Byzantine - Box with Scenes from the Fall of Adam and Eve and the Stor...
The front of this casket depicts the Fall of Adam and the Temptation of Eve, flanking the Sorrowing Adam below the lockplate. A fourth plaque on the back of the casket portrays Adam hiding behind a tree and cov... More
Annual report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution (...
Identifier: annualreportofbo1929smit (find matches) Title: Annual report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution Year: 1846 (1840s) Authors: Smithsonian Institution. Board of Regents United St... More
Bone plaque (with figure of a woman)
A bone plaque showing the figure of a woman carved in relief. She is naked, with a narrow band of pleated fabric ending in a tassel twined around her. Her legs are crossed at the ankle and one hand rests on her... More
Pleated Fan And Case, 1880–1900 (CH 18391173)
Pleated fan. Leaf of egg-shell mousseline de soie; obverse applied with seven medallions of same materials; embroidered with gold thread, and gilt and silver sequins outlining medallions and forming designs of... More
Button, mid-19th century (CH 18711597)
Circular button, convex (with flattened top), tin back and brass shank. Button is made of a disc of carved bone showing a dog standing. On reverse: "Extra fein." On card 40
Bulletin (1946) (19806438063) - Public domain engraving
Title: Bulletin Identifier: bulletin14321946smit (find matches) Year: 1901 (1900s) Authors: Smithsonian Institution. Bureau of American Ethnology Subjects: Ethnology Publisher: Washington : G. P. O. Contribut... More
Tlingit bone carvings, Sitka, Alaska, circa 1888 (AL+CA 6060)
Printed on mat: Thlingit Carvings in Bone, Sitka, Alaska. PH Coll 317.29 Subjects (LCTGM): Tlingit Indians--Arts & crafts--Alaska; Alaska Natives--Arts & crafts--Alaska--Sitka; Hides & skins Subjects (LCSH): T... More
Coptic - Plaque with a Female Figure - Walters 7134
This carving of a partially nude woman draped in a cloth was most likely used to decorate a piece of household furniture. The plaque, found at Alexandria (in Northern Egypt), was buried in the earth for many c... More
PSM V41 D040 Carved bones from the grotto of marsoulas
Byzantine - Box with Scenes from the Fall of Adam and Eve and the Stor...
The front of this casket depicts the Fall of Adam and the Temptation of Eve, flanking the Sorrowing Adam below the lockplate. A fourth plaque on the back of the casket portrays Adam hiding behind a tree and cov... More
Coptic - Jewelry Box with Dancers and Faun - Walters 7140 - Three Quar...
This reconstructed wood and bone box was probably used by a wealthy woman to store her precious jewelry. Two different techniques were used to carve the bone plaques on its sides and top. For a number of the ... More
Tsimshian club circa 1750
Ceremonial club of Antler bone, 18.5 in/47 cm. long. See p. 285 of book for full descrip.
Female Figure LACMA M.73.5.369 - Public domain print
Egypt, 8th-9th century Sculpture Bone, carved The Nasli M. Heeramaneck Collection, gift of Joan Palevsky (M.73.5.369) Islamic Art
The history of mankind (1896) (14577239708)
Identifier: historyofmankind01ratz (find matches) Title: The history of mankind Year: 1896 (1890s) Authors: Ratzel, Friedrich, 1844-1904 Butler, Arthur John, 1844-1910 Subjects: Ethnology Anthropology Publi... More
Byzantine - Box with Scenes from the Fall of Adam and Eve and the Stor...
The front of this casket depicts the Fall of Adam and the Temptation of Eve, flanking the Sorrowing Adam below the lockplate. A fourth plaque on the back of the casket portrays Adam hiding behind a tree and cov... More
Pleated Fan And Case, early 20th century (CH 18402923)
Pleated fan. Gold net leaf heavily embroidered with variously shaped gold spangles. Carved, pierced and gilded bone sticks showing scrolls and flowers. Mother-of-pearl washer and gilt metal bail.
Pleated Fan, ca. 1840 (CH 18173653)
Fan leaf with gilded and hand-colored lithographs showing genre scenes in the style of François Boucher within an elaborate setting of foliage and gothic architecture. Bone sticks and mother-of-pearl guards ar... More
Byzantine - Box with Scenes from the Fall of Adam and Eve and the Stor...
