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106 Famous Women

De Claris Mulieribus / De cleres et nobles femmes: Fifteenth-century FranceCreated by: PICRYL - Public Domain Media Search EngineDated: 1362
De Mulieribus Claris or De Claris Mulieribus (Latin for "Concerning Famous Women") is a collection of biographies of historical and mythological women by the Florentine author Giovanni Boccaccio, composed in 1361–62. It is notable as the first collection devoted exclusively to biographies of women in Western literature.

Boccaccio claimed to have written the 106 biographies for the posterity of the women who were considered renowned, whether good or bad. He believed that recounting the deeds of certain women who may have been wicked would be offset by the exhortations to virtue by the deeds of good women. He writes in his presentation of this combination of all types of women that he hoped it would encourage virtue and curb vice.

Women who were active in the public sphere, rulers, and warriors, however, were largely shown as suffering troubles for entering into the masculine sphere, which was characterized by control of political and social power.

Boccaccio wrote this work in Certaldo probably between the summer of 1361 or as late as December 1362. He dedicated his work to Andrea Acciaioli, Countess of Altavilla, in Naples at the end of 1362 even though he continued to revise it up until his death in 1375. He first considered dedicating his slim volume to Joanna I of Naples. De Mulieribus Claris was "among the most popular works in the last age of the manuscript book".

The 106 Famous Women biographies are of mythological and historical women, as well as some of Boccaccio's Renaissance contemporaries. The brief life stories follow the same general exemplary literature patterns used in various versions of De viris illustribus. The biography pattern starts with the name of the person, then the parents or ancestors, then their rank or social position, and last the general reason for their notoriety or fame with associated details. This is sometimes interjected with a philosophical or inspirational lesson at the end.

De cleres et nobles femmes (French) enjoyed great popularity throughout the 15th-century in France.

