaded aboard a Bay of Quinte flatcar for shipment. This image was made from the negative numbered HMR-09-14a ( deserontoarchives/381755... More
World War I - Deseronto Archive Photos
Reproduction of a photograph of a Royal Flying Corps ambulance outside the Quinte House Hospital. The ambulance, known as a Hungry Lizzie would have been stationed at the edge of the airfield during flying hour... More
Railways Deseronto Archive Photos
Loading E motor on car for shipment, Apl '08..Photograph taken in April 1908, probably outside the Rathbun Company's car works in Deseronto, Ontario. The negative has been subject to water damage. A reproductio... More
J. McCollough, Assessor, Deseronto Town Council
One of the members of Deseronto's Town Council in 1898.
James Whitton, Deseronto Town Council
One of the members of Deseronto's Town Council in 1898.
Deseronto Archive Photos, Ontario
W. E. Johnson of Picton, Ontario, studio photograph of three children: Hazel Annie Cole, aged 3 years and 5 months; Murney Nelson Cole, aged 1 year, 9 months and Edna Kathleen Cole, aged 6 months. Hazel was bor... More
World War I - Deseronto Archive Photos
A group of people surrounding a crashed aircraft at an airfield identified as Camp Mohawk, one of the Royal Flying Corps' pilot training camps near Deseronto, Ontario...Part of an album of Royal Flying Corps ph... More
Deseronto, Ontario, Canada - HMR1-06-96
"Tom Culhane in Row Boat"..Man rowing a boat in the lake. Thomas Culhane is listed in the 1901 census as a "labourer C. Mill" living in Deseronto, Ontario. He probably worked in the Rathbun Company's cedar mill... More