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Air Force One

Air Force One: Aircraft of The President of The United StatesCreated by: PICRYL - Public Domain Media Search EngineDated: 2019
Technically, Air Force One is used to describe any Air Force aircraft carrying the President — but since the middle of the 20th century, it has been standard practice to refer to specific planes that are equipped to transport the Commander-in-Chief. Today, this name refers to one of two highly customized Boeing 747-200B series aircraft, which carry the tail codes 28000 and 29000. The Air Force designation for the aircraft is VC-25A.

Franklin D. Roosevelt was the first president to fly in an aircraft while in office.

President Harry S. Truman replaced VC-54C in 1947 with a modified C-118 Liftmaster, calling it the Independence after his Missouri hometown.

President Eisenhower introduced four propeller-driven aircraft to presidential service. This group included two Lockheed C-121 Constellations, aircraft Columbine II (VC-121A 48-610) and Columbine III (VC-121E 53-7885). They were named by First Lady Mamie Eisenhower for the columbine, official state flower of her adopted home state of Colorado.

In 1959, the Air Force added the first of Boeing 707-120 jet aircraft—VC-137s, designated SAM (Special Air Missions) 970, 971 and 972.

In 1962, the U.S. Air Force purchased a Boeing C-137 Stratoliner, a modified long-range Boeing 707—Special Air Mission (SAM) 26000. SAM 26000 was in service from 1962 to 1998, serving Presidents John Kennedy to Bill Clinton.

During the Johnson Administration, the United States Air Force acquired a Beechcraft King Air B90 which was designated VC-6A. The aircraft was used to transport President Johnson between Bergstrom Air Force Base and his family ranch near Johnson City, Texas, and was used at least once to transport the President to Princeton, New Jersey. It was referred to as Lady Bird's airplane and later in its service life featured a basic color scheme similar to civilian aircraft. When the President was aboard, the aircraft used the call sign Air Force One.

In December 1972 VC-137, Special Air Mission 27000 was added to the fleet while SAM 26000 was kept as a backup until it was finally retired. Richard Nixon was the first president to use SAM 27000; the newer aircraft served every president until it was replaced by two VC-25A aircraft (SAM 28000 and 29000) in 1990 when Reagan Administration ordered two identical 747s to replace the aging 707s he used. as of 2019, the VC-25As are to be replaced.
531 Media in collectionpage 1 of 6
CHIEF MASTER SGT. Hoyt Gamble, 1776th Security Police Squadron, Special Air Missions Unit, stands in front of Air Force One during security operations

CHIEF MASTER SGT. Hoyt Gamble, 1776th Security Police Squadron, Specia...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Country: Unknown Scene Camera Operator: TSGT. Michael J. Haggerty Release Status: Released to Public Combined Military Service Digital Photographic Files

Photograph of President William J. Clinton Talking on the Telephone to Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin of Israel from his Office on Air Force One

Photograph of President William J. Clinton Talking on the Telephone to...

This item is a photograph of President William J. Clinton talking on the Telephone to Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin of Israel from his office on Air Force One. The image was photographed by Robert McNeely. Pho... More

Medium long shot, left front view, President William Clinton and Arkansas Senator Blanche Lincoln on passenger stairs from a VC-25 Air Force One, Little Rock Air Force Base, Arkansas

Medium long shot, left front view, President William Clinton and Arkan...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Little Rock Air Force Base State: Arkansas (AR) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator: A1C Deltrise Hall Release Status:... More

911:  President George W. Bush Talks on the Telephone aboard Air Force One

911: President George W. Bush Talks on the Telephone aboard Air Force...

Original caption: President George W. Bush confers with staff via telephone from his office aboard Air Force One during the flight from Sarasota to Barksdale Air Force Base. Photographs Related to the George W.... More

Met by Air Force personnel on the ramp President George W. Bush disembarks Air Force One, at Andrews AFB, Maryland on the afternoon of September 11, 2001. The president was in Florida when he learned of the terrorist attack on the Pentagon and for security reasons traveled to Offutt AFB, Nebraska, before returning to Washington

Met by Air Force personnel on the ramp President George W. Bush disemb...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Andrews Air Force Base State: Maryland (MD) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Major Command Shown: AMC Scene Camera Operator: SRA Ne... More

President George W. Bush and first lady Laura Bush, descend the staircase of Air Force One at Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Cherry Point, North Carolina

President George W. Bush and first lady Laura Bush, descend the stairc...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Mcas, Cherry Point State: North Carolina (NC) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator: LCPL Ismael Marquez, Usmc Release S... More

US President George W. Bush, waves to the crowd of US Air Force (USAF) personnel, government employees and military families, as he departs Andrews Air Force Base (AFB), Maryland (MD), aboard Air Force One

US President George W. Bush, waves to the crowd of US Air Force (USAF)...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Andrews Air Force Base State: Maryland (MD) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Major Command Shown: AMC Scene Camera Operator: SSGT C... More

