Restored Moonwalk Footage Release
A photograph from the 1960's showing Stan Lebar, former Westinghouse Electric program manager, holding two cameras used during the Apollo missions is seen on a large video monitor above panelists, including Sta... More
Lunar Landing Vehicle, NASA Langley research center
(May 5, 1963) Vehicle for Lunar Landing Research Facility at Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia. ..Image # : L-1963-09781
Apollo 11: Onto a New World. NASA public domain image colelction.
Description: (July 20, 1969) A human first set foot on another world on July 20, 1969. This world was Earth's own Moon. Pictured above is Neil Armstrong preparing to take the historic first step. On the way dow... More
Apollo 11 Launched Via the Saturn V Rocket-High Angle View
Full Description: The Apollo 11 mission, the first lunar landing mission, launched from the Kennedy Space Center, Florida via the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) developed Saturn V launch vehicle on July 16... More
Apollo 11: Catching Some Sun. NASA public domain image colelction.
Description: (July 20, 1969) Bright sunlight glints and long dark shadows dramatize this image of the lunar surface taken by Apollo 11 astronaut Neil Armstrong, the first to walk on the Moon. Pictured is the mi... More
Apollo 11 Launch, Apollo program Saturn V rocket images
(July 16, 1969) The Apollo 11 Saturn V space vehicle climbs toward orbit after liftoff from Pad 39A at 9:32 a.m. EDT on July 16, 1969. In 2 1/2 minutes of powered flight, the S-IC booster lifts the vehicle to a... More
Apollo 11 Crew in Raft before Recovery
(July 24, 1969) The Apollo 11 crew await pickup by a helicopter from the USS Hornet, prime recovery ship for the historic Apollo 11 lunar landing mission. The fourth man in the life raft is a United States Navy... More
Saturn V - Saturn Apollo Program
The third stage (S-IVB) of the Saturn V launch vehicle for the Apollo 11 lunar landing mission is hoisted in the vehicle assembly building at the NASA Kennedy Space Center (KSC) for mating with the second stage... More
AS11-37-5445 - Apollo 11 - Apollo 11 Mission image - CSM over the surf...
The original database describes this as: Description: View of Command and Service Module (CSM) over the surface of the moon as it travels over the east Mare Fecunditatus in the north central Sea of Fertility. ... More
AS11-37-5529 - Apollo 11 - Apollo 11 Mission image - Neil A. Armstrong...
The original database describes this as: Description: Astronaut Neil A. Armstrong,Apollo 11 Commander inside the Lunar Module (LM) as it rests on the lunar surface after completion of the Extravehicular Activi... More
AS11-40-5943 - Apollo 11 - Apollo 11 Mission image - Astronaut Edwin A...
The original database describes this as: Description: Astronaut Edwin E. Aldrin,Lunar Module (LM) pilot,carries the Passive Seismic Experiments Package (PSEP) (left) and the Laser Ranging Retroreflector (LRRR)... More
AS11-36-5405 - Apollo 11 - Apollo 11 Mission image - View of Moon nort...
The original database describes this as: Description: View of Moon, north of Crater 292, officially named Pannekoek. This image was taken from the Command and Service Module (CSM) during the transluner phase ... More
AS11-44-6607 - Apollo 11 - Apollo 11 Mission image - View of Moon, are...
The original database describes this as: Description: View of the Moon,area north of Crater 310, officially named Icarus. Image was taken during the Apollo 11 Mission. Original film magazine was labeled V. Fi... More
AS11-36-5427 - Apollo 11 - Apollo 11 Mission image - View of Moon, loo...
The original database describes this as: Description: View of Moon, looking into Crater 220 an unnamed area between the Vening Meinesz and Papaleski craters. This image was taken from the Command and Service M... More
AS11-36-5398 - Apollo 11 - Apollo 11 Mission image - Astronaut Edwin E...
The original database describes this as: Description: Astronaut Edwin E. Aldrin Jr.,Lunar Module pilot, works inside the Lunar Module (LM) during checkout and inspection after hatch opening. Image taken durin... More
AS11-37-5439 - Apollo 11 - Apollo 11 Mission image - View of Moon, wit...
The original database describes this as: Description: View of Moon. High oblique of lunar horizon. Lunar Module (LM) in foreground. Earth is visible above the lunar horizon. Image taken from inside the LM fro... More
AS11-44-6628 - Apollo 11 - Apollo 11 Mission image - View of Moon limb...