The front of this casket depicts the Fall of Adam and the Temptation of Eve, flanking the Sorrowing Adam below the lockplate. A fourth plaque on the back of the casket portrays Adam hiding behind a tree and cov... More
Coptic - Plaque with Apollo - Walters 7143
Following the traditions of Greek sculpture, Apollo is shown leaning languidly against a tree with one arm resting on his lyre (harp). Mythological figures, although pagan, continued to be used as decorative m... More
Levantine - Jewish Ossuary - Walters 23240
The shape of this piece was inspired by wooden chests that were used in Jewish homes. The origin of the Jewish ossuary (a box for holding bones) can be traced back to the late 1st century BC, during the time wh... More
Polygonal elements LACMA M.2002.1.537a-pp (1 of 4)
Egypt, Islamic; Fatimid, 11th century Sculpture Bone, carved Height of hexagons: 1 3/16 in. (3.01 cm); Height of four sided element: 1 in. (2.54 cm) The Madina Collection of Islamic Art, gift of Camilla Cha... More
Byzantine - Box with Scenes from the Fall of Adam and Eve and the Stor...
The front of this casket depicts the Fall of Adam and the Temptation of Eve, flanking the Sorrowing Adam below the lockplate. A fourth plaque on the back of the casket portrays Adam hiding behind a tree and cov... More
Plaque LACMA M.2002.1.536 - Egypt
Egypt, 8th century Sculpture Bone, carved 3 15/16 x 1 3/8 in. (10 x 3.49 cm) The Madina Collection of Islamic Art, gift of Camilla Chandler Frost (M.2002.1.536) Islamic Art
Polygonal elements LACMA M.2002.1.537a-pp (4 of 4)
Egypt, Islamic; Fatimid, 11th century Sculpture Bone, carved Height of hexagons: 1 3/16 in. (3.01 cm); Height of four sided element: 1 in. (2.54 cm) The Madina Collection of Islamic Art, gift of Camilla Cha... More
Handbook to the ethnographical collections (1910) (14596895307)
Identifier: handbooktoethnog00brit (find matches) Title: Handbook to the ethnographical collections Year: 1910 (1910s) Authors: British Museum. Dept. of British and Mediaeval Antiquities and Ethnography Joyc... More
Byzantine - Box with Scenes from the Fall of Adam and Eve and the Stor...
The front of this casket depicts the Fall of Adam and the Temptation of Eve, flanking the Sorrowing Adam below the lockplate. A fourth plaque on the back of the casket portrays Adam hiding behind a tree and cov... More
Viking - Whale-Bone Plaque - Walters 711169
Similar plaques of whale bone carved with confronted monster heads are found frequently in the graves of wealthy Viking women in Norway. The monster heads, similar to the figureheads attached to Viking ship pr... More
FMIB 44687 Scrimshawed Whale's Teeth Engraved by Whalemen
Scrimshawed Whale's Teeth Engraved by Whalemen Subject: Scrimshaws, Whaling, Bone carving Tag: Aquatic Mammals
Tairona - Bone Carving of a Shaman-Vulture - Walters 2006151 - Back
The carved bone finial likely once graced the head of a ritual staff-like implement of a shaman. Finials are a fairly rare class of object among northern South American material culture, with gold examples atte... More
Pleated Fan And Case, early 20th century (CH 18402923-2)
Pleated fan. Gold net leaf heavily embroidered with variously shaped gold spangles. Carved, pierced and gilded bone sticks showing scrolls and flowers. Mother-of-pearl washer and gilt metal bail.
The voyage of the Vega round Asia and Europe; with a historical review...
Identifier: voyageofvegaroun00nord (find matches) Title: The voyage of the Vega round Asia and Europe; with a historical review of previous journeys along the north coast of the Old World Year: 1882 (1880s) A... More
Roman Bone Carving - Public domain museum image. A statue of a woman's...
A face carved on a piece of curved bone. The face is framed by hair and part of a winged head-dress remains. Coptic.
Public Domain Images - Casket LACMA 47.8.25
Italy, circa 1400 Furnishings; Accessories Carved bone, stained horn, wood, pigment, gilt metal Purchased with funds provided by the William Randolph Hearst Foundation (47.8.25) Decorative Arts and Design Cur... More
Russian - Desk with Animals and Decoration - Walters 71429
This seven-drawer miniature writing desk is known as a "teremok" (small tower) cabinet. Flat walrus-ivory and bone plaques, some of which have been stained moss green, are affixed by nails to the cabinet's fron... More
Workshop of the Embriachi family - Bridal Casket with Scenes from the ...
