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Vladimir Lenin (1870–1924)

Marxist leader who served as the key architect of the October Revolution, and the first leader of the Soviet RussiaCreated by: PICRYL - Public Domain Media Search EngineDated: 1870
Vladimir Lenin (1870–1924) was a founder of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks), inspirer and leader of the Bolshevik Revolution (1917), and the architect, builder, and first head (1917–24) of the Soviet state. He was the founder of the organization known as Comintern (Communist International) and the posthumous source of “Leninism,” the doctrine codified and conjoined with Karl Marx’s works by Lenin’s successors to form Marxism-Leninism, which became the Communist worldview.
266 Media in collectionpage 1 of 3
A black and white photo of a man wearing a hat. Petr nikitin mezhdurechensk siberia.

A black and white photo of a man wearing a hat. Petr nikitin mezhdurec...

Stock photography: Is listed ( or ranked ) 3 on the list / A black and white photo of a man wearing a hat.

Умер Ленин, но дело его живет, оно — воля мирового рабочего класса к победе над старым миром порабощения

Умер Ленин, но дело его живет, оно — воля мирового рабочего класса к п...

Русский: Умер Ленин, но дело его живет, оно — воля мирового рабочего класса к победе над старым миром порабощения : [плакат]. — [Москва] : Рабочая газета, [1925] ([Москва] : Типография Ц. Т-ва «Кооперативное из... More



Español: Portada del número de enero de 1919 de The Liberator.

Soviet Union-1947-Banknote-10-Obverse

Soviet Union-1947-Banknote-10-Obverse

Soviet Union banknote, 1947, 10 rubles, obverse. Русский: Государственный казначейский билет СССР, 1947 год, 10 рублей, лицевая сторона.

SUR 10 1991 F - Public domain banknote scan

SUR 10 1991 F - Public domain banknote scan

Русский: Банкнота номиналом в 10 рублей, СССР, 1991 год. Аверс. Естественные цвета.

Vladimir Ulyanov Lenin

Vladimir Ulyanov Lenin

Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin), after finishing his exile in Siberia Public domain photograph related to Soviet Union history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Rylov lenin - Public domain portrait painting

Rylov lenin - Public domain portrait painting

Picryl description: Public domain photo of portrait art painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

A. Rylov. Lenin v Razlive -2 - Public domain scenic painting

A. Rylov. Lenin v Razlive -2 - Public domain scenic painting

А. Рылов "В. И. Ленин в Разливе в 1917 году", 1934.

Portrait of Lenin by Yuri Annenkov, Moscow (1921)

Portrait of Lenin by Yuri Annenkov, Moscow (1921)

Boris Souvarine Papers - Soviet Russia ( ) ..Notes: This docum... More

Maks Furijan kot Lenin 2, Slovenia

Maks Furijan kot Lenin 2, Slovenia

Slovenščina: Kot Lenin v Optimistični tragediji (Višnjevski in Kreft) Public domain photograph related to history of Slovenia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Троцкий - Ленин как национальный тип (1924, обложка)

Троцкий - Ленин как национальный тип (1924, обложка)

Русский: Троцкий - Ленин как национальный тип (1924, обложка)

The Soviet Union 1985 CPA 5624 stamp (Portrait of Lenin based on an photography of Y.Mebius (1900, Moscow), Tampere Lenin Museum, Finland)

The Soviet Union 1985 CPA 5624 stamp (Portrait of Lenin based on an ph...

Русский: 115-я годовщина со дня рождения Владимира Ильича Ленина. Портрет Ленина по фотографии Ю. Мебиуса (1900, Москва), Музей Ленина в Тампере, Финляндия. English: 115th birth anniversary of Vladimir Lenin.... More

Lenin 1921 - A black and white photo of a man with a beard

Lenin 1921 - A black and white photo of a man with a beard

V. I. Lenin among the delegates to the Tenth All-Russia Conference of the R.C.P.(B) in the Sverdlovsk Hall of the Kremlin. 26 May 1921

Ltsr plakatas 1946 tsrs

Ltsr plakatas 1946 tsrs

In the great brotherhood of the Soviet peoples with Lenin and Stalin.

