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Camerino Farnese

Series of frescos done about a particular subject.Created by: PICRYL - Public Domain Media Search EngineDated: 1595
The Camerino Farnese is a Fresco cycle that emerged from the decision to paint the ceiling of the Camerino in Rome, before the summer of 1595. The Camerino is on the first, or principal, floor of the Palazzo Farnese, and measures slightly more than fifteen by thirty feet.

Instead of proceeding with the original plans for the Alessandro Farnese cycle, the Farnese Gallery frescoes glorifying their father's deeds would have to wait until the arrival of the book of drawings which Odoardo Fialetti had asked Cardinal Ranuccio Farnese to send him; in the meantime Annibale Carracci was to be given as his first task, the decoration of the cardinal's own study.
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Ulisse e Circe - Fresco, public domain photograph

Ulisse e Circe - Fresco, public domain photograph

Public domain photo of a monument, historic place, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Fratelli di Catania - Fresco, public domain photograph

Fratelli di Catania - Fresco, public domain photograph

Picryl description: Public domain image of a historical building, landmark architecture, world heritage, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Ercole in riposo - Fresco, public domain photograph
Hercules resting - Camerino Farnese (1934)
Ulysses and the sirens - Camerino Farnese (1934)
Annibale Carracci Ercole regge il globo Carmerino Farnese
Catanian brothers - Camerino Farnese (1934)
Ulisse e le sirene - Fresco, public domain photograph

Ulisse e le sirene - Fresco, public domain photograph

Picryl description: Public domain image of a mural painting, architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Hercules holding the world - Camerino Farnese (1934)
Hercules holding the world (detail) - Camerino Farnese (1934)
Perseo and Medusa - Camerino Farnese (1934)
Perseo decapita Medusa - Fresco, public domain photograph

Perseo decapita Medusa - Fresco, public domain photograph

Picryl description: Public domain image of a historic place, world heritage building, classical or neoclassical architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Annibale Carracci, Camerino Farnese Ceiling
Camerino Farnese Ceiling, detail
Ulysses and Circe - Camerino Farnese (1934)
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