The original database describes this as: Description: View of the Moon limb,Lunar Module during ascent near Crater 270 and 199, Mare Smythii. Crater 270 is is officially named Saha,Crater 199 is named Saenger.... More
AS11-44-6643 - Apollo 11 - Apollo 11 Mission image - View of Moon limb...
The original database describes this as: Description: View of the Moon limb,Lunar Module during ascent,Mare Smythii. Earth visible over horizon. Image was taken during the Apollo 11 Mission. Original film maga... More
Apollo 11 - Saturn Apollo Program
Seriousness exudes from launch official Miles Ross (left) of Kennedy Space Flight Center (KSC) and Major General E.F. O’Conner, director of program management of the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC), as they... More
Saturn V - Saturn Apollo Program
The Apollo 11 mission, the first lunar landing mission, launched from the Kennedy Space Center, Florida via the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) developed Saturn V launch vehicle on July 16, 1969 and safely ... More
Apollo 11 - Saturn Apollo Program
From the Kennedy Space Flight Center (KSC) control room, Apollo Program Director Lieutenant General Samuel C. Phillips monitors pre-launch activities for Apollo 11. The Apollo 11 mission, the first lunar landin... More
View of Astronaut Neil Armstrong in Lunar Module
AS11-37-5528 (20 July 1969) --- This photograph of astronaut Neil A. Armstrong, Apollo 11 commander, was taken inside the Lunar Module (LM) while the LM rested on the lunar surface. Astronauts Armstrong and Edw... More
Shadow of the Apollo 11 Lunar module silhouetted against Moon's surfac...
AS11-37-5505 (20 July 1969) --- This photograph shows in fine detail the impressions in the lunar soil made by astronauts Neil A. Armstrong and Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. during their lunar surface extravehicular acti... More
Apollo 11 - Saturn Apollo Program
The first manned lunar landing mission, Apollo 11, launched from the Kennedy Space Flight Center (KSC) in Florida via the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) developed Saturn V launch vehicle on July 16, 1969 a... More
Apollo 11 stereo view showing lump of surface powder with colored mate...
AS11-45-6709 (20 July 1969) --- An Apollo 11 stereo view of the surface of a lunar rock showing an embedded three-fourths inch fragment of a different color. On the surface several small pits are seen; mostly l... More
Astronaut Edwin Aldrin prepares to deploy EASEP on surface of moon
AS11-40-5931 (20 July 1969) --- Astronaut Edwin E. Aldrin Jr., lunar module pilot, prepares to deploy the Early Apollo Scientific Experiments Package (EASEP) on the surface of the moon during the Apollo 11 extr... More
Components of the Early Apollo Scientific Experiments Package (EASEP)
AS11-37-5551 (20 July 1969) --- Two components of the Early Apollo Scientific Experiments Package (EASEP) are seen deployed on the lunar surface in this view photographed from inside the Lunar Module (LM). In ... More
The first manned lunar landing mission, Apollo 11, launched from the K...
The first manned lunar landing mission, Apollo 11, launched from the Kennedy Space Center (KSC) in Florida via the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) developed Saturn V launch vehicle on July 16, 1969 and safe... More
View of a full Moon photographed from Apollo 11 spacecraft
AS11-44-6667 (21 July 1969) --- This outstanding view of the whole full moon was photographed from the Apollo 11 spacecraft during its trans-Earth journey homeward. When this picture was taken, the spacecraft w... More
Apollo 11 - Saturn Apollo Program
The Apollo 11 mission, the first manned lunar mission, launched from the Kennedy Space Center, Florida via a Saturn V launch vehicle on July 16, 1969 and safely returned to Earth on July 24, 1969. The Saturn V ... More
Mission Control Center (MCC) - Celebration - Conclusion - Apollo XI Mi...
S69-40301 (24 July 1969) --- Overall view of the Mission Operations Control Room (MOCR) in the Mission Control Center (MCC), Building 30, Manned Spacecraft Center (MSC), at the conclusion of the Apollo 11 lunar... More
Apollo 11 - Saturn Apollo Program
The Apollo 11 mission, the first manned lunar mission, launched from the Kennedy Space Center, Florida via the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) developed Saturn V launch vehicle on July 16, 1969 and safely r... More
The Apollo 11 mission, the first manned lunar mission, launched from t...
