Moriz Jung (Austrian (born Czechoslovakia) Moravia 1885–1915 Manilowa (Carpathians)) Public domain reproduction of illuminated medieval manuscript page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Fotoalbum in blauwe band. Het voor- en achterplat en de bandrug zijn versierd met geometrische en bloemmotieven. Op het voorplat prijkt een afbeelding met diverse soorten fruit. Achter het voorplat is een opber More
A village destroyed by war. Translation of title: Crédit National to ease the reparations of war damages. Subscribe to accerlate the revival of the devastated areas. Signed: Constant-Duval. Promotional goal: F More
Title translated: It's he who is the "chienlit." Reproduction of a French poster paraphrasing de Gaulle; original issued by students of the Beaux-Arts, Paris. Gift; Gary Yanker; 1975-1983. Published in: Prop a More
Gift; Gary Yanker; 1975-1983. Public domain photograph of 20th century drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Print shows psychedelic design with woman's facial profile and hair. Public domain photograph - historical image of California, United States, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Print shows psychedelic design with nude woman wearing jewelry. Public domain photograph related to electrical equipment, industrial development, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
12 Juillet. Action des Gardes-françaises vis à vis leur dépôt, chaussé d'antin, contre les Soldats de Lambesc. Les premiers ayant pris la cause du Peuple... (Inscribed title), Epoque Louis XVI, 1er au 13 Juille More
A bitter vilification of the Van Buren administration's use of bloodhounds to hunt fugitive Indians during the Second Seminole War in Florida. The artist condemns the racism and inhumanity of the measure, as w More