Participants tour Air Force One and attend briefings during the Joint Civilian Orientation Conference (JCOC), a multi-service orientation program for civilian public opinion leaders. The highest Department of Defense (DoD) civilian and military personnel attend JCOC events in the Pentagon. It is the oldest existing Pentagon program, having been held 66 times since 1948

Participants tour Air Force One and attend briefings during the Joint ...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: State: District Of Columbia (DC) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator: TSGT Mike Buytas, USAF Release Status: Released to Publ... More

A combined US Military honor guard carries the 40th President of the United States Ronald Wilson Reagan in his flag-draped casket to a hearse for a funeral procession after his arrival at Andrews Air Force Base (AFB), Maryland (MD), aboard Air Force One

A combined US Military honor guard carries the 40th President of the U...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Andrews Air Force Base State: Maryland (MD) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Major Command Shown: AMC Scene Camera Operator: SSGT D... More

Air Force One departs Andrews Air Force Base (AFB), Maryland (MD), carrying Former First Lady Nancy Reagan and the body of Former US President Ronald Wilson Reagan. Following a 24-hour lying-in-state in the US Capitol Rotunda and a State Funeral in the National Cathedral, President Reagan's remains are heading back to California (CA) for burial today at his presidential library

Air Force One departs Andrews Air Force Base (AFB), Maryland (MD), car...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Andrews Air Force Base State: Maryland (MD) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator: Sophia Piellusch, CIV, USAF Release S... More

The presidential hearse containing the casket with former US President Ronald W. Reagan arrives for the farewell ceremony at Andrews Air Force Base (AFB), Maryland (MD). President Reagan's remains will be flown on Air Force One to Simi Valley, California (CA), for a private sunset burial

The presidential hearse containing the casket with former US President...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Andrews Air Force Base State: Maryland (MD) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator: Msgt Michael E. Best, USAF Release St... More

U.S. President George W. Bush waves from the door of Air Force One at McGuire Air Force Base (AFB), N.J., on Oct. 18, 2004, just before departing the area.  President Bush flew into McGuire AFB to attend a local event in Evesham, N.J.  (U.S. Air Force photo by Brian Dyjak) (Released)

U.S. President George W. Bush waves from the door of Air Force One at ...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Mcguire Air Force Base State: New Jersey (NJ) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator: Brian Dyjak, CIV Release Status: Re... More

Obama Kennedy Space Center Visit

Obama Kennedy Space Center Visit

Air Force One is seen as it prepares to depart from the NASA SHuttle Landing Facility (SLF) after President Barack Obama delivered a speech at the NASA Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Fla. on Thursday, ... More

Guests aboard Air Force One. Flight to Georgia for the funeral of Coretta Scott King. The President greets HUD Secretary Alphonso Jackson. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and New York Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton are present.

Guests aboard Air Force One. Flight to Georgia for the funeral of Core...

Photographer: Eric Draper--White House Photo Creation Date: 2/7/2006 Guests aboard Air Force One. Flight to Georgia for the funeral of Coretta Scott King. The President greets HUD Secretary Alphonso Jackson. S... More

President Trump Departs for New York

President Trump Departs for New York

President Donald J. Trump bids farewell to U.S. Air Force Col. Kimberly Welter Vice Commander of the 89th Airlift Wing at Joint Base Andrews, Md., Friday, Aug. 9, 2019, prior to boarding Air Force One where he ... More

President Trump Departs for Williamsburg, Virginia

President Trump Departs for Williamsburg, Virginia

President Donald J. Trump waves as he disembarks Marine One at Joint Base Andrews, Md. Tuesday, July 30, 2019, and is escorted to Air Force One by U.S. Air Force Col. Samuel Chesnut. (Official White House Photo... More

President Trump Arrives in Louisiana

President Trump Arrives in Louisiana

President Donald J. Trump disembarks Air Force One Monday, January 14, 2019, at Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport in Kenner, Louisiana. (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)

President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump Depart for Argentina

President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump Depart for Arge...

President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump board Air Force One at Joint Base Andrew, Md. Thursday, Nov. 29, 2018, en route to Ministro Pistarini International Airport in Buenos Aires, Argentina. (Of... More

President Donald J. Trump Boards Air Force One

President Donald J. Trump Boards Air Force One

President Donald J. Trump boards Air Force One Monday, Oct. 15, 2018, at Joint Base Andrews, Md., en route to Florida.(Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)

President Barack Obama on board of Air Force One

President Barack Obama on board of Air Force One

President Barack Obama waves as he boards Air Force One prior to departure from Waterloo Regional Airport in Waterloo, Iowa, Jan. 14, 2015. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)..This official White House ... More

President Barack Obama on board of Air Force One

President Barack Obama on board of Air Force One

Marine One is seen from Air Force One at Joint Base Andrews, Md., prior to President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama's departure en route to Fort Hood, Texas, April 9, 2014. (Official White House Pho... More

President Barack Obama on board of Air Force One

President Barack Obama on board of Air Force One

Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz and others walk to Air Force One at Joint Base Andrews, Md., before departure with President Barack Obama en route to North Carolina, Jan. 15, 2014. (Official White House Photo by ... More

Photograph of Apollo 13 Flight Commander James A. Lovell, Jr. Standing alongside President Richard M. Nixon

Photograph of Apollo 13 Flight Commander James A. Lovell, Jr. Standing...