Vladimir Lenin and Lev Kamenev

Vladimir Lenin and Lev Kamenev

Vladimir Lenin and Lev Kamenev. Public domain photograph related to Soviet Union history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Mug shot of Lenin, 1895 (cropped)

Mug shot of Lenin, 1895 (cropped)

Türkçe: Lenin'in sabıka resmi, 1895 Public domain image of a criminal, arrest mugshot, conviction, prisoner, crime, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Ленинизм. Его уж нет! Но те кто вживе, но те, кого оставил он, страну в бушующем разливе должны заковывать в бетон

Ленинизм. Его уж нет! Но те кто вживе, но те, кого оставил он, страну ...

Русский: Ленинизм : Его уж нет! Но те кто вживе, но те, кого оставил он, страну в бушующем разливе должны заковывать в бетон! : [плакат]. — Ленинград : Государственное издательство, [1924] (Ленинград : Государс... More

The Soviet Union 1986 CPA 5719 stamp (Portrait of Lenin based on photography of V.Plier (1916, Zürich, Switzerland), Lenin Museum in Leipzig, Germany)

The Soviet Union 1986 CPA 5719 stamp (Portrait of Lenin based on photo...

Русский: 116-я годовщина со дня рождения Владимира Ильича Ленина. Портрет Ленина по фотографии Вильгельма Плиера (1916, Цюрих, Швейцария), Музей Ленина в Лейпциге, Германия. English: 116th birth anniversary o... More

SUR 200 1992 F - Public domain banknote scan

SUR 200 1992 F - Public domain banknote scan

Русский: Банкнота номиналом в 200 рублей, Россия, 1992 год. Аверс. Public domain photograph of Russian banknote, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Vladimir Lenin and Nadezhda Krupskaya

Vladimir Lenin and Nadezhda Krupskaya

Vladimir Lenin and Nadezhda Krupskaya. Public domain photograph related to Soviet Union history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description



Portrait of Vladimir Lenin in 1918العربية: عکس گرفته شده از لنین در سال 1918

Vukašin Marković i Lenjin

Vukašin Marković i Lenjin

Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски: Lenjin i drugovi vrše smotru Crvene garde na Crvenom trgu u Moskvi 1919. Na fotografiji je moguće videti i crnogorskog revolucionara, dr Vukašina Markovića, učesnika tri revolu... More

Ленин в Горках (1923) during World War I

Ленин в Горках (1923) during World War I

Русский: В.И. Ленин в Горках во время болезни. После третьего удара, начиная с марта 1923 года, он едва мог дать понять, что ему нужно. English: V.I. Lenin in Horki. After the third stroke, from ... More

Portraits of Ho Chi Minh and Vladimir Ilyich Lenin are among weapons and materiel seized during Operation URGENT FURY

Portraits of Ho Chi Minh and Vladimir Ilyich Lenin are among weapons a...

The original finding aid described this photograph as: Subject Operation/Series: URGENT FURY Country: Grenada (GRD) Scene Camera Operator: PH2 D. Wujcik Release Status: Released to Public Combined Military ... More

Lenin family - Public domain portrait print

Lenin family - Public domain portrait print

The Ulyanov family: Maria Alexandrovna, Ilya Nikolaevich and their children Français : La famille Oulianov Maria Alexandrovna, Ilya Nikolaevich at leurs enfants: Olga, Maria, Alexander, Dmitry, Anna, Vladimir.

Stamp of USSR 1735 - postal stamp

Stamp of USSR 1735 - postal stamp

Русский: Марка СССР, памятник Ленину на броневике Esperanto: Poŝtmarko de Sovetio, monumento de Lenin parolanta sur tanko, antaŭ la Finlanda Stacidomo de Sankt-Peterburgo Deutsch: Sowjetische Briefmarke, ein De... More

SUR 50 1992 F - Public domain banknote scan

SUR 50 1992 F - Public domain banknote scan

Русский: Банкнота номиналом в 50 рублей , СССР, 1992 год. Аверс. Public domain photograph of soviet banknote, paper money, USSR, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

F. A. Ossendowski - Lenin p0369b

F. A. Ossendowski - Lenin p0369b

Polski: grafika z książki PL Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

F. A. Ossendowski - Lenin p0525

F. A. Ossendowski - Lenin p0525

Polski: grafika z książki PL Public domain photograph of pre-war Polish army parade, Second Polish Republic military, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Lenin-last-photo - A black and white photo of a man in a wheelchair

Lenin-last-photo - A black and white photo of a man in a wheelchair

One of the last photographs of Lenin. Taken in Gorki after May 15th 1923. Beside him are his sister Anna Ilyinichna Yelizarova-Ulyanova and one of his doctors A. M. Kozhevnikov.