1. Eve, the first woman in the Bible
2. Semiramis, queen of the Assyrians
3. Opis, wife of Saturn
4. Juno, goddess of the Kingdoms
5. Ceres, goddess of the harvest and queen of Sicily
6. Minerva
7. Venus, queen of Cyprus
8. Isis, queen and goddess of Egypt
9. Europa, queen of Crete
10. Libya, queen of Libya
11 and 12. Marpesia and Lampedo, queens of the Amazons
13. Thisbe, a Babylonian maiden
14. Hypermnestra, queen of the Argives and priestess of Juno
15. Niobe, queen of Thebes
16. Hypsipyle, queen of Lemnos
17. Medea, queen of Colchis
18. Arachne of Colophon
19 and 20. Orithyia and Antiope, queens of the Amazons
21. Erythraea or Heriphile, a Sibyl
22. Medusa, daughter of Phorcus
23. Iole, daughter of the king of the Aetolians
24. Deianira, wife of Hercules
25. Jocasta, queen of Thebes
26. Almathea or Deiphebe, a Sibyl
27. Nicostrata, or Carmenta, daughter of King Ionius
28. Procris, wife of Cephalus
29. Argia, wife of Polynices and daughter of King Adrastus
30. Manto, daughter of Tiresias
31. The wives of the Minyans
32. Penthesilea, queen of the Amazons
33. Polyxena, daughter of King Priam
34. Hecuba, queen of the Trojans
35. Cassandra, daughter of King Priam of Troy
36. Clytemnestra, queen of Mycenae
37. Helen, wife of King Menelaus
38. Circe, daughter of the Sun
39. Camilla, queen of the Volscians
40. Penelope, wife of Ulysses
41. Lavinia, queen of Laurentum
42. Dido, or Elissa, queen of Carthage
43. Nicaula, queen of Ethiopia
44. Pamphile, daughter of Platea
45. Rhea Ilia, a Vestal Virgin
46. Gaia Cyrilla (Tanaquil), wife of King Tarquinius Priscus
47. Sappho, woman of Lesbos and poet
48. Lucretia, wife of Collatinus
49. Tamyris, queen of Scythia
50. Leaena, a courtesan
51. Athaliah, queen of Jerusalem
52. Cloelia, a Roman maiden
53. Hippo, a Greek woman
54. Megullia Dotata
55. Veturia, a Roman matron
56. Thamyris, daughter of Micon
57. Artemisia, queen of Caria
58. Verginia, virgin and daughter of Virginius
59. Eirene, daughter of Cratinus
60. Leontium
61. Olympias, queen of Macedonia
62. Claudia, a Vestal Virgin
63. Virginia, wife of Lucius Volumnius
64. Flora, goddess of flowers and wife of Zephyrus
65. A young Roman woman
66. Marcia, daughter of Varro
67. Sulpicia, wife of Quintus Fulvius Flaccus
68. Harmonia, daughter of Gelon, son of Hiero II of Syracuse
69. Busa of Canosa di Puglia
70. Sophonisba, queen of Numidia
71. Theoxena, daughter of Prince Herodicus
72. Berenice, queen of Cappadocia
73. The Wife of Orgiagon the Galatian
74. Tertia Aemilia, wife of the elder Africanus
75. Dripetrua, queen of Laodice
76. Sempronia, daughter of Gracchus
77. Claudia Quinta, a Roman woman
78. Hypsicratea, Queen of Pontus
79. Sempronia, a Roman Woman
80. The Wives of the Cimbrians
81. Julia, daughter of the dictator Julius Caesar
82. Portia, daughter of Cato Uticensis
83. Curia, wife of Quintus Lucretius
84. Hortensia, daughter of Quintus Hortensius
85. Sulpicia, wife of Cruscellio
86. Cornificia, a poet
87. Mariamme, queen of Judaea
88. Cleopatra, queen of Egypt
89. Antonia, daughter of Antony
90. Agrippina, wife of Germanicus
91. Paulina, a Roman woman
92. Agrippina, mother of the Emperor Nero
93. Epicharis, a freedwoman
94. Pompeia Paulina, wife of Seneca
95. Poppaea Sabina, wife of Nero
96. Triaria, wife of Lucius Vitellius
97. Proba, wife of Adelphus
98. Faustina Augusta
99. Symiamira, woman of Emesa
100. Zenobia, queen of Palmyra
101. Joan, an Englishwoman and Pope
102. Irene, Empress of Constantinople
103. Gualdrada, a Florentine maiden
104. Constance, Empress of Rome and queen of Sicily
105. Camiola, a Sienese widow
106. Joanna, queen of Jerusalem and Sicily
142 Media in collectionpage 1 of 2
Giovanni Boccaccio - Death of Harmonia from BL Royal 20 C V, f. 106, illuminated manuscript

Giovanni Boccaccio - Death of Harmonia from BL Royal 20 C V, f. 106, i...

Detail of a miniature of the death of Harmonia, daughter of Gelon. Image taken from f. 106 of Des cleres et nobles femmes, De claris mulieribus in an anonymous French translation (index De claris mulieribus, Le... More

Giovanni Boccaccio - Papesse Jeanne BnF Français 599 fol. 88, illuminated manuscript

Giovanni Boccaccio - Papesse Jeanne BnF Français 599 fol. 88, illumina...

Pope Joan. Français : La papesse Jeanne. Public domain reproduction of illuminated medieval manuscript page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Giovanni Boccaccio - Sémiramis BnF Français 599 fol. 5v, illuminated manuscript

Giovanni Boccaccio - Sémiramis BnF Français 599 fol. 5v, illuminated m...

Semiramis, one of several legendary Assyrian queens. Français : Sémiramis, reine légendaire d'Assyrie. Elle est accompagnée d'un lévrier blanc. Miniature extraite de la collection De mulieribus claris de Boccace.

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) 71v - Hortensia

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) 71v - Hortensia

see filename Public domain photograph of 13th-14th-century medieval illuminated manuscript, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Giovanni Boccaccio - De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.4v - Eve, illuminated manuscript

Giovanni Boccaccio - De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.4v - Ev...

see filename Public domain reproduction of illuminated medieval manuscript page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Giovanni Boccaccio - Pontheslea from BL Royal 20 C V, f. 49, illuminated manuscript

Giovanni Boccaccio - Pontheslea from BL Royal 20 C V, f. 49, illuminat...