Original caption: HONOLULU, HAWAII - The Apollo 13 Flight Commander James A. Lovell, Jr. stands alongside President Richard M. Nixon during the playing of the National Anthem after presentation ceremonies award... More

President Nixon Confers with His Foreign Policy Team onboard Air Force One en route to China

President Nixon Confers with His Foreign Policy Team onboard Air Force...

Caption: President Nixon confers with foreign policy team, on board Air Force One, enroute to China. L-R: Henry Kissinger, President Nixon, Secretary of State William P. Rogers, Marshall Green Nixon White House... More

President Ronald Reagan and his wife Nancy board Air Force One for the trip back to Washington, D.C. after visiting their ranch

President Ronald Reagan and his wife Nancy board Air Force One for the...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Naval Air Station, Point Magu State: California (CA) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator: PHC K. Thornsley Release Sta... More

President and Mrs. Ronald Reagan wave to a crowd as they exit Air Force One. The president and first lady are visiting Hawaii while en route to the Republic of China

President and Mrs. Ronald Reagan wave to a crowd as they exit Air Forc...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Hickam Air Force Base State: Hawaii (HI) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator: Al Chang Release Status: Released to Pub... More

An Italian honor guard stands in formation on the tarmac at the Marco Polo Airport. Air Force One, A VC-137 Stratoliner aircraft, is standing by to fly President Ronald Reagan to Rome at the conclusion of the Venice Summit

An Italian honor guard stands in formation on the tarmac at the Marco ...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Marco Polo Airport, Venice Country: Italy (ITA) Scene Camera Operator: GUNNERY SGT. Hernandez Release Status: Released to Public Combined Militar... More

A left side view of Air Force One parked (VC-25A aircraft) on the tarmac at NAS Norfolk. The President of the United States, William Jefferson Clinton, is arriving in Norfolk to thank sailors and their families for their support during Operation Uphold Democracy off Haiti

A left side view of Air Force One parked (VC-25A aircraft) on the tarm...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: UPHOLD DEMOCRACY Base: Naval Air Station, Norfolk State: Virginia (VA) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera ... More

Operation Uphold Democracy - Presidential Visit for United Nations Transition. Air Force One flies behind Warrior Base Camp as it makes its final approach into Port-au-Prince, Haiti. President Clinton flew to Haiti to address and meet with troops of the Joint Task Force and attend the United Nations transition ceremony

Operation Uphold Democracy - Presidential Visit for United Nations Tra...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: UPHOLD DEMOCRACY Base: Port-Au-Prince Country: Haiti (HTI) Scene Camera Operator: SSGT James D. Mossman Release Status: Rele... More

Robert Gray Army Airfield, Fort Hood, Texas, lights up its welcome sign for President of the United States George W. Bush. The sign is just outside the tower adjacent to the tarmac where the President can see it as Air Force One comes to a stop after landing

Robert Gray Army Airfield, Fort Hood, Texas, lights up its welcome sig...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Fort Hood State: Texas (TX) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Major Command Shown: FORSCOM Scene Camera Operator: Christopher J. Var... More

Dan Murphy , Chief of Staff - U.S. National Archives Public Domain photograph

Dan Murphy , Chief of Staff - U.S. National Archives Public Domain pho...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Event: Dan Murphy , Chief of Staff Subject Description: Dan Murphy, Chief of Staff for Secretary Mel Martinez, shown with President George W. Bush and Pr... More

President George W. Bush shakes hands in the crowd that gathered at Hickam Air Force Base, Hawaii, before his departure aboard Air Force One.

President George W. Bush shakes hands in the crowd that gathered at Hi...