The Apollo 11 mission, the first manned lunar mission, launched from the Kennedy Space Center, Florida via the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) developed Saturn V launch vehicle on July 16, 1969 and safely r... More
President George Bush and Apollo 11 Astronauts
(July 20, 1989) President George Bush speaks at the National Air and Space Museum's 20th anniversary celebration of the Apollo 11 Moon landing. Here, on July 20, 1989, Bush announced his new Space Exploration I... More
Aaron Cohen speaks at Apollo 11 Twentieth Anniversary Gala Event
Aaron Cohen speaks at the Apollo 11 Twentieth Anniversary Gala Event at the downtown Houston Hyatt Regency Hotel.
Restored Moonwalk Footage Release
Mike Inchalik, president of Lowry Digital, talks about the job of restoring Apollo 11 moonwalk footage at a NASA briefing where restored Apollo 11 moonwalk footage was revealed for the first time at the Newseum... More
Apollo 40th Newseum Panel Discussion
Veteran journalist Nick Clooney, seated left, moderated a panel discussion with Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin, far right, Charlie Duke of Apollo 16, John Grunsfeld, of the recent Hubble mission, and Goddard S... More
Air and Space Museum Apollo 40th Celebration
NASA Apollo 11 Astronaut Buzz Aldrin, right, and his wife Lois stand at attention in front of the color guard during the opening of the Apollo 40th anniversary celebration held at the National Air and Space Mus... More
Armstrong Memorial Service. NASA public domain image colelction.
Former U.S. Sen. John Glenn, left, and Buzz Aldrin shake hands prior to a memorial service celebrating the life of Neil Armstrong, Thursday, Sept. 13, 2012, at the Washington National Cathedral. Armstrong, the ... More
Photograph of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin during Geological Trainin...
Original caption: HUDSPETH COUNTY, TEXAS. GEOLOGY TRAINING - These two Apollo 11 astronauts are photographed during a geological field trip to the Quitman Mountain area near the Fort Quitman ruins in far west ... More
Gold Olive Branch Left on the Moon by Neil Armstrong
(July 20, 1969) This is the gold replica of an olive branch, the traditional symbol of peace, left on the Moon's surface by Apollo 11 crewmembers. Astronaut Neil A. Armstrong, commander, placed the small replic... More
President Nixon and Dr. Paine Wait to Meet Apollo 11 Astronauts
(July 24, 1969) President Richard M. Nixon and Dr. Thomas O. Paine, NASA Administrator, watch Apollo 11 astronauts Neil A. Armstrong, Michael Collins and Buzz Aldrin Jr., walk from the recovery helicopter to th... More
Apollo 11 LM Interior, NASA Apollo program
(July 20, 1969) This interior view of the Apollo 11 Lunar Module shows Astronaut Edwin E. Aldrin, Jr., lunar module pilot, during the lunar landing mission. This picture was taken by Astronaut Neil A. Armstrong... More
Nixon Telephones Armstrong on the Moon
(July 20, 1969) Composite photo of President Richard M. Nixon as he telephoned "Tranquility Base" and astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin. The President: "... For one priceless moment in the histo... More
Apollo 11: East Crater Panorama
Description On July 20, 1969, Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin became the first to walk on the Moon. This panorama of their landing site sweeps across the magnificent desolation of th... More
Apollo 11 Launch, NASA Apollo program
(July 16, 1969) The American flag heralds the flight of Apollo 11, the first Lunar landing mission. The Apollo 11 Saturn V space vehicle lifted off with astronauts Neil A. Armstrong, Michael Collins and Edwin E... More
Apollo 11 Lunar Mission Rollout
Description Aboard a Saturn V launch vehicle, the Apollo 11 mission launched from The Kennedy Space Center, Florida on July 16, 1969 and safely returned to Earth on July 24, 1969. The space vehicle is shown her... More
Saturn V - Saturn Apollo Program
The Saturn V launch vehicle (AS-506) carrying the Apollo 11 spacecraft, arrived at the launch pad complex 39 at the Kennedy Space Center (KSC) on May 20, 1969. On July 16, 1969, the 363 foot tall, 6,400,000 pou... More
Apollo 10 and 11 crews photographed during Apollo 10 debriefing
S69-35507 (June 1969) --- The prime crews of the Apollo 10 lunar orbit mission and the Apollo 11 lunar landing mission are photographed during an Apollo 10 postflight de-briefing session. Clockwise, from left, ... More
AS11-38-5584 - Apollo 11 - Apollo 11 Mission image - View of Moon, nor...
The original database describes this as: Description: View of Moon, north of Crater 304,officially named Stratton. This image was taken from the Command and Service Module (CSM) as it traveled around the backs... More
AS11-36-5413 - Apollo 11 - Apollo 11 Mission image - View of Moon, Cra...