Detail of a miniature of Pontheslea, queen of the Amazons, on horseback with warriors. Image taken from f. 49 of Des cleres et nobles femmes, De claris mulieribus in an anonymous French translation (index De cl... More

Giovanni Boccaccio - Medea uttering a spell from BL Royal 20 C V, f. 29, illuminated manuscript

Giovanni Boccaccio - Medea uttering a spell from BL Royal 20 C V, f. 2...

Detail of a miniature of Medea seated, uttering a spell; Jason on horseback, and the slaughter either of Absyrtus or of one of Medea's children. Image taken from f. 29 of Des cleres et nobles femmes, De claris ... More

Giovanni Boccaccio - Cassandre BnF Français 599 fol. 29, illuminated manuscript

Giovanni Boccaccio - Cassandre BnF Français 599 fol. 29, illuminated m...

Cassandra, the daughter of King Priam and Queen Hecuba of Troy. Français : Cassandre, fille de Priam, roi mythique de Troie, et d'Hécube. Elle joue du tympanon. Miniature extraite de la collection De mulieribu... More

Iole BnF Français 599 fol. 20 - Public domain book illustration painting

Iole BnF Français 599 fol. 20 - Public domain book illustration painti...

Iole, daughter of Eurytus, king of the city Oechalia. Français : Iole, fille du roi d'Œchalie Eurytos, tient une flèche entre ses doigts. Miniature extraite du De mulieribus claris de Boccace.

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.40v - Rhea Ylia

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.40v - Rhea Ylia

see filename Public domain photograph of 15th century drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.42r - Sapho

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.42r - Sapho

see filename Public domain reproduction of illuminated medieval manuscript page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.47r - Clelia

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.47r - Clelia

see filename Public domain reproduction of illuminated medieval manuscript page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Giovanni Boccaccio - Lavinia BnF Français 599 fol. 35v, illuminated manuscript

Giovanni Boccaccio - Lavinia BnF Français 599 fol. 35v, illuminated ma...

Lavinia, daughter of Latinus and Amata and wife of Aeneas. Français : Lavinia, fille de Latinus et d'Amata et épouse d'Énée. Miniature extraite de la collection De mulieribus claris de Boccace.

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.18v - Eriphila

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.18v - Eriphila

see filename Public domain reproduction of illuminated medieval manuscript page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.24r - Procris

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.24r - Procris

see filename Public domain reproduction of illuminated medieval manuscript page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Giovanni Boccaccio - Arachne weaving from BL Royal 20 C V, f. 30v, illuminated manuscript

Giovanni Boccaccio - Arachne weaving from BL Royal 20 C V, f. 30v, ill...

Detail of a miniature of Arachne weaving on a band loom, holding a sword beater, used to tamp down row of weft after it goes across the warp. Image taken from f. 30v of Des cleres et nobles femmes, De claris mu... More

Giovanni Boccaccio - Jocaste BnF Français 599 fol. 21v, illuminated manuscript

Giovanni Boccaccio - Jocaste BnF Français 599 fol. 21v, illuminated ma...

Jocasta, mother of Oedipus. Français : Jocaste, mère d'Œdipe. Miniature extraite d'un manuscrit du De mulieribus claris de Boccace.

Giovanni Boccaccio - Véturie BnF Français 599 fol. 48v, illuminated manuscript

Giovanni Boccaccio - Véturie BnF Français 599 fol. 48v, illuminated ma...

Veturia, roman matron, mother of Coriolanus. Français : Véturie, matrone romaine, mère de Coriolan. Elle est en train de filer à l'aide d'une quenouille et d'un dévidoir. Miniature extraite de la collection De... More

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) 65v - Sempronia

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) 65v - Sempronia

see filename Public domain photograph of medieval manuscript, folio, 14th-15th-century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Giovanni Boccaccio - Boccaccio from BL Royal 20 C V, f. 5, illuminated manuscript

Giovanni Boccaccio - Boccaccio from BL Royal 20 C V, f. 5, illuminated...

