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Tin Pan Alley

Musical scores published by various NY publishers.Created by: PICRYL - Public Domain Media Search EngineDated: 1915
Tin Pan Alley originally referred to a specific place: West 28th Street between Fifth and Sixth Avenues in the Flower District of Manhattan. It was the location of New York City music publishers and songwriters who dominated the popular music of the United States in the late 19th century and early 20th century.

In the mid-19th century, copyright control of melodies was not as strict, and publishers would often print their own versions of the songs popular at the time. With stronger copyright protection laws late in the century, songwriters, composers, lyricists, and publishers started working together for their mutual financial benefit. Songwriters would literally bang on the doors of Tin Pan Alley businesses to get new material.

The start of Tin Pan Alley is usually dated to about 1885, when a number of music publishers set up shop in the same district of Manhattan. The end of Tin Pan Alley is less clear cut. Some date it to the start of the Great Depression in the 1930s when the phonograph, radio, and motion pictures supplanted sheet music as the driving force of American popular music, while others consider Tin Pan Alley to have continued into the 1950s when earlier styles of music were upstaged by the rise of rock & roll, which was centered on the Brill Building.

According to the Online Etymology Dictionary, 1882, "tin pan" was slang for "a decrepit piano" (1882), and the term came to mean a "hit songwriting business" by 1907.

The biggest music houses established themselves in New York City, but small local publishers – often connected with commercial printers or music stores – continued to flourish throughout the country, and there were important regional music publishing centers in Chicago, New Orleans, St. Louis, and Boston. When a tune became a significant local hit, rights to it were usually purchased from the local publisher by one of the big New York firms.
2,363 Media in collectionpage 1 of 24
Beatrice Barefacts - Public domain sheet music scan
I'm after Madame Tetrazzini's job
Black berryin' to-day - Public domain sheet music scan
Simple melody - Public domain sheet music scan
In Florida among the palms - Public domain sheet music scan
My yellow jacket girl - Public domain sheet music scan
Come to the land of the Argentine
Prunella mine - Public domain sheet music scan
Harem life : (outside of that every little thing's all right)
Shimmee town - Public domain sheet music scan
The naked truth - Public domain sheet music scan
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Come along : (I'm through with worrin')
Bumble bee - Public domain sheet music scan
Alice in wonderland - Public domain sheet music scan
Ramona : Alessandro's love song to Ramona
Put your arms around me, honey (I never knew any girl like you)
Borrow from me - Public domain sheet music scan
Isle d'amour : (isle of love) - Public domain sheet music scan
On the honeymoon express - Public domain sheet music scan
When the ships come home - Public domain sheet music scan
O-hi-o : o-my!-o! - Public domain sheet music scan
I hold her hand and she holds mine : ain't nature grand?
The blue kitten blues : (meow!)
Say it with music - Public domain sheet music scan
Swanee - Public domain sheet music scan
The girls of my dreams - Public domain sheet music scan
The fringe of society - Public domain sheet music scan
Falling star - Public domain sheet music scan
Row, row, row - Public domain sheet music scan
At Mammy's fireside - Public domain sheet music scan
My raggyadore - Public domain sheet music scan
Molly dear, it's you I'm after - Public domain sheet music scan
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Gypsy blues - Public domain sheet music scan
The schoolhouse blues - Public domain sheet music scan
Tin pan alley - a revue of popular music...

Tin pan alley - a revue of popular music...

Poster shows a photomontage of a piano. Signed in pencil. Forms part of the Artist poster filing series (Library of Congress) Promotional goal: U.S. K751. 198- Gift; 1987.

A typical tune of Zanzibar : ditty from "El capitan"/ words by Charles Klein ; music by John Philip Sousa.
I'm a poor unhappy maid - Public domain sheet music scan
0n the boulevard - Public domain sheet music scan
In my old home : (in Dixie land)
My yellow jacket girl - Public domain sheet music scan
Ev'rybody's crazy 'bout the doggone blues but I'm happy
Selection from Ziegfeld follies of 1920
Rose of old Seville - Public domain sheet music scan
Don't : (don't stop loving me now)
I don't want to be in Dixie - Public domain sheet music scan
One girl - Public domain sheet music scan
Rainy afternoons - Public domain sheet music scan
One girl - Public domain sheet music scan
The duchess of the table d'hote
Down old harmony way - Public domain sheet music scan
The music of love : valse-song - Public domain sheet music scan
Show us how to do the fox trot - Public domain sheet music scan
My yellow jacket girl - Public domain sheet music scan
If I find the girl - Public domain sheet music scan
Too-re-loo-re : a French pavane
I've lost my teddy bear - Public domain sheet music scan
I wo nder who's kissing her now
Cake walk from the Follies of 1911
The last part of ev'ry party : fox trot song
Our home town - Public domain sheet music scan
Mister Gallagher and Mister Shean
I love me : (I'm wild about myself)
Don't go in the water daughter - Public domain sheet music scan
The Bowery - Public domain sheet music scan
Always leave them laughing when you say good-bye
My hero - Public domain sheet music scan
Good-bye my tango : (New York what's the matter with you)
The moving man - Public domain sheet music scan
There's rag time in the air - Public domain sheet music scan
My arabian maid - Public domain sheet music scan
That's the kind of a baby for me
Bells - Public domain sheet music scan
Rose-Marie - Public domain sheet music scan
Bring on the pepper - Public domain sheet music scan
Sophie : I go so far with Sophie and Sophie goes so far with me
Barney O'Flynn - Public domain sheet music scan
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Dear, I love you so - Public domain sheet music scan
St ring a ring of roses 'round your Rosie
I'll be a Santa Claus to you - Public domain sheet music scan
Shimmee baby : song - Public domain sheet music scan
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Alice in wonderland - Public domain sheet music scan
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Vilia : song - Public domain sheet music scan
Heaven will protect the working girl : (a burlesque ballad)
Bumble bee - Public domain sheet music scan
Beautiful girl - Public domain sheet music scan
There was a time - Public domain sheet music scan
At the ball, that's all - Public domain sheet music scan
I'm craving for that kind of love : (kiss me)
The waltz of long ago - Public domain sheet music scan
Any old time at all - Public domain sheet music scan
Gypsy blues - Public domain sheet music scan
The Spaniard that blighted my life

of 24

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