Pearl Harbor, Hawaii (Oct. 23, 2003) President George W. Bush shakes hands in the crowd that gathered at Hickam Air Force Base, Hawaii, before his departure aboard Air Force One. President Bush stopped in Hawai... More

A combined US Military honor guard carries the 40th President of the United States Ronald Wilson Reagan in his flag-draped casket to a hearse for a funeral procession after his arrival at Andrews Air Force Base (AFB), Maryland (MD), aboard Air Force One

A combined US Military honor guard carries the 40th President of the U...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Andrews Air Force Base State: Maryland (MD) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Major Command Shown: AMC Scene Camera Operator: SSGT D... More

Thousands of well wishers watch as a Joint Military Honor Guard marches onto the Andrews Air Force Base (AFB), Maryland (MD), flight line to receive former US President Ronald Reagan's casket to load onto Air Force One following the state funeral service at the National Cathedral, Washington, DC. President Reagan was flown to the Nation's Capitol on June 9 following his death on June 5. He was carried to the Capitol, on a century old horse drawn caisson, where he lay in state in the Capitol Rotunda until today's state funeral. President Reagan's remains will be flown to Simi Valley, California (CA) for a private sunset burial

Thousands of well wishers watch as a Joint Military Honor Guard marche...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Andrews Air Force Base State: Maryland (MD) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator: Msgt Jim Varhegyi, USAF Release Statu... More

The joint Honor Guard escorts the pallbearers as they carry the casket containing the body of former US President Ronald W. Reagan to the awaiting Air Force One for the trip to California (CA) for final resting place during a ceremony at Andrews Air Force Base (AFB), Maryland (MD)

The joint Honor Guard escorts the pallbearers as they carry the casket...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Andrews Air Force Base State: Maryland (MD) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator: Msgt Michael E. Best, USAF Release St... More

Members of the Joint Chiefs of STAFF (JCS) (foreground) render honors on the Andrews Air Force Base (AFB), Maryland (MD), flight line as a joint Honor Guard carry former US President Ronald Reagan's casket to Air Force One following his state funeral service at the National Cathedral, Washington, D.C. President Reagan was flown to the Nation's Capitol on June 9 following his death on June 5. He was carried to the Capitol on a century old horse drawn caisson, where he lay in state in the Capitol Rotunda until today's state funeral. President Reagan's remains will be flown on Air Force One to Simi Valley, California, for a private sunset burial

Members of the Joint Chiefs of STAFF (JCS) (foreground) render honors ...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Andrews Air Force Base State: Maryland (MD) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator: Msgt Jim Varhegyi, USAF Release Statu... More

U.S. Air Force COL. Jimmie Jackson (center), Commander, 305th Air Mobility Wing, greets President George W. Bush upon his arrival to McGuire Air Force Base, N.J., aboard Air Force One on Oct. 18, 2004.  President Bush flew in to speak at a local event in Evesham.  (U.S. Air Force photo by Denise Gould) (Released)

U.S. Air Force COL. Jimmie Jackson (center), Commander, 305th Air Mobi...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Mcguire Air Force Base State: New Jersey (NJ) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator: Denise Gould, CIV Release Status: R... More

911: President George W. Bush aboard Air Force One, 09/11/2001.

911: President George W. Bush aboard Air Force One, 09/11/2001.

Original Caption: President George W. Bush and his staff look out the windows of Air Force One at their F-16 escort Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001, while en route to Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana. Pictured fro... More

A blue and white air force one sitting on a runway. Air force one airplane ground, transportation traffic.

A blue and white air force one sitting on a runway. Air force one airp...

Copyright-free airplane pictures. Free to use images of airplanes.

President Trump and the First Lady in El Paso, Texas

President Trump and the First Lady in El Paso, Texas

President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump disembark Air Force One Wednesday, Aug. 7, 2019, at El Paso International Airport greeted by Texas Governor Greg Abbott, Senators John Cornyn and Ted Cruz,... More

President Trump and the First Lady in El Paso, Texas

President Trump and the First Lady in El Paso, Texas

President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump disembark Air Force One Wednesday, Aug. 7, 2019, at El Paso International Airport greeted by Texas Governor Greg Abbott, Senators John Cornyn and Ted Cruz,... More

Donald Trump departing from Air Force One
President Trump in Wisconsin

President Trump in Wisconsin

President Donald J. Trump is greeted by Wisconsin State Rep. Tyler August upon his arrival aboard Air Force One at General Mitchell International Airport Friday, July 12, 2019, in Milwaukee, Wisc. (Official Wh... More

President Trump En Route to Orlando, Florida

President Trump En Route to Orlando, Florida

President Donald J. Trump returns salute as he arrives Tuesday, June 18, 2019, at Joint Base Andrews, Maryland, as he prepares to board Air Force One for his flight to Orlando, Florida. (Official White House Ph... More

President Trump in Iowa

President Trump in Iowa

President Donald J. Trump disembarks Air Force One at Offutt Air Force Base in Neb., Tuesday, June 11, 2019, and is greeted by government and military officials. (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)

President Trump in Iowa

President Trump in Iowa

Flooding is seen from Air Force One along the Missouri River covering farms, roadways, and commercial property on the landing approach Tuesday, June 11, 2019, to Offutt Air Force Base, Neb., where flood waters ... More

President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump's Trip to England

President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump's Trip to England

An honor guard prepares to meet Air Force One, with President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump aboard, for their arrival to Stansted Airport Monday, June 3, 2019, in the United Kingdom. (Official Wh... More

President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump Land at Joint Base Andrews

President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump Land at Joint B...