Detail of a frontispiece in four panels, of Boccaccio reading a book, Boccaccio presenting the book to Andrea Acciaiuoli, countess of Altavilla, a messenger presenting a letter to Semiramis, and a queen with fo... More

Gaia Caecilia or Tanaquil from BL Royal 20 C V, f. 75

Gaia Caecilia or Tanaquil from BL Royal 20 C V, f. 75

Detail of a miniature of Gaia Caecilia or Tanaquil at her loom, while women spin and card wool. Image taken from f. 75 of Des cleres et nobles femmes, De claris mulieribus in an anonymous French translation (in... More

Giovanni Boccaccio - Athalie BnF Français 599 fol. 45v, illuminated manuscript

Giovanni Boccaccio - Athalie BnF Français 599 fol. 45v, illuminated ma...

Athaliah, queen of Judah, and a soldier. Français : Athalie, reine de Juda, et un soldat. Miniature extraite de la collection De mulieribus claris de Boccace.

Giovanni Boccaccio - Poppée Bnf Français 599 fol. 81v, illuminated manuscript

Giovanni Boccaccio - Poppée Bnf Français 599 fol. 81v, illuminated man...

Poppaea Sabina, second wife of the Emperor Nero. Français : Poppée (Poppaea Sabina), seconde épouse de l’empereur romain Néron. Miniature extraite de la collection De mulieribus claris de Boccace.

Giovanni Boccaccio - De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599 f50), illuminated manuscript

Giovanni Boccaccio - De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599 f50), illu...

see filename Public domain photograph of 13th-14th-century medieval illuminated manuscript, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.36r - Dido

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.36r - Dido

see filename Public domain reproduction of illuminated medieval manuscript page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.40r - Panphyle

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.40r - Panphyle

see filename Public domain reproduction of English medieval illuminated manuscript page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.86r - Zenobia

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.86r - Zenobia

see filename Public domain photograph of 15th century drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Giovanni Boccaccio - Sempronia from BL Royal 20 C V, f. 121, illuminated manuscript

Giovanni Boccaccio - Sempronia from BL Royal 20 C V, f. 121, illuminat...

Detail of a miniature of Sempronia, wife of a Roman consul, with a book, desk, and musical instruments, being embraced by a man. Image taken from f. 121 of Des cleres et nobles femmes, De claris mulieribus in a... More

Giovanni Boccaccio - Hypsipyle sauve Thoas BnF Français 599 fol. 16, illuminated manuscript

Giovanni Boccaccio - Hypsipyle sauve Thoas BnF Français 599 fol. 16, i...

Français : Une femme de Lemnos, Hypsipyle, sauve son père Thoas alors que les autres Lemniennes tuent tous les hommes de l'île. Miniature extraite du De mulieribus claris de Boccace.

Giovanni Boccaccio - Manto BnF Français 599 fol. 25v, illuminated manuscript

Giovanni Boccaccio - Manto BnF Français 599 fol. 25v, illuminated manu...

Manto, daughter of Tiresias and mother of Mopsus. Français : Manto, fille du devin de Thèbes Tirésias et mère de Mopsos, pratique la magie. Miniature extraite de la collection De mulieribus claris de Boccace.

Giovanni Boccaccio - Penthésilée BnF Français 599 fol. 27v, illuminated manuscript

Giovanni Boccaccio - Penthésilée BnF Français 599 fol. 27v, illuminate...

Penthesilea, Amazonian queen Français : Penthésilée, reine des Amazones. Miniature extraite de la collection De mulieribus claris de Boccace.

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) 66r - Claudia Quinta

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) 66r - Claudia Quinta

see filename Public domain reproduction of illuminated medieval manuscript page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) 71r - Curia

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) 71r - Curia

see filename Public domain photograph of 15th-century art, medieval or early renaissance, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.26r - Wives of Minyans

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.26r - Wives of Minyans

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Marcia - De mulieribus claris BnF Français 599 fol. 58

Marcia - De mulieribus claris BnF Français 599 fol. 58

Marcia sculpting. Boccacio, de mulieribus claris/Le livre de femmes nobles et renomées (trad. anonyme), 15-16th century, France (Cognac). Bibliothèque Nationale MS Français 599 fol. 58.