The original database describes this as: Description: View of Moon,Crater IX, officially named Mendeleev. Targets of Opportunity 30 and 34 (TO 30 & 34). TO 30 is a large basin (162 Nautical Miles) with pitted ... More
AS11-40-5902 - Apollo 11 - Apollo 11 Mission image - Astronaut Edwin ...
The original database describes this as: Description: Astronaut Edwin E. Aldrin Jr., Lunar Module (LM) pilot, walks near the LM. LM strut and footpad visible. Astronaut bootprints are visible on the lunar surf... More
AS11-44-6564 - Apollo 11 - Apollo 11 Mission image - View of moon limb...
The original database describes this as: Description: View of Moon limb with Earth on the horizon,Mare Smythii Region. Earth rise. This image was taken before separation of the LM and the Command Module during... More
AS11-44-6603 - Apollo 11 - Apollo 11 Mission image - View of Moon limb...
The original database describes this as: Description: View of the Moon limb,Mare Smythii . Earth on the horizon. Edge of window in right field of view. Image was taken after separation of the LM and the Comma... More
AS11-44-6549 - Apollo 11 - Apollo 11 Mission image - View of moon limb...
The original database describes this as: Description: View of Moon limb with Earth on the horizon,Mare Smythii Region. Earth rise. This image was taken before separation of the LM and the Command Module during... More
AS11-44-6640 - Apollo 11 - Apollo 11 Mission image - View of Moon limb...
The original database describes this as: Description: View of the Moon limb,Lunar Module during ascent,Mare Smythii. Earth visible over the horizon. Image was taken during the Apollo 11 Mission. Original film ... More
AS11-43-6405 - Apollo 11 - Apollo 11 Mission image - Moon, Just West o...
The original database describes this as: Description: View of Moon,Just West of Crater 225,officially named Coriolis. Image take from the Command Module at approximately 60 nautical miles orbital altitude duri... More
AS11-36-5399 - Apollo 11 - Apollo 11 Mission image - Astronaut Edwin E...
The original database describes this as: Description: Astronaut Edwin E. Aldrin Jr.,Lunar Module pilot,works inside the Lunar Module (LM) during checkout and inspection after hatch opening. Aldrin is only part... More
Apollo 11 - Saturn Apollo Program
This is a detailed view of the back side of Moon in the vicinity of Crater No. 308 taken during the Apollo 11 mission. Apollo 11, the first manned lunar mission, launched from The Kennedy Space Center, Florida... More
Apollo 11 - Saturn Apollo Program
This is a close-up view of an astronaut’s footprint in the lunar soil, photographed by a 70 mm lunar surface camera during the Apollo 11 lunar surface extravehicular activity. The first manned lunar mission, th... More
Apollo 11 Mission image - View of moon limb,with Earth on the ho
AS11-44-6551 (July 1969) --- This view from the Apollo 11 spacecraft shows the Earth rising above the moon's horizon. The lunar terrain pictured is in the area of Smyth's Sea on the nearside. Coordinates of the... More
Interior view of Apollo 11 Lunar Module showing displays and controls
AS11-36-5389 (July 1969) --- An interior view of the Apollo 11 Lunar Module showing some of the displays and controls. Mounted in the Lunar Module window is a 16mm data acquisition camera which has a variable f... More
Apollo 11 stereo view showing lump of surface powder with colored mate...