Lenin - Public domain photograph, glass negative

Lenin - Public domain photograph, glass negative

A black and white photo of a man with a beard. Public domain portrait photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Trotsky, Lenin, Kamenev (1919)

Trotsky, Lenin, Kamenev (1919)

Moscow. Lev (Leon) Trotsky, Vladimir Lenin and Lev Kamenev (L-R). Photo TASS Русский: Москва. На снимке слева направо: Лев Давидович Троцкий, Владимир Ильич Ленин и Лев Борисович Каменев - в перерыве работы 2-г... More

Все на борьбу с неграмотностью! Литература по ликвидации неграмотности

Все на борьбу с неграмотностью! Литература по ликвидации неграмотности

Русский: Все на борьбу с неграмотностью! : Литература по ликвидации неграмотности : [плакат]. — [Москва] : Долой неграмотность, [1925] ([Москва] : Нотоппечатня Музсектора Госиздата). — Двухцветная литография, 1... More



Русский: ЕДИНСТВО ТРУДОВОГО НАРОДА И КОММУНИСТИЧЕСКОЙ ПАРТИИ-НЕРУШИМО! Svenska: En propagandaaffisch från Lenintiden på 1920-talet.

Platten und Lenin in Moskau 1919

Platten und Lenin in Moskau 1919

Gustav Klinger, Hugo Eberlein, Vladimir Lenin and Friz Platten in the Presidium of the First Congress of the Comintern Русский: Густав Клингер, Гуго Эберлейн, Владимир Ленин и Фриц Платтен в Президиуме Первог... More

Выступление Ленина с Апрельскими тезисами в Таврическом дворце

Выступление Ленина с Апрельскими тезисами в Таврическом дворце

Русский: Выступление В. И. Ленина с Апрельскими тезисами в Таврическом дворце, с трибуны Петроградского Совета рабочих и солдатских депутатов (4 апреля 1917)

Lenin - Public domain portrait photograph

Lenin - Public domain portrait photograph

A black and white photo of a man in a suit and tie. Public domain portrait photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Portret van Lenin uit de werkkamer van Paul de Groot, voorzitter van de CPN

Portret van Lenin uit de werkkamer van Paul de Groot, voorzitter van d...

Portretfoto van Wladimir Iljitch Uljanov (Lenin) in drie-kwart. De foto is geretoucheerd, waarschijnlijk al op het negatief. Lenin heeft hier en daar grijs haar. Aan de onderzijde ontbreek een rand van het foto... More

Moskau Roter Platz September 1964

Moskau Roter Platz September 1964

Deutsch: Sowjetische Militärparade mit Interkontinentalraketen auf dem Roten Platz in Moskau, 07.11.1964. Originaltext: A Soviet R-26 intercontinental ballistic missile is displayed beneath a picture of Lenin i... More

Lenin 1920 - A black and white photo of a man in a suit

Lenin 1920 - A black and white photo of a man in a suit

This is a publicity image of the Russian revolutionary leader Vladimir Lenin, taken in 1920. It has been reproduced widely, both in print and online (for instance here).

Lenin LCCN2014715123, George Grantham Bain collection

Lenin LCCN2014715123, George Grantham Bain collection

Title: Lenin Abstract/medium: 1 negative : glass ; 5 x 7 in. or smaller.

Rub - Public domain banknote scan

Rub - Public domain banknote scan

rUssr rub Public domain photograph of soviet banknote, paper money, USSR, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Brodskiy Isaac-Vladimir Lenin in Smolny

Brodskiy Isaac-Vladimir Lenin in Smolny

Español: Lenin representado en el Instituto Smolny por Isaak Brodsky. Public domain photograph related to Soviet Union history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Doctored Stalin-Lenin - A black and white photo of two men sitting on a bench

Doctored Stalin-Lenin - A black and white photo of two men sitting on ...