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) 72r - Sulpitia

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) 72r - Sulpitia

see filename Public domain reproduction of illuminated medieval manuscript page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.55r - Claudia

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.55r - Claudia

see filename Public domain reproduction of French medieval illuminated manuscript page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.89v - Enguldrada

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.89v - Enguldrada

see filename Public domain photograph of 13th-14th-century medieval illuminated manuscript, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f82v - Triaria

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f82v - Triaria

see filename Public domain photograph of 15th century drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Maître François - Single Miniature Excised from Boccaccio's Des Cleres et nobles femmes- Quee - 1924.1015 - Cleveland Museum of Art

Maître François - Single Miniature Excised from Boccaccio's Des Cleres...

Public domain image of medieval art, 14th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Giovanni Boccaccio - Death of Agrippina from BL Royal 20 C V, f. 139, illuminated manuscript

Giovanni Boccaccio - Death of Agrippina from BL Royal 20 C V, f. 139, ...

Detail of a miniature of the death of Agrippina as Nero looks on. Image taken from f. 139 of Des cleres et nobles femmes, De claris mulieribus in an anonymous French translation (index De claris mulieribus, Le ... More

Giovanni Boccaccio - Epicharis BnF Français 599 fol. 79v, illuminated manuscript

Giovanni Boccaccio - Epicharis BnF Français 599 fol. 79v, illuminated ...

Epicharis, a freedwoman. Français : Epicharis, une affranchie. Public domain reproduction of illuminated medieval manuscript page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Giovanni Boccaccio - Mort de Polyxène BnF Français 599 fol. 28, illuminated manuscript

Giovanni Boccaccio - Mort de Polyxène BnF Français 599 fol. 28, illumi...

Death of Polyxena, daughter of Priam and Hecuba. Français : Mort de Polyxène, fille de Priam et d'Hécube.

Giovanni Boccaccio - Pénélope BnF Français 599 fol. 34, illuminated manuscript

Giovanni Boccaccio - Pénélope BnF Français 599 fol. 34, illuminated ma...

Penelope, wife of Odysseus. Français : Pénélope, épouse d'Ulysse. Miniature extraite de la collection De mulieribus claris de Boccace.

Giovanni Boccaccio - Tomyris BnF Français 599 fol. 43v, illuminated manuscript

Giovanni Boccaccio - Tomyris BnF Français 599 fol. 43v, illuminated ma...

Français : Tomyris, reine légendaire des Massagètes célèbre pour avoir décapité Cyrus le Grand. Miniature extraite de la collection De mulieribus claris de Boccace.

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) 64v - Tertia Emilia

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) 64v - Tertia Emilia

see filename Public domain reproduction of illuminated medieval manuscript page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) 72v - Cornificia

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) 72v - Cornificia

see filename Public domain photograph of 13th-14th-century medieval illuminated manuscript, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.32r - Circe

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.32r - Circe

see filename Public domain reproduction of illuminated medieval manuscript page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.80v - Pompeia Paulina

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.80v - Pompeia Paulina

see filename Public domain reproduction of illuminated medieval manuscript page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

'Dripetrue' (Drypetina), queen of Laodicea from BL Royal 20 C V, f. 116v

'Dripetrue' (Drypetina), queen of Laodicea from BL Royal 20 C V, f. 11...

Detail of a miniature of 'Dripetrue' (Drypetina), queen of Laodicea, waiting on her father Mithridates. Image taken from f. 116v of Des cleres et nobles femmes, De claris mulieribus in an anonymous French trans... More

Giovanni Boccaccio - Erythraea writing from BL Royal 20 C V, f. 32v, illuminated manuscript

Giovanni Boccaccio - Erythraea writing from BL Royal 20 C V, f. 32v, i...