The workshop of the Embriachi family in Venice produced a variety of luxury objects decorated with carved plaques of bone and inlays of stained wood, bone, and horn. The scenes are taken from classical literatu... More
FMIB 44688 Jagging Wheels, carved from Whale's Teeth, Bone, Etc, by th...
Jagging Wheels, carved from Whale's Teeth, Bone, Etc., by the Whalemen Subject: Kitchen utensils, Bone carving Tag: Aquatic Mammals
Pleated Fan, ca. 1840 (CH 18173653-2)
Fan leaf with gilded and hand-colored lithographs showing genre scenes in the style of François Boucher within an elaborate setting of foliage and gothic architecture. Bone sticks and mother-of-pearl guards ar... More
Pleated Fan, 19th century (CH 18472611-2)
Pleated fan. Printed and hand-colored paper leaf. Obverse: figures in a landscape with country home playing the game Blind Man's Bluff. Reverse: a pastoral boating scene. Carved, drilled and gilded bone sticks... More
A ride across a continent- a personal narrative of wanderings through ...
Identifier: rideacrosscontin02boyluoft (find matches) Title: A ride across a continent: a personal narrative of wanderings through Nicaragua and Costa Rica Year: 1868 (1860s) Authors: Boyle, Frederick, b. 18... More
Carving of a human head - Public domain museum image. A statue of a ma...
A carving of a human head in bone. The head is surrounded by an oval and there are three tubular openings running through the centre of the piece. Coptic.
Tairona - Bone Carving of a Shaman-Vulture - Walters 2006151
The carved bone finial likely once graced the head of a ritual staff-like implement of a shaman. Finials are a fairly rare class of object among northern South American material culture, with gold examples atte... More
Workshop of Embriachi - Triptych with the Crucifixion and Other Scenes...
The central scene of the Crucifixion is composed of five bone plaques, flanked by the Resurrection on the left and Christ's Appearance to the Magdalen on the right. Below, the central figure of the Virgin, hold... More
Stamp Seal LACMA M.76.174.30
Tools and Equipment; seals Bone, carved 1 1/8 x 1 1/4 in. (3 x 3.2 cm) Gift of Nasli M. Heeramaneck (M.76.174.30) Art of the Ancient Near East
Panel LACMA M.2002.1.521 - Egypt
Egypt, 7th-8th century Sculpture Bone, carved 4 1/4 x 2 1/2 in. (10.79 x 6.35 cm) The Madina Collection of Islamic Art, gift of Camilla Chandler Frost (M.2002.1.521) Islamic Art Currently on public view: Ahma... More
The history of mankind (1896) (14740870656)
Identifier: historyofmankind01ratz (find matches) Title: The history of mankind Year: 1896 (1890s) Authors: Ratzel, Friedrich, 1844-1904 Butler, Arthur John, 1844-1910 Subjects: Ethnology Anthropology Publi... More
Wealth of the Uintah Basin, Utah, and automobile guide (1914) (1477968...
Identifier: wealthofuintahba00cook (find matches) Title: Wealth of the Uintah Basin, Utah, and automobile guide .. Year: 1914 (1910s) Authors: Cook, Charles Booker, 1863- (from old catalog) Subjects: Publis... More
Tairona - Bone Carving of a Shaman-Vulture - Walters 2006151 - Left Si...
The carved bone finial likely once graced the head of a ritual staff-like implement of a shaman. Finials are a fairly rare class of object among northern South American material culture, with gold examples atte... More
Byzantine - Box with Scenes from the Fall of Adam and Eve and the Stor...