Lenin and Stalin in Gorky. Stalin without pockmarks. Русский: Сталин и Ленин в Горках в сентябре 1922 г.

Lenin and stalin - A black and white photo of two men sitting on a bench

Lenin and stalin - A black and white photo of two men sitting on a ben...

One of the several photographs (File:19220900-lenin stalin gorky-02.jpg, File:19220901-lenin stalin at gorki.jpg) of Lenin and Stalin in Gorki in September 1922, taken by Maria Ilyinichna Ulyanova.

Ленин в Горках (1923) 3

Ленин в Горках (1923) 3

Русский: Ленин в Горках. 1923 год. Одна из последних прижизненных фотографий В.И. Ленина

jsc2017e039777 (04/05/2017) --- At the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center in Star City, Russia, the statue of Vladimir Lenin serves as a backdrop as Expedition 51 crewmembers Fyodor Yurchikhin of the Russian Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos, left) and Jack Fischer of NASA (right) answer reporters’ questions April 5 before departing for their launch site at the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan for final pre-launch training. Fischer and Yurchikhin will launch April 20 on the Soyuz MS-04 spacecraft from Baikonur for a four and a half month mission on the International Space Station. Photo: NASA/Rob Navi jsc2017e039777

jsc2017e039777 (04/05/2017) --- At the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Cent...

jsc2017e039777 (04/05/2017) --- At the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center in Star City, Russia, the statue of Vladimir Lenin serves as a backdrop as Expedition 51 crewmembers Fyodor Yurchikhin of the Russian Fed... More

Везде, всегда, безраздельно с нами Ленин

Везде, всегда, безраздельно с нами Ленин

Русский: Везде, всегда, безраздельно с нами Ленин [плакат]. — Ленинград : Государственное издательство, [1925] (Ленинград : 1-я государственная литография). — Цветная литография, 1 лист, 108 × 67 см. — 10 000 экз.

Vladimir Lenin

Vladimir Lenin

Vladimir Lenin. Public domain photograph related to Soviet Union history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

25 Ruble note USSR 1 - Public domain banknote scan

25 Ruble note USSR 1 - Public domain banknote scan

Ruble from the USSR 1961 Public domain photograph of soviet banknote, paper money, USSR, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

SUR 10 1961 obverse - Public domain banknote scan

SUR 10 1961 obverse - Public domain banknote scan

1961 Soviet Union 10 rubles bill obverse. Цвета естественные. Public domain photograph of soviet banknote, paper money, USSR, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Lenin (kop), Bestanddeelnr 926-6260 (cropped)

Lenin (kop), Bestanddeelnr 926-6260 (cropped)

Nederlands: Collectie / Archief : Fotocollectie Anefo Reportage / Serie : [ onbekend ] Beschrijving : Lenin (kop) Datum : 21 augustus 1973 Fotograaf : Fotograaf Onbekend / Anefo Auteursrechthebbende : Nationaa... More

Lenin in Zürich on March 1916

Lenin in Zürich on March 1916

Türkçe: Lenin'in Zürich'teyken Mart 1916'da çekilmiş fotoğrafı. Public domain photograph related to Soviet Union history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Lenin perfil - A black and white photo of a man with a beard

Lenin perfil - A black and white photo of a man with a beard

Russian Communist leader Vladimir Lenin (1870-1924). (Photo by Time Life Pictures/Mansell/The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images) Español: El lider comunista ruso Vladimir Lenin

Lenin, 1914 (Photo of B.D.Vigilev) (cropped)

Lenin, 1914 (Photo of B.D.Vigilev) (cropped)

Русский: В.И.Ленин. Портрет. 1914 г., между 6 (19) и 13 (26) августа. Поронин, Польша. Негатив-оригинал (стекло). 10 х 15 см. Фотограф: Б.Д. Вигилев

Brodskiy II Lenin - Public domain portrait drawing

Brodskiy II Lenin - Public domain portrait drawing

Русский: Ленин Public domain photo of Russian 20th-century drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Lenin' family - A black and white photo of a group of people

Lenin' family - A black and white photo of a group of people

Русский: Ленин с семьёй (В. И. Ленин, Н. К. Крупская, А. И. Елизарова, М. И. Ульянова, Д. И. Ульянов и Г.Я.Лозгачев) в кремлёвской квартире В. И. Ленина. Москва, осень 1920 года. Историю восстановления фотогра... More