Detail of a miniature of Erythraea writing. Image taken from f. 32v of Des cleres et nobles femmes, De claris mulieribus in an anonymous French translation (index De claris mulieribus, Le livre de femmes nobles... More

Giovanni Boccaccio - Clytemnestre BnF Français 599 fol. 29v, illuminated manuscript

Giovanni Boccaccio - Clytemnestre BnF Français 599 fol. 29v, illuminat...

Clytemnestra, wife of Agamemnon. Français : Clytemnestre, épouse d'Agamemnon. Public domain photograph of portrait painting, 14th-15th century, early renaissance, free to use, no copyright restrictions image -... More

Giovanni Boccaccio - Métabus et Camille BnF Français 599 fol. 33, illuminated manuscript

Giovanni Boccaccio - Métabus et Camille BnF Français 599 fol. 33, illu...

Metabus, King of the Volsci, and his daughter Camilla. Français : Métabus, roi des Volsques, s'enfuit avec sa fille Camille.

Giovanni Boccaccio - De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) 67r, illuminated manuscript

Giovanni Boccaccio - De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) 67r, illu...

De Hypsicratea regina Ponti. Public domain photograph of 13th-14th-century medieval illuminated manuscript, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.59v - Busa

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.59v - Busa

see filename Public domain reproduction of illuminated medieval manuscript page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.63r - Beronice

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.63r - Beronice

see filename Public domain reproduction of illuminated medieval manuscript page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.63v - Chiomara

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.63v - Chiomara

see filename Public domain reproduction of illuminated medieval manuscript page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Giovanni Boccaccio - Queen Tanaquil of Rome from BnF Français 599, illuminated manuscript

Giovanni Boccaccio - Queen Tanaquil of Rome from BnF Français 599, ill...

Queen Tanaquil of Rome Public domain scan of 15th-16th century renaissance artwork depicting a person and landscape background, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description Public domain ... More

Giovanni Boccaccio - Arachné BnF Français 599 fol. 17v, illuminated manuscript

Giovanni Boccaccio - Arachné BnF Français 599 fol. 17v, illuminated ma...

Arachne Français : Arachné faisant un filet Public domain reproduction of illuminated medieval manuscript page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Giovanni Boccaccio - Hécube BnF Français 599 fol. 28v, illuminated manuscript

Giovanni Boccaccio - Hécube BnF Français 599 fol. 28v, illuminated man...

Hecuba, queen of Troy and wife of Priam. Français : Hécube, reine de Troie et épouse de Priam. Miniature extraite de la collection De mulieribus claris de Boccace.

Isis BnF Français 599 fol. 10v - Public domain medieval manuscript

Isis BnF Français 599 fol. 10v - Public domain medieval manuscript

The goddess Isis. Français : La déesse Isis arrive en Égypte. Miniature extraite de la collection De mulieribus claris de Boccace.

Giovanni Boccaccio - De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599 f50) crop, illuminated manuscript

Giovanni Boccaccio - De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599 f50) crop,...

see filename Public domain reproduction of illuminated medieval manuscript page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.22r - Almathea

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.22r - Almathea

see filename Public domain reproduction of illuminated medieval manuscript page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.55v - Virginia

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.55v - Virginia

see filename Public domain reproduction of illuminated medieval manuscript page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.9r - Minerva

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.9r - Minerva

see filename Public domain photograph of 15th-century art, medieval or early renaissance, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f83r - Proba

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f83r - Proba

see filename Public domain photograph of 13th-14th-century medieval illuminated manuscript, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Giovanni Boccaccio - Death of Dido from BL Royal 20 C V, f. 65, illuminated manuscript

Giovanni Boccaccio - Death of Dido from BL Royal 20 C V, f. 65, illumi...

Detail of a miniature of the death of Dido. Image taken from f. 65 of Des cleres et nobles femmes, De claris mulieribus in an anonymous French translation (index De claris mulieribus, Le livre de femmes nobles ... More

Giovanni Boccaccio - Carmenta BnF Français 599 fol. 22v, illuminated manuscript

Giovanni Boccaccio - Carmenta BnF Français 599 fol. 22v, illuminated m...