Marine One with President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump aboard lands Friday, May 24, 2019, at Joint Base Andrews, Md., to board Air Force One for his trip to Japan. (Official White House Photo by... More

President Trump Arrives at Joint Base Andrews

President Trump Arrives at Joint Base Andrews

President Donald J. Trump waves as he disembarks Marine One at Joint Base Andrews, Md. Wednesday, May 8, 2019, and is escorted to Air Force One by U.S. Air Force Col. Samuel Chesnut, Vice Commander, 89th Airli... More

Marine One Lands at Joint Base Andrews

Marine One Lands at Joint Base Andrews

Military personnel salute Marine One, carrying President Donald J. Trump, as it arrives at Joint Base Andrews Thursday, January 10, 2019, where President Trump will board Air Force One for his trip to McAllen,... More

President James E. Carter and his wife Rosalynn arrive at Andrews Air Force Base aboard the presidential aircraft, Air Force One

President James E. Carter and his wife Rosalynn arrive at Andrews Air ...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Washington State: District Of Columbia (DC) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator: SSGT. Prouty Release Status: Released... More

President Ronald Reagan shakes hands with Lieutenant Colonel Eugene Bernhardt, commander of the 1ST Battalion, 25th Infantry Division, prior to boarding Air Force One. The president and first lady are visiting Hawaii while en route to the Republic of China

President Ronald Reagan shakes hands with Lieutenant Colonel Eugene Be...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Hickam Air Force Base State: Hawaii (HI) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator: Al Chang Release Status: Released to Pub... More

The presidential motocade arrives at Air Force One as President Ronald Reagan prepares to depart following a visit to the base

The presidential motocade arrives at Air Force One as President Ronald...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Norton Air Force Base State: California (CA) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator: SRA Alan Wycheck, USAF Release Statu... More

Former President Ronald W. Reagan and his wife, Nancy, wave farewell as they prepare to depart for California aboard the C-137 Stratoliner presidential plane, Air Force One

Former President Ronald W. Reagan and his wife, Nancy, wave farewell a...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Andrews Air Force Base State: Maryland (MD) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator: Unknown Release Status: Released to P... More

President George Bush waves from the door of the newest model of Air Force One, a VC-25A aircraft operated by the 89th Military Airlift Wing, upon departing the naval station. The plane is based on a Boeing 747-200B airframe

President George Bush waves from the door of the newest model of Air F...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Naval Air Station, North Island State: California(CA) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator: PH2 Bruce Connors Release S... More

Inauguration a final farewell - former President and First Lady George and Barbara Bush give one final goodbye wave prior to boarding Air Force One.Approximately 600 well wishes were present for the departure at Andrew Air Force Base, Maryland on Inauguration day

Inauguration a final farewell - former President and First Lady George...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Washington State: District Of Columbia (DC) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator: PH1 Gerald C Mclain Release Status: R... More

Air Force One, a Boeing 747-200B, arrives with President William Jefferson Clinton on board for his tour of the flood stricken area of Grand Forks, North Dakota, 22 April 1997

Air Force One, a Boeing 747-200B, arrives with President William Jeffe...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Grand Forks Air Force Base State: North Dakota (ND) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator: SSGT Al Rubenstein, USAF Rele... More

President George W. Bush and three-time Tour-De-France winner Lance Armstrong greet fans and visitors from the door of Air Force One upon their arrival at Robert Gray Army Airfield

President George W. Bush and three-time Tour-De-France winner Lance Ar...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Fort Hood State: Texas (TX) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Major Command Shown: FORSCOM Scene Camera Operator: William M. Crain I... More

911:  President George W. Bush aboard Air Force One

911: President George W. Bush aboard Air Force One

Original caption: President George W. Bush speaks with Ari Fleischer, left, and Karl Rove aboard Air Force One during the flight from Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska to Andrews Air Force Base. Photographs Re... More

Air Force One (VC-25) arrives as snowfalls at the Minneapolis St. Paul International Airport. US President George W. Bush is stopping here to deliver a speech on educational issues. Security Forces from the 934th Airlift Wing (AW), Minnesota, Air Force Reserve work with White House and Secret Service staff during the president's visit

Air Force One (VC-25) arrives as snowfalls at the Minneapolis St. Paul...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Minneapolis-St Paul Iap/Ars State: Minnesota (MN) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator: SSGT Erik Gudmundson, USAF Rele... More

US President George W. Bush salutes US Air Force (USAF) Colonel (COL) James Rubeor, the 452nd Airlift Wing (AW) Commander and COL Al Aimar, left, Commander of the 163rd Air Refueling Wing (ARW), as he disembarks USAF Air Force One (VC-25), a Boeing 747 passenger aircraft, at March Air Reserve Base (ARB), California (CA). (Substandard image)