Lenine i.e. Lenin, George Grantham Bain Collection

Lenine i.e. Lenin, George Grantham Bain Collection

Title from data provided by the Bain News Service on the negative. Forms part of: George Grantham Bain Collection (Library of Congress). General information about the George Grantham Bain Collection is availabl... More

Lenin Plaza Dvortsovaya Petrogrado Segundo Congreso Comintern 19200719 - A crowd of people standing around a man giving a speech

Lenin Plaza Dvortsovaya Petrogrado Segundo Congreso Comintern 19200719...

V. I. Lenin making a speech at a meeting dedicated to the laying of the foundation stone for a monument to K. Liebknecht and R. Luxemburg, in Dvorstsovaya Square. Petrograd.[1] Español: Lenin en un discurso e... More

The Soviet Union 1986 CPA 5720 stamp (Portrait of Lenin based on photography of B.D.Vigilev (1914), Muzeum Lenina in Poronin, Poland)

The Soviet Union 1986 CPA 5720 stamp (Portrait of Lenin based on photo...

Русский: 116-я годовщина со дня рождения Владимира Ильича Ленина. Портрет Ленина по фотографии В. Д. Вигилева (1914), Музей Ленина в Поронин, Польша. English: 116th birth anniversary of Vladimir Lenin. Portra... More

Lenin-1895-mugshot left

Lenin-1895-mugshot left

Deutsch: Polizeifoto von Wladimir Iljitsch Uljanow während seiner Haft wegen der Vorbereitung einer illegalen Zeitung namens "Die Sache der Arbeiter". English: V. I. Ulyanov during his arrest in connection wi... More

Lenin 1914 during World War I

Lenin 1914 during World War I

Lenin in Poronin, Poland after the start of the First World War, before leaving the country

Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov-Lenin

Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov-Lenin

Русский: Российский политический деятель Владимир Ильич Ульянов-Ленин (1870-1924) в Париже, 1910 год

Lenin.WWI - A black and white photo of a man in a suit

Lenin.WWI - A black and white photo of a man in a suit

Lenin (1870-1924) making a speech in the Red Square at the unveiling of a temporary monument to Stepaz Razin

Krupskaya Y Lenin 1922 Por Maria Ulyanova - A man and a woman sitting on a bench

Krupskaya Y Lenin 1922 Por Maria Ulyanova - A man and a woman sitting ...

Español: Retrato de Nadezhda Krupskaya y Lenin en 1922, fotografiados por la hermana de éste, Maria Ulyanova.

Ленин в Горках (1923) 2

Ленин в Горках (1923) 2

Русский: Ленин в Горках. 1923 год. Одна из последних прижизненных фотографий В.И. Ленина

Buste van Lenin in rood kalksteen door Hildo Krop

Buste van Lenin in rood kalksteen door Hildo Krop

Buste van Lenin in rood kalksteen door Hildo Krop Public domain photograph - bust portrait sculpture, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

A statue of a man sitting on top of a car. Car veteran volga.

A statue of a man sitting on top of a car. Car veteran volga.

Stock photo: A car with a statue of a man sitting on top of it / A statue of a man sitting on top of a car.

Вторая эмиграция. Ноябрь 1907 — апрель 1917

Вторая эмиграция. Ноябрь 1907 — апрель 1917

Русский: Вторая эмиграция. Ноябрь 1907 г. — апрель 1917 г. : [плакат] / Экскурсионно-выставочная секция Главполитпросвета ; худож. неизв. — [Ленинград] : Долой неграмотность, [1925] (Москва : Типография «Красны... More

Lenin Century Ruble 01 - coin, public domain photograph

Lenin Century Ruble 01 - coin, public domain photograph

coin depicting Lenin 100 years after his birth. Public domain photograph of soviet banknote, paper money, USSR, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Lenin Century Ruble 02 - coin, public domain photograph

Lenin Century Ruble 02 - coin, public domain photograph

coin depicting Lenin 100 years after his birth. Public domain photograph of soviet banknote, paper money, USSR, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

October film Lenin - A black and white photo of a man holding a basketball

October film Lenin - A black and white photo of a man holding a basket...