AS11-45-6706 (20 July 1969) --- An Apollo 11 stereo view showing a clump of lunar surface powder, with various small pieces of different color. Many small, shiny spherical particles can be seen. The picture is ... More
Apollo 11 - Saturn Apollo Program
The Apollo 11 mission, the first manned lunar mission, launched from the Kennedy Space Center, Florida via the Saturn V launch vehicle on July 16, 1969 and safely returned to Earth on July 24, 1969. The Saturn ... More
Apollo 11 - Saturn Apollo Program
The Apollo 11 mission, the first manned lunar mission, launched from the Kennedy Space Center, Florida via the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) developed Saturn V launch vehicle on July 16, 1969 and safely r... More
Apollo 11 - Saturn Apollo Program
On June 4, 1974, 5 years after the successful Apollo 11 lunar landing mission, commander Neil Armstrong (right) presented a plaque to U.S. President Richard Milhous Nixon (left) on behalf of all people who had ... More
Glenn Lecture With Crew of Apollo 11
On the eve of the fortieth anniversary of Apollo 11's first human landing on the Moon, NASA Mission Control creator and former NASA Johnson Space Center director Chris Kraft speaks during a lecture in honor of ... More
Glenn Lecture With Crew of Apollo 11
On the eve of the fortieth anniversary of Apollo 11's first human landing on the Moon, Former NASA Astronaut and U.S. Senator John Glenn speaks during a lecture in honor of Apollo 11 at the National Air and Spa... More
Air and Space Museum Apollo 40th Celebration
NASA Apollo 11 Mission Commander and first man to set foot on the Moon, Neil Armstrong speaks at the Apollo 40th anniversary celebration held at the National Air and Space Museum, Monday, July 20, 2009 in Washi... More
Air and Space Museum Apollo 40th Celebration
Director of the Hayden Planetarium Neil deGrasse Tyson speaks as host of the Apollo 40th anniversary celebration held at the National Air and Space Museum, Monday, July 20, 2009 in Washington. Photo Credit: (NA... More
Air and Space Museum Apollo 40th Celebration
NASA Apollo 11 Mission Commander and first man to set foot on the Moon, Neil Armstrong speaks at the Apollo 40th anniversary celebration held at the National Air and Space Museum, Monday, July 20, 2009 in Washi... More
Apollo 40th Anniversary Morning Television
Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin, the second man to walk on the Moon, seated left, responds to a question during a live television interview on Monday, July 20, 2009, at NASA Headquarters in Washington as Apollo... More
Apollo 11 and John Glenn Astronauts Congressional Gold Medal
Apollo 11 Astronauts, from left, Michael Collins, Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and NASA Administrator Charles Bolden attend the U.S House of Representatives Committee on Science and Technology tribute to the Apo... More
House Hearing NASA Human Spaceflight Plan
Apollo 11 Commander Neil Armstrong, left, and retired Navy Captain and commander of Apollo 17 Eugene Cernana, confer prior to testifying at a hearing before the House Science and Technology Committee, Tuesday, ... More
Apollo 11 Launch, NASA Apollo program
(July 16, 1969) The Apollo 11 Saturn V space vehicle lifts off with astronauts Neil A. Armstrong, Michael Collins and Edwin E. Aldrin, Jr., at 9:32 a.m. EDT July 16, 1969, from Kennedy Space Center's Launch Com... More
Astronaut Neil Armstrong - Rock Sample Study - Geological Field Trip -...
S69-25198 (25 Feb. 1969) --- Astronaut Neil A. Armstrong, commander of the Apollo 11 prime crew, studies rock sample during a geological field trip to the Quitman Mountains area near the Fort Quitman ruins in f... More
S69-34875 (June 1969) --- The official emblem of Apollo 11, the United States' first scheduled lunar landing mission. The Apollo 11 crew will be astronauts Neil A. Armstrong, commander; Michael Collins, command... More
Apollo 10 and 11 crews photographed during Apollo 10 debriefing
S69-35504 (June 1969) --- The prime crews of the Apollo 10 lunar orbit mission and the Apollo 11 lunar landing mission are photographed during an Apollo 10 postflight de-briefing session. Clockwise, from left f... More
AS11-40-5868 - Apollo 11 - Apollo 11 Mission image - Astronaut Edwin A...
The original database describes this as: Description: Astronaut Edwin E Aldrin Jr,Lunar Module (LM) pilot, climbs down the LM ladder, preparing for his first steps on the moon. Lunar horizon visible in backgr... More
AS11-38-5598 - Apollo 11 - Apollo 11 Mission image - View of Moon, Foa...
The original database describes this as: Description: View of Moon, Foaming Sea. This image was taken from the Command and Service Module (CSM) as it traveled around the backside of the moon during the Apollo ... More
AS11-44-6666 - Apollo 11 - Apollo 11 Mission image - View of Moon
The original database describes this as: Description: View of the Moon sphere,nearside surface,taken 10,000 nautical miles from the moon. Image was taken after the transearth insertion as the Apollo 11 crew tr... More
AS11-37-5444 - Apollo 11 - Apollo 11 Mission image - CSM over the surf...
The original database describes this as: Description: View of Command and Service Module (CSM) over the surface of the moon as it travels over the east Mare Fecunditatus. Image taken from inside the Lunar Modu... More
AS11-44-6543 - Apollo 11 - Apollo 11 Mission image - View of moon limb...
The original database describes this as: Description: View of Moon limb,Near Crater 221,officially named King. Lunar Module (LM) thruster visible in right field of view. Target of Opportunity (TO) 46. TO 46 is... More
AS11-44-6626 - Apollo 11 - Apollo 11 Mission image - View of Moon limb...