US President George W. Bush salutes US Air Force (USAF) Colonel (COL) ...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: March Air Force Base State: California (CA) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator: MSGT Bill Kimble, USAF Release Status... More

The joint Honor Guard escorts the pallbearers as they carry the casket containing the body of former US President Ronald W. Reagan to the awaiting Air Force One for the trip to California (CA) for final resting place during a ceremony at Andrews Air Force Base (AFB), Maryland (MD)

The joint Honor Guard escorts the pallbearers as they carry the casket...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Andrews Air Force Base State: Maryland (MD) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator: Msgt Michael E. Best, USAF Release St... More

US President George W. Bush welcomed by US Air Force (USAF) Colonel (COL) Hank Andrews, Commander, 377th Air Base Wing (ABW), after Air Force One landed on Kirtland, Air Force Base (AFB)

US President George W. Bush welcomed by US Air Force (USAF) Colonel (C...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Kirtland Air Force Base State: New Mexico (NM) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator: Todd Berenger, CIV, USAF Release S... More

A large air plane flying over a mountain. President machine aircraft air force one.

A large air plane flying over a mountain. President machine aircraft a...

A plane flying over a mountain with statues of people / A large air plane flying over a mountain public domain stock photo.

Guests aboard Air Force One prior to departure from Andrews Air Force base en route to the funeral for Coretta Scott King in Georgia.  HUD Secretary and Mrs.  Alphonso Jackson (Marcia),  Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice,  New York Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Guests aboard Air Force One prior to departure from Andrews Air Force ...

Photographer: Eric Draper--White House Photo Creation Date: 2/7/2006 Guests aboard Air Force One prior to departure from Andrews Air Force base en route to the funeral for Coretta Scott King in Georgia. HUD S... More

Guests aboard Air Force One.  Flight to Georgia for the funeral for Coretta Scott King.   HUD Secretary and Mrs. Alphonso Jackson (Marcia), Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice,  New York Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton,  former President Bill Clinton.

Guests aboard Air Force One. Flight to Georgia for the funeral for Co...

Photographer: Eric Draper--White House Photo Creation Date: 2/7/2006 Guests aboard Air Force One. Flight to Georgia for the funeral for Coretta Scott King. HUD Secretary and Mrs. Alphonso Jackson (Marcia), ... More

Salute to America - An airplane flying over a crowd of people

Salute to America - An airplane flying over a crowd of people

Air Force One flies above the Lincoln Memorial as President Donald J. Trump, addresses his remarks at the Salute to America event Thursday, July 4, 2019, at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. (Official Wh... More

President Trump in Iowa

President Trump in Iowa

Flooding is seen from Air Force One along the Missouri River covering farms, roadways, and commercial property on the landing approach Tuesday, June 11, 2019, to Offutt Air Force Base, Neb., where flood waters ... More

Marine One, US Marine Corps Photo

Marine One, US Marine Corps Photo

Marine One, with President Donald J. Trump aboard, lifts-off from the South Lawn of the White House Thursday, Oct. 4, 2018, toward Joint Base Andrews, Md., where President Trump will board Air Force One for his... More

President Donald J. Trump Arrives in Las Vegas, Nevada

President Donald J. Trump Arrives in Las Vegas, Nevada

President Donald J. Trump disembarks Air Force One at McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas Thursday, Sept. 20, 2018, and is greeted by state and public service officials. (Official White House Photos by ... More

President Ronald Reagan and his wife Nancy are greeted by Captain Roy Crater as they arrive from their ranch. The Reagan's will board Air Force One for the flight back to Washington, D.C

President Ronald Reagan and his wife Nancy are greeted by Captain Roy ...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Pacific Missile Test Center State: California (CA) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator: PHC K. Thornsley Release Statu... More

Air Force One, the VC-137C Stratoliner aircraft used to transport the president, sits on the ramp near the Tempelhof Central Airport terminal building during President Reagan's visit to Berlin

Air Force One, the VC-137C Stratoliner aircraft used to transport the ...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: West Berlin Country: Deutschland / Germany (DEU) Scene Camera Operator: Unknown Release Status: Released to Public Combined Military Service Digi... More

Air Force One taxis down a runway carrying President George Bush for a brief visit to the air station. Air Force One is the call sign used by the Air Force's 89th Military Airlift Wing when transporting the President in one of two VC-25A aircraft specifically built for presidential travel

Air Force One taxis down a runway carrying President George Bush for a...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Naval Air Station, Alameda State: California(CA) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator: PH3 Marshall Borgen Release Stat... More

An aerial view of the Air Force One hangar facility at the base. One of two VC-25A presidential transport aircraft operated by the 89th Airlift Wing is parked outside the hangar

An aerial view of the Air Force One hangar facility at the base. One o...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Andrews Air Force Base State: Maryland (MD) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator: Marty Gopert Release Status: Released... More