Lenin, as represented in a screenshot of Oktyabr (1928) Public domain photograph related to Soviet Union history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

19220701-lenin drive to gorki

19220701-lenin drive to gorki

Русский: Ленин едет в Горки. Deutsch: Lenin und Nadeschda Krupskaja auf der Fahrt nach Gorki. Juli 1922.

Sneevliet Lenin 1920 - A group of men sitting around each other

Sneevliet Lenin 1920 - A group of men sitting around each other

Lenin discussing with foreign delegates during the 2nd World Congress of the 3rd Communist International (July 19 to Aug. 7, Petersburg or Moscow). Left to right: mr A, mr B, Henk Sneevliet, Lenin, mr C, mr D,... More

Lenin - Public domain portrait photograph

Lenin - Public domain portrait photograph

A black and white photo of a man in a suit and tie. Public domain portrait photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Lenine - Public domain dedication image

Lenine - Public domain dedication image

A black and white photo of a man sitting at a desk. Public domain portrait photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

[Vladimir Ilʹich Lenin, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing slightly left] / Soyuzfoto.

[Vladimir Ilʹich Lenin, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing slightly l...

Copy of an earlier photograph or painting(?). No. 58752. Public domain photograph - Portrait, United States, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

A drawing of a man in a suit and tie. Lenin ussr 1917.

A drawing of a man in a suit and tie. Lenin ussr 1917.

A drawing of in a brown suit / A drawing of a man in a suit and tie / Public domain stock illustration.

Рік без Леніна - An old newspaper with a picture of a man in a suit

Рік без Леніна - An old newspaper with a picture of a man in a suit

Русский: Рік без Леніна : Будьмо же усі вчиться розуміти заповітів Ленінових, щоби кожен робітник, кожен селянин міг сказати: Ілліч живе в мені, я роблю його справу : [плакат]. — [Харьков] : Агитпроп Губкома КП... More

Рабочий! Работница! Твоё место — в рядах коммунистической партии

Рабочий! Работница! Твоё место — в рядах коммунистической партии

Русский: Рабочий! Работница! Твоё место — в рядах коммунистической партии! : [плакат]. — [б. м.] : [б. и.], [1924] (Курск : Типография им. Володарского). — Линогравюра, 1 лист, 71 × 50 см. — 1500 экз.



Русский: 1920. Елена Стасова и Ленин на втором конгрессе Коминтерна.Deutsch: Jelena Stassowa und Lenin auf dem 2. Komintern-Kongress 1920English: Yelena Stasova and Lenin at the 2nd Comintern Congress, 1920

Lenin1921(cropped) - A black and white photo of a man in a suit

Lenin1921(cropped) - A black and white photo of a man in a suit

Edited image of photo originally uploaded to Wikimedia Commons as File:Lenin1921.jpeg.

Soviet Union-1937-Banknote-100-Obverse

Soviet Union-1937-Banknote-100-Obverse

Soviet Union banknote, 1937, 10 chervonetsy/100 rubles, obverse. Русский: Билет Государственного банка СССР, 1937 год, 10 червонцев/100 рублей, лицевая сторона.

Lenin (kop), Bestanddeelnr 926-6260

Lenin (kop), Bestanddeelnr 926-6260

Nederlands: Collectie / Archief : Fotocollectie Anefo Reportage / Serie : [ onbekend ] Beschrijving : Lenin (kop) Datum : 21 augustus 1973 Fotograaf : Fotograaf Onbekend / Anefo Auteursrechthebbende : Nationaa... More

Lenin, 1900 (Photo by Y.Mebius) (cropped)

Lenin, 1900 (Photo by Y.Mebius) (cropped)

Русский: В.И.Ульянов. Портрет. 1900 г., середина февраля. Москва. Позитив-оригинал. 6,3 х 9,4 см. Фотограф: Ю.Мебиус. Первая публикация: «Творчество», 1918, №7. Обоснование даты: после освобождения из ссылки в... More

Kamenev.lenin - A black and white photo of two men sitting on a bench

Kamenev.lenin - A black and white photo of two men sitting on a bench

Lev Borisovich Kamenev (left) and Vladimir Ilyich Lenin in Gorki Deutsch: Lew Borissowitsch Kamenew und Wladimir Iljitsch Lenin in Gorki. Русский: Лев Борисович Каменев (слева) и Владимир Ильич Ленин в Горках.