The front of this casket depicts the Fall of Adam and the Temptation of Eve, flanking the Sorrowing Adam below the lockplate. A fourth plaque on the back of the casket portrays Adam hiding behind a tree and cov... More
Polygonal elements LACMA M.2002.1.537a-pp (3 of 4)
Egypt, Islamic; Fatimid, 11th century Sculpture Bone, carved Height of hexagons: 1 3/16 in. (3.01 cm); Height of four sided element: 1 in. (2.54 cm) The Madina Collection of Islamic Art, gift of Camilla Cha... More
Female Figure LACMA M.73.5.368 - Egypt
Egypt, 8th-10th century Sculpture Bone, carved The Nasli M. Heeramaneck Collection, gift of Joan Palevsky (M.73.5.368) Islamic Art
Button, mid-19th century (CH 18711597-2)
Circular button, convex (with flattened top), tin back and brass shank. Button is made of a disc of carved bone showing a dog standing. On reverse: "Extra fein." On card 40
Plaque LACMA M.2002.1.528 - Egypt
Egypt, 8th century Sculpture Bone, carved 1 7/16 x 2 11/16 in. (3.65 x 6.82 cm) The Madina Collection of Islamic Art, gift of Camilla Chandler Frost (M.2002.1.528) Islamic Art
The American Museum journal (c1900-(1918)) (17974088198)
Title: The American Museum journal Identifier: americanmuseumjo18amer (find matches) Year: c1900-(1918) (c190s) Authors: American Museum of Natural History Subjects: Natural history Publisher: New York : Amer... More
Roman Ivory Plaque - Public domain museum image. A wooden carving of a...
A plaque carved in relief on bone. It shows the figure of a naked man. He is twisted to the right, leaning on a rectangular object and holding a piece of cloth over his head. Coptic.
Greek - Hand Cross with Scenes from the Life of Christ - Walters 71138
This cross of bone carved in minute relief with scenes from the life of Christ has been encased in gilded silver decorated with the filigree enamel work characteristic of objects used in the liturgy of the East... More
Russian - Desk with Animals and Decoration - Walters 71429 - Three Qua...
This seven-drawer miniature writing desk is known as a "teremok" (small tower) cabinet. Flat walrus-ivory and bone plaques, some of which have been stained moss green, are affixed by nails to the cabinet's fron... More
Workshop of the Embriachi family - Bridal Casket with Scenes from the ...
The workshop of the Embriachi family in Venice produced a variety of luxury objects decorated with carved plaques of bone and inlays of stained wood, bone, and horn. The scenes are taken from classical literatu... More
Pleated Fan, 19th century (CH 18472611)
Pleated fan. Printed and hand-colored paper leaf. Obverse: figures in a landscape with country home playing the game Blind Man's Bluff. Reverse: a pastoral boating scene. Carved, drilled and gilded bone sticks... More
Polygonal elements LACMA M.2002.1.537a-pp (2 of 4)
Egypt, Islamic; Fatimid, 11th century Sculpture Bone, carved Height of hexagons: 1 3/16 in. (3.01 cm); Height of four sided element: 1 in. (2.54 cm) The Madina Collection of Islamic Art, gift of Camilla Cha... More
Catalogue of objects used by a prehistoric people in what is now Dougl...
Identifier: catalogueofobjec00gild (find matches) Title: Catalogue of objects used by a prehistoric people in what is now Douglas and Sarpy counties, Nebraska : secured through exploration work of the Robert ... More
Discovery (20969097681) - Public domain book illustration
Title: Discovery Identifier: discovery0304londuoft (find matches) Year: [1] (s) Authors: Subjects: Science Publisher: London (etc. ) Professional and Industrial Pub. Co. (etc. ) Contributing Library: Gerstei... More
German - Reliquary with Apostles - Walters 71146
This octagonal reliquary, or container for saints' relics, is decorated with standing figures of eight apostles, all carved in a compact, linear style more typical of the 11th and 12th centuries. The shape of t... More
Greek - Hand Cross with Scenes from the Life of Christ - Walters 71138...
This cross of bone carved in minute relief with scenes from the life of Christ has been encased in gilded silver decorated with the filigree enamel work characteristic of objects used in the liturgy of the East... More
Parthian, 1st-2nd Century - Carved Bone - 1933.186 - Cleveland Museum ...
A wooden tube with a hole in the middle, Parthian, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Frieze LACMA M.2002.1.522 - Egypt
Egypt, 10th-11th century Architecture; Architectural Elements Bone, carved 2 1/4 x 1 1/16 in. (5.71 x 2.69 cm) The Madina Collection of Islamic Art, gift of Camilla Chandler Frost (M.2002.1.522) Islamic Art
Wooden figure from a Maori chief's house, New Zealand
Wooden figure from a Maori chief's house, New Zealand Identifier: handbooktoethnog00brit (find matches) Title: Handbook to the ethnographical collections Year: 1910 (1910s) Authors: British Museum. Dept. of B... More