A right side view of Air Force One, a modified VC-747 aircraft, as it is about to touch down for a landing at the international airport

A right side view of Air Force One, a modified VC-747 aircraft, as it ...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Jacksonville State: Florida (FL) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator: John Bouvia, USN Ret. Release Status: Released t... More

Air Force One arrives at Robert Gray Army Airfield, Fort Hood, Texas, with President George W. Bush onboard. Fort Hood is considered one of the more accessible airfields for the President when he visits his ranch in Crawford

Air Force One arrives at Robert Gray Army Airfield, Fort Hood, Texas, ...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Fort Hood State: Texas (TX) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Major Command Shown: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Scene Camera Operator: Chri... More

Air Force One arrives at Andrews AFB, Maryland, with the President onboard. The President was in Florida when the terrorists attack the Pentagon

Air Force One arrives at Andrews AFB, Maryland, with the President onb...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Andrews Air Force Base State: Maryland (MD) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Major Command Shown: AMC Scene Camera Operator: CMSGT ... More

US President George W. Bush and US Senate candidate Norm Coleman descend the stairs from Air Force One (VC-25) amid falling snow at the Minneapolis St. Paul International Airport

US President George W. Bush and US Senate candidate Norm Coleman desce...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Minneapolis-St Paul Iap/Ars State: Minnesota (MN) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator: SSGT Erik Gudmundson, USAF Rele... More

US President George W. Bush, waves to a waiting crowd of US Air Force (USAF) personnel, government employees and military families after arriving aboard his executive helicopter at Andrews Air Force Base (AFB), Maryland (MD), in order to depart aboard Air Force One

US President George W. Bush, waves to a waiting crowd of US Air Force ...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Andrews Air Force Base State: Maryland (MD) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Major Command Shown: AMC Scene Camera Operator: SSGT C... More

US President George W. Bush, waves to the crowd of US Air Force (USAF) personnel, government employees and military families, as he departs Andrews Air Force Base (AFB), Maryland (MD), aboard Air Force One

US President George W. Bush, waves to the crowd of US Air Force (USAF)...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Andrews Air Force Base State: Maryland (MD) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Major Command Shown: AMC Scene Camera Operator: SSGT C... More

US President George W. Bush and his wife Laura, wave goodbye to a well wishing crowd as they depart March Air Reserve Base (ARB), California (CA), aboard USAF Air Force One (VC-25), a Boeing 747 passenger aircraft

US President George W. Bush and his wife Laura, wave goodbye to a well...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: March Air Force Base State: California (CA) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Major Command Shown: ACC Scene Camera Operator: MSGT B... More

Air Force One lands at Toledo Express Airport (TOL), delivering President George W. Bush for his tour of Ohio (OH). Bush is conducting his "Industrial Midwest" Campaign in support of the upcoming elections

Air Force One lands at Toledo Express Airport (TOL), delivering Presid...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Toledo Express Airport (TOL) State: Ohio (OH) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator: SRA Elizabeth Slater, USAF Release ... More

Air Force One (VC-25) arrives at Peterson Air Force Base (AFB), Colorado (CO). US President George H. W. Bush is in town to give the commencement speech to the 2004 graduating class at the US Air Force Academy (USAFA)

Air Force One (VC-25) arrives at Peterson Air Force Base (AFB), Colora...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Peterson Air Force Base State: Colorado (CO) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator: Budd Butcher, CIV, USAF Release Stat... More

A US Military Multi-Service Ceremonial Honor Guard removes former President Ronald Reagans flag-draped mahogany casket from a hearse. Reagans body will fly on Air Force One to Washington D.C., where his body will lie in state in the Capitol Rotunda, to be followed by a state funeral conducted at the Washington National Cathedral

A US Military Multi-Service Ceremonial Honor Guard removes former Pres...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Naval Base, Point Mugu State: California (CA) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator: PHAN John P. Curtis, USN Release St... More

A combined US Military detail of Pallbearers representing all the US military services hold their position near US Air Force (USAF) Air Force One in order to receive the casket bearing the remains of the 40th President of the United States Ronald Wilson Reagan at Andrews Air Force Base (AFB), Maryland (MD)

A combined US Military detail of Pallbearers representing all the US m...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Andrews Air Force Base State: Maryland (MD) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Major Command Shown: AMC Scene Camera Operator: Msgt M... More

Thousands of well-wishers on the Andrews Air Force Base (AFB), Maryland (MD), flight line wave to former first lady Nancy Reagan (not shown) as she boards Air Force One after former President Ronald Reagan's casket was loaded onto Air Force One following his state funeral service at the National Cathedral, Washington, DC. President Reagan was flown to the Nation's Capitol on June 9 following his death on June 5. He was carried to the Capitol on a century old horse drawn caisson, where he lay in state in the Capitol Rotunda until today's state funeral. President Reagan's remains will be flown on Air Force One to Simi Valley, California, for a private sunset burial