Public domain photograph related to Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Lenin in 1918 (1939 film)

Lenin in 1918 (1939 film)

Русский: Кадр из фильма «Ленин в 1918 году». Крупская у постели ЛенинаEnglish: screenshot of Lenin in 1918 film

A pile of books with a picture of a man on it. Lenin communist chinese, education.

A pile of books with a picture of a man on it. Lenin communist chinese...

A book with a picture of a man on it / A book with a picture of a man on it / Public domain vintage photo.

БСЭ1. Андреев, Николай Андреевич 1

БСЭ1. Андреев, Николай Андреевич 1

Figure from Андреев, Николай Андреевич article of Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 1st editionРусский: Иллюстрация к статье Андреев, Николай Андреевич 1-го издания Большой советской энциклопедии.

Lenin and socialist reconstruction Design for poster - Gustavs Klucis

Lenin and socialist reconstruction Design for poster - Gustavs Klucis

Lenin and socialist reconstruction Design for poster - Gustavs Klucis Public domain photograph of a post office building, postal service, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description



Stalin and Lenin at Gorki, just outside Moscow, September 1922. Photograph by Maria Ulyanova, Lenin’s sister. Stalin had images of his visit published to show Lenin’s supposed recovery—and his own proximity to... More



Español: Lenin, retrato publicado en 1921.

The Soviet Union 1985 CPA 5625 souvenir sheet (Vladimir Lenin (1870-1924). Portrait based on photography 1920, Moscow. Hammer and sickle, laurel branch)

The Soviet Union 1985 CPA 5625 souvenir sheet (Vladimir Lenin (1870-19...

Русский: 115-я годовщина со дня рождения Владимира Ильича Ленина. Портрет Ленина по фотографии 1920 года, Москва. Серп и молот, лавровая ветвь. English: 115th birth anniversary of Vladimir Lenin. Portrait of ... More

Lenin art face detail, Soviet Union-1961-Bill-25-Obverse (cropped)

Lenin art face detail, Soviet Union-1961-Bill-25-Obverse (cropped)

1961 Soviet Union 25 (четвертак) rubles bill obverse. Цвета естественные. See also other side Image:Soviet Union-1961-Bill-25-Reverse.jpg

Soviet Union-1947-Banknote-25-Obverse

Soviet Union-1947-Banknote-25-Obverse

Soviet Union banknote, 1947, 25 rubles, obverse. Русский: Государственный казначейский билет СССР, 1947 год, 25 рублей, лицевая сторона.

Lenin, 1891 (Photo by I.A.Sharygin)

Lenin, 1891 (Photo by I.A.Sharygin)

Русский: Владимир Ульянов. Портрет. 1891г., не позднее 26 марта (7апреля). Самара. Позитив-оригинал. 4,9x7,4 см. Фотограф: И.А.Шарыгин. Первая публикация: «Красная летопись», 1924, №2. В двадцатых годах фотогр... More

Lenin, 1900 (Photo by Y.Mebius)

Lenin, 1900 (Photo by Y.Mebius)

Русский: В.И.Ульянов. Портрет. 1900 г., середина февраля. Москва. Позитив-оригинал. 6,3 х 9,4 см. Фотограф: Ю.Мебиус. Первая публикация: «Творчество», 1918, №7. Обоснование даты: после освобождения из ссылки в... More

Isaak Brodsky (1883-1939), Lenin in the Smolny (1930), oil on canvas, donated by the artist, New Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Inv. 25467

Isaak Brodsky (1883-1939), Lenin in the Smolny (1930), oil on canvas, ...

Isaak Brodsky (1883-1939), Lenin in the Smolny (1930), oil on canvas, donated by the artist, New Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Inv. 25467

Lenin Zinoviev Kamenev Vyshinsky (cropped)

Lenin Zinoviev Kamenev Vyshinsky (cropped)

Vladimir Lenin, Grigory Zinoviev, Lev Kamenev and Andrey Vyshinsky during the session of w:All-Russian Central Executive Committee, October 31, 1922


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