Français : Carmenta, divinité romaine, écrivant. Miniature extraite de la collection De mulieribus claris de Boccace.

Giovanni Boccaccio - Hélène BnF Français 599 fol. 30, illuminated manuscript

Giovanni Boccaccio - Hélène BnF Français 599 fol. 30, illuminated manu...

Helen, daughter of Zeus and wife of Menelaus. Français : Hélène, fille de Zeus et femme de Ménélas. Miniature extraite de la collection De mulieribus claris de Boccace.

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) 65r - Dripetrua

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) 65r - Dripetrua

see filename Public domain reproduction of illuminated medieval manuscript page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.56v - Flora

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.56v - Flora

see filename Public domain reproduction of illuminated medieval manuscript page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.90r - Constantia

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.90r - Constantia

see filename Public domain reproduction of French medieval illuminated manuscript page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.94v - portrait of Boccaccio

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.94v - portrait of Boccaccio

see filename Public domain photograph of 13th-14th-century medieval illuminated manuscript, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f78v - Agrippina Minor

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f78v - Agrippina Minor

see filename Public domain photograph of 13th-14th-century medieval illuminated manuscript, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Giovanni Boccaccio - Torture of Epicharis from BL Royal 20 C V, f. 141v, illuminated manuscript

Giovanni Boccaccio - Torture of Epicharis from BL Royal 20 C V, f. 141...

Detail of a miniature of the torture of Epicharis. Image taken from f. 141v of Des cleres et nobles femmes, De claris mulieribus in an anonymous French translation (index De claris mulieribus, Le livre de femme... More

Cérès BnF Français 599 fol. 8 - Public domain medieval manuscript

Cérès BnF Français 599 fol. 8 - Public domain medieval manuscript

Ceres, goddess of agriculture, grain crop and fertility. Français : Cérès, déesse de l'agriculture, des moissons et de la fécondité.

Giovanni Boccaccio - Hypermnestre BnF Français 599 fol. 14, illuminated manuscript

Giovanni Boccaccio - Hypermnestre BnF Français 599 fol. 14, illuminate...

Hypermnestra, daughter of Danaus. Français : Hypermnestre, l'une des Danaïdes. Contrairement à ses quarante-neuf sœurs, elle épargne son mari Lyncée lors de leur nuit de noces. Miniature extraite de la collecti... More

Giovanni Boccaccio - Julia Soaemias BnF Français 599 fol. 85, illuminated manuscript

Giovanni Boccaccio - Julia Soaemias BnF Français 599 fol. 85, illumina...

Français : Julia Soaemias (v. 180-222 ap. J.C.), impératrice romaine. Public domain photograph of medieval manuscript, folio, 14th-15th-century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) 68r - Sempronia

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) 68r - Sempronia

see filename Public domain photograph of 13th-14th-century medieval illuminated manuscript, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.16v - Medea

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.16v - Medea

see filename Public domain photograph of 15th century drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.42v - Lucretia

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.42v - Lucretia

see filename Public domain reproduction of illuminated medieval manuscript page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.54r - Olympias

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.54r - Olympias

see filename Public domain reproduction of illuminated medieval manuscript page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.57v - Romana iuvencula

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.57v - Romana iuvencula

see filename Public domain reproduction of illuminated medieval manuscript page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.60v - Sophonisba

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.60v - Sophonisba

see filename Public domain photograph of 13th-14th-century medieval illuminated manuscript, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) 69v - Iulia

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) 69v - Iulia

see filename Public domain reproduction of illuminated medieval manuscript page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.48r - Megullia Dotata

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.48r - Megullia Dotata

see filename Public domain reproduction of illuminated medieval manuscript page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Giovanni Boccaccio - Lavinia from BL Royal 20 C V, f. 64v, illuminated manuscript

Giovanni Boccaccio - Lavinia from BL Royal 20 C V, f. 64v, illuminated...