The original database describes this as: Description: View of the Moon limb,Lunar Module during ascent. Crater 199 on right edge and Target of Opportunity (TO) 55. Crater 199 is officially named Saenger. TO 55... More
AS11-40-5964 - Apollo 11 - Apollo 11 Mission image - Astronaut Edwin A...
The original database describes this as: Description: Astronaut Edwin E. Aldrin, Lunar Module (LM) pilot, takes a core-tube sample. The Solar-Wind Composition (SWC) experiment is visible in front of Aldrin. ... More
AS11-44-6559 - Apollo 11 - Apollo 11 Mission image - View of moon limb...
The original database describes this as: Description: View of Moon limb with Earth on the horizon,Mare Smythii Region. Earth rise. This image was taken before separation of the LM and the Command Module during... More
AS11-37-5441 - Apollo 11 - Apollo 11 Mission image - View of Moon, wit...
The original database describes this as: Description: View of Moon. High oblique of lunar horizon. Lunar Module (LM) in foreground. Earth is visible above the lunar horizon. Image taken from inside the LM fro... More
AS11-41-6018 - Apollo 11 - Apollo 11 Mission image - View of Moon, Cra...
The original database describes this as: Description: View of Moon,Crater 189. Crater 189 is officially named Babcock. Earth is visible in the distance as it appears from behind the moon. This image is part of... More
AS11-41-6017 - Apollo 11 - Apollo 11 Mission image - View of Moon, Cra...
The original database describes this as: Description: View of Moon,Crater 189. Crater 189 is officially named Babcock. Earth is visible in the distance as it appears from behind the moon. This image is part of... More
AS11-36-5393 - Apollo 11 - Apollo 11 Mission image - Astronaut Edwin E...
The original database describes this as: Description: Astronaut Edwin E. Aldrin Jr.,Lunar Module pilot, works inside the Lunar Module (LM) during checkout and inspection after hatch opening. Image taken durin... More
Apollo 11 - Saturn Apollo Program
In preparation of the nation’s first lunar landing mission, Apollo 11 crew members underwent training to practice activities they would be performing during the mission. In this photograph, taken at the Manned ... More
Apollo 11 - Saturn Apollo Program
Apollo 11 crew members (rear to front) Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin, and Michael Collins, wearing space suits, ride the van to the launch pad to participate in the countdown demonstration test for the upcoming ... More
Saturn V - Saturn Apollo Program
The Apollo 11 mission, the first manned lunar mission, launched from the Kennedy Space Center, Florida via the Saturn V launch vehicle on July 16, 1969 and safely returned to Earth on July 24, 1969. The Saturn... More
Saturn V - Saturn Apollo Program
The Apollo 11 mission, the first manned lunar mission, launched from the Kennedy Space Center, Florida via the Saturn V launch vehicle on July 16, 1969 and safely returned to Earth on July 24, 1969. Leaving a w... More
Oblique view of crater Theophilus at northwest edge of Sea of Nectar
AS11-42-6237 (20 July 1969) --- An Apollo 11 oblique view of the large crater Theophilus located at the northwest edge of the Sea of Nectar on the lunar nearside. Theophilus is about 60 statute miles in diamete... More
Apollo 11 - Saturn Apollo Program
This is a view of a roadway near the NASA Kennedy Space Center (KSC), shortly before dawn, where spectators from all over the world jammed into KSC to watch the liftoff of Apollo 11, the first manned lunar land... More
Apollo 11 Mission image - CSM over the Sea of Tranquility
AS11-37-5448 (July 1969) --- The Apollo 11 Command and Service Modules (CSM) (tiny dot near quarter sized crater, center), with astronaut Michael Collins, command module pilot, aboard. The view overlooking the ... More
One-third of Earth's sphere as seen from Apollo 11 spacecraft
AS11-44-6689 (16-24 July 1969) --- One-third of the Earth's sphere illuminated, Earth's terminator, sunglint, a portion of east Africa, as photographed from the Apollo 11 spacecraft during its first lunar landi... More
Apollo 11 - Saturn Apollo Program
The Apollo 11 mission, the first manned lunar mission, launched from the Kennedy Space Center, Florida via the Saturn V launch vehicle on July 16, 1969 and safely returned to Earth on July 24, 1969. The Saturn ... More
Apollo 11 - Saturn Apollo Program
The Apollo 11 mission, the first manned lunar mission, launched from the Kennedy Space Center, Florida via the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) developed Saturn V launch vehicle on July 16, 1969 and safely r... More