Thousands of well-wishers on the Andrews Air Force Base (AFB), Marylan...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Andrews Air Force Base State: Maryland (MD) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator: Msgt Jim Varhegyi, USAF Release Statu... More

US President George W. Bush waves to troops as he arrives at Fairchild Air Force Base (AFB), Washington (WA), onboard Air Force One. President Bush visited Spokane, WA, in support of US Representative George R. Nethercutt Jr.'s (R-WA) race for the US Senate

US President George W. Bush waves to troops as he arrives at Fairchild...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Fairchild Air Force Base State: Washington (WA) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator: AMN Clay Lancaster, USAF Release ... More

U.S. President George W. Bush arrives at McGuire Air Force Base, N.J., aboard Air Force One on Oct. 18, 2004, to speak at a local event in Evesham.  (U.S. Air Force photo by Denise Gould) (Released)

U.S. President George W. Bush arrives at McGuire Air Force Base, N.J.,...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Mcguire Air Force Base State: New Jersey (NJ) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator: Denise Gould, CIV Release Status: R... More

President Barack Obama departs Air Force One to begin his visit to Naval Station Rota.

President Barack Obama departs Air Force One to begin his visit to Nav...

NAVAL STATION ROTA, Spain (Jul. 10, 2016) President Barack Obama departs Air Force One to begin his visit to Naval Station Rota. During the president's visit, he met with base leadership, toured USS Ross (DDG 7... More

President Donald J. Trump speaks with the commanding officers of the guided-missile destroyers USS Porter (DDG 78) and USS Ross (DDG 71) from Air Force One.

President Donald J. Trump speaks with the commanding officers of the g...

WASHINGTON (Apr. 09, 2017) President Donald J. Trump speaks with the commanding officers of the guided-missile destroyers USS Porter (DDG 78) and USS Ross (DDG 71) from Air Force One. With President Trump is Na... More

President George W. Bush, guests aboard Air Force One during flight from Atlanta, Georgia to Andrews Air Force Base following the funeral for Coretta Scott King.  Group photo, from left:  Marcia Jackson, wife of the HUD Secretary;  HUD Secretary Alphonso Jackson;  Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice;  former President Bill Clinton;  President George W. Bush;  New York Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton;  [civil rights leader] Dorothy Height, seated.

President George W. Bush, guests aboard Air Force One during flight fr...

Photographer: Eric Draper--White House Photo Creation Date: 2/7/2006 President George W. Bush, guests aboard Air Force One during flight from Atlanta, Georgia to Andrews Air Force Base following the funeral fo... More

Guests aboard Air Force One prior to departure from Andrews Air Force base en route to the funeral for Coretta Scott King in Georgia.  New York Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton greets HUD Secretary and Mrs. Alphonso Jackson (Marcia) and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

Guests aboard Air Force One prior to departure from Andrews Air Force ...

Photographer: Eric Draper--White House Photo Creation Date: 2/7/2006 Guests aboard Air Force One prior to departure from Andrews Air Force base en route to the funeral for Coretta Scott King in Georgia. New Y... More

President Trump and the First Lady in El Paso, Texas

President Trump and the First Lady in El Paso, Texas

President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump disembark Air Force One Wednesday, Aug. 7, 2019, at El Paso International Airport. (Official White House Photo by Andrea Hanks)

Donald Trump. Air Force One
Donald Trump. Melania Trump. Air Force One.

Donald Trump. Melania Trump. Air Force One.

Public domain photograph related to airlines, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Donald Trump. Air Force One.

Donald Trump. Air Force One.

Public domain photograph related to the history of France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

President Trump Arrives at Joint Base Andrews

President Trump Arrives at Joint Base Andrews

President Donald J. Trump boards Air Force One at Joint Base Andrews, Md. Wednesday, June 26, 2019, en route to Osaka, Japan. (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)

The President and First Lady in Ireland

The President and First Lady in Ireland

President Donald J. Trump waves farewell from Doonbeg, Ireland, as he prepares to board Marine One Friday, June 7, 2019, for the First Couple’s flight to Shannon Airport in Shannon, Ireland, and on to Air Force... More

President Donald J. Trump Arrives at Joint Base Andrews

President Donald J. Trump Arrives at Joint Base Andrews

President Donald J. Trump boards Air Force One at Joint Base Andrews, Md. Monday, April 15, 2019, for his trip to Minnesota, which includes a tour of the Nuss Truck and Equipment Co. and a roundtable discussio... More

President Trump's Trip to Vietnam

President Trump's Trip to Vietnam

President Donald J. Trump boards Air Force One following his second summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un Thursday, Feb. 28, 2019, at Noi Bai International Airport in Hanoi..(Official White House Photo by... More


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