Detail of a miniature of Lavinia nursing Julius Silvius, and Ascanius giving up the crown. Image taken from f. 64v of Des cleres et nobles femmes, De claris mulieribus in an anonymous French translation (index ... More

Giovanni Boccaccio - Hymnestra from BL Royal 20 C V, f. 24, illuminated manuscript

Giovanni Boccaccio - Hymnestra from BL Royal 20 C V, f. 24, illuminate...

Detail of a miniature of Hymnestra being arrested on the order of Danaus. Image taken from f. 24 of Des cleres et nobles femmes, De claris mulieribus in an anonymous French translation (index De claris mulierib... More

Giovanni Boccaccio - Theoxena BnF Français 599 fol. 61v, illuminated manuscript

Giovanni Boccaccio - Theoxena BnF Français 599 fol. 61v, illuminated m...

Theoxena, daughter of Herodicus. Français : Theoxena allaitant. Miniature extraite de la collection De mulieribus claris de Boccace.

Giovanni Boccaccio - Thisbé BnF Français 599 fol. 13, illuminated manuscript

Giovanni Boccaccio - Thisbé BnF Français 599 fol. 13, illuminated manu...

Thisbe. Français : Thisbé, jeune Babylonienne, amante de Pyrame. Miniature extraite de la collection De mulieribus claris de Boccace.

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.12r - Marpesia et Lampedone

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.12r - Marpesia et Lampedone

see filename Public domain reproduction of illuminated medieval manuscript page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.21r - Deyanira

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.21r - Deyanira

see filename Public domain reproduction of illuminated medieval manuscript page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Irene - De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) - fol. 53v

Irene - De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) - fol. 53v

LIX_Irène préparant une fresque. Grecque, fille du peintre Cratinus (EIRENE, daughter of Cratinus) -- Giovanni Boccaccio (1313-1375), Le Livre des cleres et nobles femmes, v. 1488-1496, Cognac (France), traduct... More

Giovanni Boccaccio - Almathea reading from BL Royal 20 C V, f. 38v, illuminated manuscript

Giovanni Boccaccio - Almathea reading from BL Royal 20 C V, f. 38v, il...

Detail of a miniature of Almathea, the Sybil of Cumae, reading. Image taken from f. 38v of Des cleres et nobles femmes, De claris mulieribus in an anonymous French translation (index De claris mulieribus, Le li... More

Irene painting a picture from BL Royal 20 C V, f. 96

Irene painting a picture from BL Royal 20 C V, f. 96

Detail of a miniature of Irene, daughter of Cratinus, painting a picture of a boy. Image taken from f. 96 of Des cleres et nobles femmes, De claris mulieribus in an anonymous French translation (index De claris... More

Giovanni Boccaccio - Agrippine l'Aînée BnF Français 599 fol. 77, illuminated manuscript

Giovanni Boccaccio - Agrippine l'Aînée BnF Français 599 fol. 77, illum...

Agrippina the Elder, wife of Germanicus. Français : Agrippine l'Aînée, fille de Julia et de Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa et épouse de Germanicus. Miniature extraite de la collection De mulieribus claris de Boccace.

Niobé BnF Français 599 fol 15 - Public domain medieval manuscript

Niobé BnF Français 599 fol 15 - Public domain medieval manuscript

Niobe, daughter of Tantalus. Français : Niobé, fille de Tantale. Miniature extraite de la collection De mulieribus claris de Boccace.

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.39v - Nicaula

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.39v - Nicaula

see filename Public domain reproduction of illuminated medieval manuscript page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Miniature showing Leontia in a courtyard, studying a book propped up on a lectern before her.  Other books scattered around.  In middle distance, meeting of groups of courtesans and customers.  Initial, rubric, border design.

Miniature showing Leontia in a courtyard, studying a book propped up o...

Public domain reproduction of illuminated manuscript page, medieval or early renaissance, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.59r - Armonia

De mulieribus claris (BnF Français 599) f.59r - Armonia

see filename Public domain reproduction of French medieval illuminated manuscript page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description


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